Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 19, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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    Oregon Daily Emerald Sports
Wrestlers open season in SOSC toumey
By Ertck Studenicka
Emerald Sports Reporter
The Oregon wrestling team will make
Its season debut this weekend a* it par
ticipates in the Southern Oregon Stale
Invitational tournament in Ashland
Head coach Kon Finley said the tour
nament formal will allow the Oregon
coaches to get a good look at the entire
squad of wrestlers
"The formal allows for more than one
wrestler in each weight t ategory, so we'll
be able to tuko our entire squad," Finley
said "This tournament gives the wres
tler* some early season experience and
helps the couches to see which wrestlers
should foe in the starting lineup for later
meets "
Finley said the team is hoping to im
prove upon its fourth-place Paclflc-10
Conference finish of a year ago
"We didn't lose too many people,"
Finley said "Plus, we’ll have Pal Craig
hack in December fully recovered from
knee and shoulder surgery."
Finley will, however, have to replace
two of his lop lightweight wrestlers from
last season because l)an Vldlak, the 1992
conference champion, and Jarrell Clark,
a NCAA (|ualiner, have graduated.
Finley expects Kevin Koberts, a red
shirt freshman. and Chris Jensen. u ju
nior transfer from Noire Dame. to iwttlo
for the 118-pound slot vacated by
Vidlak Rodshlrl freshman James Ste
phens will stop in for Clark at 126
"Stephens was heating Clark In the
wrestling room a lot of the timo lust year,
so we should be just as strong at 126
pounds this season." Finley said
Finley expects defending conference
champ Oregon Stale and perennial na
tional power Arizona State to be the
teams the Ducks will have to top for this
year's title.
Ducks sign
new recruit
The Oregon men's basketball team
announced the signing of Junior col
lege guard Brion Smith Wednesday.
Smith, a 6-fool-3. 185-pound player
from Cisco Community College,
signed a letter of intent with Ouck
head coach Jerry Green.
The Houston, Texas, native is aver
aging eight points, (our assists and
three rebounds per game so far this
From the Campus-Community Relations Task Force.
A ©in
Cannipins SaffQtfcy
We are committed to informing
each of you, as valued members of
the university community, about per
sonal safety issues so you can take
immediate precautions to protect
yourself, your friends and your asso
ciates. Recent incidents of beatings
and apparently unprovoked attacks
in the West University neighborhood
and other nearby areas lend serious
urgency to this message.
A pattern of assaults has devel
oped during recent months. Those
involved are college-age people in
late-night encounters of lone victims
and small groups of attackers. Some
of these incidents apparently have
been motivated by the race or the
perceived sexual orientation of those
We want to alert you about these
incidents-if you weren’t already
aware of them-and to assure you
that law enforcement investigations
involving Eugene police and the IJO
Office of Public Safety are under
way. In the meantime, we want to
remind each of you-as UO students,
employees and campus visitors-of
measures that will help assure your
personal safety, especially at night.
First, we urge each of you to exer
cise good judgment and use com
mon sense. Don’t hesitate to seek
assistance or to report suspicious
persons or activities to law enforce
ment officers.
In case of an on-campus emergen
cy, 6-6666 connects you with the
Office of Public Safety. If you’re off
campus when an emergency occurs,
call 911 to get help from the Eugene
police, fire department or ambulance
With daylight hours becoming
shorter as winter approaches, it’s
only smart to travel along well-lit
streets and walkways when going to
and from work, classes or other
events. If possible, travel in groups.
Public Safety officials can identify
well-lit pathways for those unfamil
iar with the campus.
When working late on campus,
take time to locale the nearest tele
phone. In addition, more than 60
emergency call-boxes are located
strategically throughout the campus.
The boxes’ locations are shown on
campus maps available from the UO
Office of Public Safety in Straub
Hall. In case of emergency, punch
the button on the nearest box to call
directly for help from the public
safety office.
For female UO students. Safe
Ride offers free transportation ser
vice. From dusk to midnight (2 a m.
on weekends), two Safe-Ride vans
driven by women follow routes
throughout campus and, with
advance reservations, nearby desti
nations off campus. Information is
available at 6-4239 or from the
Women’s Center in Suite 3 of the
Erb Memorial Union.
New this year on the ASUO staff
is a safely affairs coordinator. Call
6-0628 for information and assis
tance. In non-emergencies, any UO
student-male or female-may call the
public safety office, 6-5444, for
assistance such as after-dusk escort
Working together, we can achieve
a safe, secure and healthful campus
environment for all of us by combin
ing the university’s initiatives with
individual acceptance of responsibil
ity for personal safety. Thank you
for your cooperation and participa
tion in this important effort.
Crtruni F Moseley. Chau
Campus Community Relations Task
Force and Vice Provost for Academic
Support and Students Services
Jane M IJeGuho
Dean of Students
Bobby Lee, President
Associated Students of the
l 'tu verity of Oregon
Leslie Warren, Director
Black Student Inior
Carry M Drayton, Director
Office of fSiblic Safely
Ctulilm Twain, Safely Affairs Coordinate*
Associated Students of the
University of Oregon
by Peter Shaffer
University Theatre
November 19, 20, 21 • 8pm
University Theatre Box Office 346-4191
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