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FR 399 9:30 - 10:50 UH 1st Year French Start your language requirement Winter Term Ftrst part of three-term sequence FR 101 CRN 2393 12:30 - 1:20 MUWHF 125 INSTRUCTION FOR SAIF Ooub* f iAon and t’ama. to** tfrto oouct\, ban*? uMd. 6200 obo 343 310( GUTTARS GAL ORt! MumM 4am* o« •» ftu«r«n Ano camara* and tuparn Buy ami Safi Cana 36’ WJM* NIK MG BOOTS Brand nw A*o*o A/ X *>30 l art an 7. |(?0oi>o Ansa 346 9646 Tha partasl aoMtoa lor Tha Clolhoa Ho#aa. 770 t 13th US BUT OR TRADE CASH fOR LEVI Ml Jt AMS Wm s<;m ?7 *0 ut> to f 10 nm * mepMKjing on utmxxnHan) aim buying lmi. Lm »nd Wnnglw. »nd moloft ycl* |tdiM Good yjiHy uMd (mm, MnMi •nd com »Im lo< uli 0*1 N TUES l« SAt 11 J m Monro*_MKH> us CARS TRUCKS (974 VOt VO 147F noad* 4 unia wor» but good car 6500 '*u6J va*1 667 7790__ 10/a BMW l?ttt * Mvool. BBS T’i asoaooni ayd 67700 344 9674 71 Honda Wagon. Mnagnt. raw has g/«M! pOian»Mt: tM noad* N»*p $400 69 VW Squar* lint s. body ago ' ! I *f pnr», 6375 4*U 9??3 47 HX7 GXl V.-y «**!«*: a*arm 94,000 rr»»*n iax>0 IMS 3 iBKS .‘T'«r*. fcapfi it havy Gao Spatirum 736 " 't*ai 1 C»w«* S (pd f>0naar % «*'n0 mm** u nta 33 750 663 .’’06 O* 466 6363 90 CMC Pickup r»npeJ ?*d r*. <» a> ttynJ oa fTiuftn i morn «v'.*»n*s 69100 f 683 9493 its COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Laptop Word Procaaaor Navi'’ '**> umk)!> 3 S- 740* dne '’'any $•*&!>/'«*> 6740 MsMftt’w aaafWips art 49*» C7V> 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH'" W* buy *«. ami VHS VCR % ano daooft Thompaon 1 ’ '•?? tMA 343 9773 Cnaonrq Miraga %»mp*ng bsrytx>*i'« •KUPi 6650 £36*8660 2i0 HELP WANTED i ro SOUND SYSTEMS JVC TO-WtOS DuttHftQ ONk. ortfy 3 worth* CM. DMd 7 «<». »*• n»w, or ^M«IX) »7»5 only 43M5 >4* 984? 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Canada Call Data at Ml-6416_ __ 11000 ScholaraNp f>o you none an Omi tor a proved :n*i ne>p* aiudants maao good aaotent m areas in* adaci ttiarr huaa'’ 51000 null oa araiui to in* Undent amoaa O'oarer a cnosa" lor in* GIVE Senoiannm Appiotlon and .nlorm«!ion BvaralOr* ai Daan o( Sluoantt Ole* 16* Orogon ttar pt AM INI Novambar 3* 210 HELP WANTED f ARN I ASY MOMt Y‘" Roai Ouf txoebunM artK^nd CftfRpcJ* rt-xJ n* «*v» comrmjWRon ky &ac* comp^od app>«.aiior Wor* Of’ you* own t.-rna Cap ’ BC f'*0 ‘W8 looking tor or. *«• managar .• ii WICNT pf-vaia 60P* ? ft*oe*4 ’rom c*fnpu* mkw •*r ' • f*>.< fS.;-***' Pkwy l ai! * 06 Spt>ncteK> Of* 974 7? Moray i$ Molfvatad rig ‘o' nahr’dwai* A'fOy ••• *-v;v ; .'’■■*>• {MOP-** '’0 »*«P a Ufct-- ; . .wty C a 603 0400 m f 10 3 pan wm# i* ««;> 45 * *'»P 'O VAfl. '«• nn, •«; - i. f ' ' * ' Oil* A T. M l NANNN S A AU PAIRS N^O"wO« p<». ■ ■cv'ii ta»! rrx} Wtr c»X*$3 l o'Kia M<»wa & I up®* dwxw no* 'aq^«3 wwsorw*; or yttA' fOunfl. goexJ pdy A a pay? 6T * 643 4390 710 Hap WANTED Get a » head start on earning^ holiday Cash! Rs well as: Help maintain and improue U of 0 academic programs! Enhance your resume! Earn $6/hour and up! Far more Information, contact tfte U of 0 Rnnual Gluing Fund’s Telephone Outreach Program 346-3433 Oke k EOE 2io HELP WANTEO Plan ahead Oeenhauta won. FiA tune 'aavreo Match through Jury Training 2 3 day* per wee* January and February Active wor* *o mu*t be phyeicaiy «t Respond ash re*to PO Boi 61? Corag. Grov# «’and you ar appucawm HE TAA CUSIOAAER SERVICE Slating pay *10 2* Part lima *705 aaaakly; *470 monthly f viHana *410 eeWly. f MO monthly Inf! tala' chain. many lamp * perm poa no e«p nac WA tram. tor hour* Wont tn local ataa apply Salem headQuaner* Cortege Uudeniti won. pan