Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 19, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    Bush advises Clinton on future global problems
wa&uhnuiun inr) — rresi
dont-oloct Clinton swept trium
phantly Into tho capital Wednos
day and hold a "terrific mooting"
with President Rush, soliciting ad
vice on more than a (lo/.on potential giooal pronicms
thn Democrat could Inherit.
Nino wooks before his inauguration. Clinton also
made a symbolic visit to a crime-plagued black busi
ness district. "I’ll do my frost not to got out of touch,"
ho promised well-wishers. Thousands of pooplo
strained against police lines for a glimpse
”1 hope you'll never bo disappointed." he said to one
Clinton said he and Flush discussed such global tin
dorboxes as Russia. Bosnia and Somalia. "He was very
candid.” the president-elect said. "He gave mo a lot of
insights. The American pooplo should bo pleased
"It was a terrific meeting,” Clinton said. The Whito
House characterized the talks as "warm and informa
live." The meriting ran 45 minutes over schedulo.
Bush was waiting in the White Houso driveway to ox- -
tend a handshake as Clinton steppod from his armored
black limousine — on time, notable for the often-tardy
Arkansas governor.
I no wniw House visit was me nrst stop on a two-oay
whirlwind of high-powered meetings and social en
gagements with the lions of the Washington establish
ment Clinton's visit was intended to pave the way for a
smooth transition and signal the new president's readi
ness to deal with Washington Insiders
Demonstrating his willingness to be a good neighbor
to the community. Clinton went directly from the
White House to northwest Washington for a walking
tour of one of the city's black business districts.
Clinton said he was trying to demonstrate his recog
nition thot Washington is "a city — not |us! govern
ment buildings'' — made up of “people who don't
want a handout, but a hand up."
Clinton ducked into the Hamilton Seafood Grocery,
the Hamilton Laundromat and other stores near the
Georgia Avenue intersection The owner of a Chinese
restaurant asked. "Do Chinese people have s friend in
the White House?" Clinton replied. "Very much." and
added. “I’ll be good for small business."
There have boen eight homicides in the last year
within a mile of the neighborhood that Clinton visited
Briefly discussing his White House meeting, Clinton
said he talked with Bush about Russia. Bosnia and the
Middle Last.
WeVe got some plans, and weYe
going to put them In. And I think
Congress wM go along.’
— Bill Clinton,
"it was helpful insight,” Clinton said. "It was a groat
To one shop owner, Clinton talked about the need for
banks to make more credit available. "It's the quickest
way to gonorato more jobs in America," he said.
"We've got some plans, and we're going to put them
in," Clinton said. "And I think Congress will go along.”
Clinton will go to Capitol Hi!! Thursday for meetings
with Senate and House leaders. Republicans as well as
Democrats. Congress holds the key to success for Clin
ton's ambitious agenda of economic proposals and oth
er measures, and Clinton was eager to begin the rela
tionship on the right foot.
Clinton in Washington;
talks with common folk
WASHINGTON (AP) — Bill Clinton wonted to moot tho
common folk Wednesday on hi* trip to Washington, and he
came face-to-face with Charles Wallace, who bummed a quar
ter born the President-elect.
"I told him I was unemployed; that I Just came out of the
penitentiary," said the 36-year-old Wallace, who wnitod for
several hours to meet the Democrat.
Clinton, In his first trip to tho nation's capital since win
ding tho eloction two weeks ego. come to Wallace's neighbor
hood in northwest Washington to meet with business people
whose mom-and-pop shops lino Georgia Avenue near when’
tho low-income Potworlh and middle-class Brlghtwood
neighborhoods meet.
Who’s having a Capitol dinner with the Clintons?
city wlinns society values noth
ing morn than lining in the
know, getting an invitation to
dinner with Prosidonl-eloct
Clinton is like lining publicly
anointed It marks you as part
of a new Inner circle.
So just who is dining with
the Clintons on their first trip
to Washington since the elec
Democratic congressional
leaders, members of the media,
c.ily officials and friends
In their two-day trip, the
Clintons are attending two
small dinner parties — one
Wednesday night at the homo
of transition chief Vernon Jor
dan and one Thursday at the
Georgetown home of Democrat
ic: doyenne Pamela Harriman.
Among those on Thursday
night's guest list won; Tom Har
kln. the Iowa senator who nin
against Clinton in early Demo
cratic: primaries, and his wife.
Ruth, a prominent Washington
Arriving at Jordan's homo in
a fashionable area of upper
northwest Washington, Clinton
walked over to greet several of
Jordans’ neighbors, who wore
waiting for him in a drizzle.
In the group was 5-year-old
Max Scholligner, who handed
Clinton two pennios, saying,
■'Here's some money. You can
keep it."
Clinton handed the money
back. “Save it for college," he
told the boy.
"In every new administra
tion, there’s a different kind of
social life, there’s a different
emphasis as to what’s in vogue
und what isn’t," Ruth Markin
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