Council bans paid trips to Springfield ATLANTA (AP) — The Atlanta City Coun cil has approved a con troversial measure to ban expenditure of city tunas tor travel to l-olorado, oprtngtteid ana a California city that passed laws prohibit ing civil rights protection for homosexuals. The Fulton County Commission was ex pected to vote today on a similar measure to boycott county travel to Colorado and the cities of Springfield and Concord, Calif. The City Council's measure, proposed by council member Myrtle Davis, was ap proved Monday. At issue is a state constitutional amend ment approved by Colorndn voters Nov 3, Voting to boycott Denver falls Into the category of blaming the victim.' — Richard C. D. Fleming, president of the Greater Denver Chamber of Commerce which prevent* the enforcement of law* guaranteeing civil right* protections to ho mosexual*. Cay advocates said the two cit ios have similar local statutes Officials in Denver, however, suv Atlanta leaders are punishing the wrong people "I don't know how much duo diligence tho council did." said Richard C, 1) Flem ing. president of the Greater Denver Cham ber of Common*. “Voting to boycott Denver falls Into the category of blaming the vic tim." A conservative group called Colorado for Family Values proposed the anti-gay amendment in response to local laws ex tending civil rights protection to gays, which were passed earlier in Denver. Aspen and Boulder The constitutional amendment won S:i percent of the vote statewide, hut was over whelmingly defeated In the three cities, Fleming said The Denver Idly Council vot ed 12-1 Monday to fight tho now law Vandals cut ‘X’ in screen SEATTLE (AP) — A mov ie theater here planned to fly a new screen from Los An geles in time for the evening premier of Malcolm X, after someone slashed a four-foot 'X' in the old screen. There were no signs of forced entry at the Varsity Theater, where the damage estimated at between S2.000 and S3,(KM) was discovered at about 7 a.m. Monday, po lice said Tuesday. No arrests have been tnado, police spokeswoman Vinettn Tichi said. Bert Manzari, president of Seven Gables Corp., which owns the theater, said from Los Angelos that he thought the incident was a case of random vandalism. Ho said tho 'X' described by police seemed to him to be more like two slashes in tho shape of a 'V.' ‘‘There wem no massages, nothing to indicate it was anything other than a ran dom act of vandalism," Manzari said. Manzari said tho new screen would he flown from Los Angeles and be installed by showtime Wednesday night The three-and-a-half hour movie was scheduled to play on two screens at the three-screen theater near tho University of Washington Evening showings were to begin at 7 p.m. Manzari and Seattle police said they did not feel special security measures wore called for. Yew supply unable to meet need PORTLAND (AP) Pacific yew is more plenti ful In iho wild than previously thought, hut it isn't enough to satisfy all the demand for a new anti-cancer drug derived from the bark, the gov ernment says. A survey estimated 10 5 million yew trees. In cluding seedlings, are growing on 2 million acres of U S. Bureau of Land Management forests in Western Oregon, the agency announced ibis week. However, the number of trees available for har vest is limited, said Kent Trosldder. the BLM yew manager in Oregon. it takos hark from at least three 150-year-old yow trees to produce enough of the drug taxol to treat one person. “Developing an alternative source of taxol is critical to both cancer patients and the yew spe cies,” Tresidder said. An advisory committee has recommended the U S Pood and Drug Administration approve taxol for ovarian cancer patients who have exhausted other treatments However. approval is awaiting complotlon of an environmental impact statement on harvesting yew Ixirk Morn than 270,(M)() pounds of green yow t»ark, enough to provide the drug taxol for 7.000 earner patients, was harvested from Bl.M lands this year, the agency said Bristol Meyers Squllrb Co has said it should lw able to stop using Pacific yew bark from national forests to produce taxol within a few years Other promising sources include tissue cultures, syn thetics, yew wood and needles, and other types of yew The HIM yow inventory was based on exami nation of H20 plots on 2 million acres in Western Oregon. A private supplier. Weyerhaeuser Co . has planted 5 million yow trees in nurseries to pro duce taxol The U S Forest Service, which provides the hulk of the yew hark harvest, has yet to announce how much yew it has Shoot-out murder charge challenged BOISE (AP) — Defense attor neys are stinking dismissal of murder and conspiracy charges filed in the death of n U S. dep uty marshal, killed in a shoot out that sparked a federal siege of a remote Idaho cabin In papers filed in U S. Dis trict Court, attorneys for Kandy Weaver and Kevin Harris con tend the government acted im properly when it sought grand jury indictments ugainst the two men while a preliminary hearing was under way. Prosecutors sought the in dictments because they knew two key witnesses failed to prove in the preliminary hear ing that Weavor assaulted the deputy marshal, wrote Chuck Peterson, one of Weaver's attor neys. David Nevin. who represents Hurris, moved for dismissal on The government acted Improperly when It sought grand Jury Indictments against the two men*’ Peterson and Nevm, attorneys for accused men grounds that federal prosecit lors broke a promise to proceed against Harris through the hear ing rather than walking a grand jury indictment. Doth of the recently filed mo tions ask that the case be re turned to a federal magistrate for completion of a preliminary hearing to determine charges federal prosecutors have not filed response* to the motions, and no hearing has boon sched uled The U S attorney's office hore declined comment Tues day. Weaver, 44, and Harris, 25, are being held in the Ada (4>unty fail on charges of mur dor, resisting arrest, assault on a federal officer and conspira cy. The charges stem from an 11 duy standoff with hundreds of federal, state and local officers after an Aug 21 shoot out in which two people were killed: U S. Deputy Marshal William Degan of Boston and Weaver's son, Samuel, 14 The dispute is over how criminal defendants are hound over for trial Highway shootings mysterious PORTLAND (AP) — A third random vehicle shoot ing on a heavily traveled suburban freeway has forced police'to stop up patrols in the areas alongside the high way, officials said Wednes day. A Hillsboro motorist re ported the windshield of his pickup was damaged by a gunshot about 6 a m. as he was driving into Portland on the Sunset Highway, a sec tion of U.S. 2(1 that feeds the western suburbs. The motorist was not in jured and drove to his work place before calling police, said Sgt. Jim Ferrari* of the Portland Police Bureau. A tractor-trailer rig was iStruck by a bullet last Satur day and a c4ib driver narrow ly escaped injury Monday W.hnn his cab was hit by a bullet In the same area. It appoared the pickup was struck by u 22-caliber bdllet or a pellet from un air gun that broke lha wind shield but did not penotrate it. said Washington County sheriffs spokeswoman Shorn Calourl. I onitimi pin ii tr ion* mu report but referred It to Washington County because the Incident occurred just Inside the Washington County lino. Calourt said she did not know what advice td' offer motorists on the heavily traveled suburban highway. "It's difficult to protect yourself from a type of ran dom thing like this," she said. “Hopefully we'll find the person." A psychiatrist told The Oregonian that the shootings could be the work of some one taking part in initiation rites for a criminal gang. Police patrols have been increased in neighborhoods bordering the highway. "We don't know whether the person firing the shots was on foot or in a vehtclo," Calourt said. "Either Is pos sible. We are asking area res idents to report suspicious activity.” (fWAFFLE I CONE I if? 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