lima tchooi year and M nmo during vacation. »ome *chomr*h;p* and avail Gai: 1*1-07It SUN VALLEV SKI RESORT ,* Nnng lot the winter leaeon F ood aapt ho* a vanary ol poarnon* available w< *ome hoofing A good banaH* Interview* Wt8 Pa held I hot Nov to in EMU Century C for into paaatta visit Student E mploymor* plica tn ftandnca* Kan Tha EMU food Service has a poamon open adding w«h a severely Otsapied parson Musi oe aapanancad Must tie avan *om ca^pj*. V ?S0*utri. 22?S I **;f- a&S '■ *_ 4 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS 4 Bdfrn. * I1200-^0. evaritfelt 12'? 4eSC'9C 225 APTS DUPLEXES Av*fUfot» X M*» !*•** *nvf» 6 SE ’ C impirt Apsrlmsnts Fumuhtd !A?Bsdrooma Fall rats* S3?5 *4*v0 46S 2823 Campus studio- ’ *•'4*1 ■'•<» Avrt «*&*i D*c ?C >3S5 4H*> 083* Me*' Eitra ftp* c to us fOv^y arid n*c« t Ddrm. pato-’twtifo^ 'auntiey. parfcxyp 96? Pat torso $33•> ♦ n co£ Cnm 34S 66i2 _ Lasts tor snntor torn * 092 -n Cotio gam a*a*tOU «r !r®n»H»f troa 342 .*496 gvMf^y* o* 343 399/ msg THE COLLEGIAN tfth And Aidor scalod tfudoni kvtng including moai s®rvx» Appry now lor srrHof 343 1 265_ X V* Bt OCKS F ROM C AIJPUS Siodo on %A% laundry. >30Vmo 4«S-0;90 _ Redwood Park Apts. Quiet. Country Living With City Conwnkw UnfurnlsK»«l 1 94nm »0i5. (tuning Now I) Low Uiiiaws On Bus Hot Equlppod WstgW Room. Spa Wood Part A Playground l sundry Facitmsa Alow Furnlshsd lullts Studio, 1 4 2 Bfl >600 to M?5 IndMdualty Docorattd Complstaty Furmshsd Evarylhtng From Catola TV to Ltnont For Bsd Bath A Kachan On Sat Managamant Taam 4103 W. 18th 484 5775 SOUTHGATE 1100 »q n 2 bdrm loonhouM «r«h Itnced backyard • Pool and Sauna • On Me Laundry f at !<» . Near Cam pea • Or. Busrne 2145 Paneraon_Mm>l 225 APTS DUPLEXES SPRINGFIELD 152 Soulh 52rtl QuW «n« bu«mg 2 Dorms A390 Site SUM! 1 bedroom l eundry *300 No poll Shown by eppolntmenl SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES MS W lOIh AAA-1130 QUIET, QUIET, QUIET F nioy the beauty ol woods and wi«j"fe in super floor plan 2 BEDROOMS IV, BATH • Bus to Campus • Swimming Pool • Weight* lines* Mm • Saunas *495 A tSiSMONTH Asli about Nov A Dec Special S.E Eugene (DoneM A Foihollow) 687-1318 JanningsvCo 1340 Mill StTMt Nca 2 txJrm in qu«tf oomptai. cK»a lo campus Baicony. covered partuna. DW, and laundry faciM** U9b CaM 663 4219_ 240 QUADS Avartabla now towly remodeled. private Oath. roduood rent through January *. to deposit 486 8099 OBCST VILLAG 1 aPAHINFhtS Vary law left! towty rafurtMShod quads with private antranca Excaiiont location Mont h-to-month tenancy Only 9209 ucjroo^ ap' Rani. ut»“ »*S ftiQCrt 4 84 48/5 R#*pon*4>l* roommil* $260 p-js ’ ? '*»*> largo ? Ddrm rtpf Many extras CaS Danis*#. 345 5248, !v mag S#*kmg houMmat*, maM» ck tema* 1225 a month ( rx* inck*J«ng ync arua 484 747* Shara furmahad 2 bdrm *np4w ”f campus »vr«p*c. porch. yard. 1250 mo* >•» otn ava- ’? 23 Kn» 342 854^ Soar* 2 bdrm ap{ Quart 2 WA* !o c«mpu» Prior foommat* arwi pay your Lk»p $297 *no ♦ V» uM f d 343 995/ 3 tx3/m rwrnhouwi. campus 3 m. $200 mo $200 w*i month* $50 dawir ng dap Frpc.DW. WO 686 4243 285 GARAGE MOVING SALES Musi Mil! MUcmng tolstovstiir iotta». guu* ora on] codas UUMss GfsSJ COMQS lurralurs' ASMOOOOo 4»4715 280 MEETINGS ATTENTION ALL ASUO PROGRAMS PROGRAMS COUNCIL: The first meeting will be held Thursday, November 19,6:00 p.m., Maple Room, EMU 285 CLUB SPORTS OVERNIGHT BACKCOUNTHY SKI TOURING Proaontation on tachmqua, oofoty. and aqulpmont Wad Nov lift TELEMARK SKI NIGHT Prooontation on Tatamarfc •quipmani and tachntqua Thura Nov I0th UO Outdoor Program Room ?????? 7.00pm, FRfcfc!! _Htma_