DEVELOP & PRINT • 3M PRINTS 24 exp *i97 36 *597 exp 36 exp 2nd set I so; coupon must accompany order. CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO I 1231 ALDER ' 683-4693 w BUTTS 4th Annual Fun Run ‘In association with the Great American Smokeout Predict Your Time 5K Run/Walk Thursday, Nov. 19th Starts at Atton Baker Barbecue Pits Prizes; Prizes will be awarded to those who finish closest to their predictions PieiemstrMiQm Preregister now, 346-4456, or on race day Rag? day Information: •2:30pm registration • 3:00pm race begins Spon*of»; l t'lanntng Program Stw4+nt MfwJh i mntm< McKsn/w Outflows T C B V Oregon West Track Town (J of O Qooiisk>ro end more Teams begin expansion draft NEW YORK (AH) Bryan Harvey, Charlie Hayes and Ja< k Armstrong were among the more prominent players picked In the first two rounds Tuesday as the Colorado Rockies and Florida Marlin* iiegan the ex pansion draft by going In differ ent directions Lee Smith, Danny Tartabull, Shawon Dunston and Jose Lind, all mentioned in possible trade talks, were not selected. Instead. Florida focused on mi nor leaguers at the start while Colorado concentrated on low er-priced veterans But Marlins general manager Dave Dombmwski said he still expected a half dozen deals by the lime the third and final round was finished I hero was a chance, for example, that Jody Reed would he traded from Colorado to Los Angeles and that Creg Hibbard might go from Florida to the Chicago Cut>s As expet lid. Atlanta pitching phenomenon David Nied was the No, 1 overall choice by Col orado Toronto outfield pros per! Nigel Wilson was taken next by the Marlins It figured that the two Is-si teams would be tapped to start slocking the Na'ional League clubs that rnighl lie the worst in 19f)3 Alter that, it wits dear which wav the Marlins and Rockies were going in the first round as thev took turns choosing play ers left off 15-man protected list* Colorado went for experi ence and Honda went with youth in baseball's first draft since Toronto and Seattle picked Hi years ago, and both avoided the available, high priced talent. There was mostly silence from the assembled general managers and the fans from Florida and Colorado as the picks were announced. The draft was held in the same ball room where the NFL draft is conducted each April, but there were none of the crazed fans who curse and cheer each pick from the balcony. II was all business as the Rockies, looking for power hit ters to play at Mile High Stadi um and experienced pitchers to keep the hall down, loaded up righl away on current major leaguers Colorado's first 11 picks, in cluding Haves, Rend, Jerald Clark. Kevin Keimer, Alex Cole, Darren Holmes and Joe Cirardi have all played in the majors. There was a chance, however, RIM CHAMPIONSHIPS HKITH M l No* 1S A* Auttfm JtonJhuro Mmi'i I S4gm« t u» Hk*u I 0 M«ti * 2 K Sterna 2< It* AM) 5earn Kv»l O M«i » J No I’Uy It* Mnufn' H ( 4md I Ati«*ragu» SfNHl i*» Ka}»J« Si*fnaMI|jha 0 ATOflJG. Th» High! (>n« :il VOtlfYBAU Nov 1© M«hc 1 Su|*g def Fiji Mm i 2 Sigm* Nu dcf lNk«» New from Macmillan Publishing: 1 ler first book for children. The Moon Lady, by Amy Tan. author of The Joy Luck Club. General Book Dept Only. Children's Books Holiday Books Included. Nov lB'MYov 21* that Reed and Reirnor would be traded once the draft was com pleted with oach team having 36 players Twelve of Colorado's 13 choices In the first round have been in the big leagues, com bining for u total of 2.794 games in the majors The aver age age of the Rockies' first rounders for opening day 1993 is 26 7. and only five of the players will be 25 and under by then "lust throw a lot of sinkers anti keep the ball down," ad vised Holmes, who pitched for Milwaukee's Triple-A Denver team last season. The Marlins, meanwhile, be gan an immediate youth move ment Of Honda's 13 picks in the opening round, only six have been in the majors, combining lor 622 games. They took 10 players who will be 25 and un der by next April, for an aver age age of 24.6 on opening day. The only odd name in the Marlins' lot was Harvey, who led the American League with 46 saves in 1991, but missed most of the last year with an el bow Injury The California An gels owed him SI 1.25 million for the next three years. TERIYAK1 ALLEY CURRY DISHES._lg.3.50 sm.2.50 VEGETABLE RICE_.3.50 CHICKEN BREAST STEAK._3.50 YAKISOBA NOODLES._lgJ.50 sm.2.50 SWEET 4 SOUR CHICKEN_3.50 Take Oul Available Across from Dairy Queen 1306 Hrtyard (345-9555) s. (tWAFFlPi CONE I I Campus SUBSHOP 1225 &lder 345-2434 Not valid t*i delivery or with any other duttount» or coupon* tine coupon per cu*totm*r Expire* 12/20/92 L J You can buy STAMPS at the UO Bookstore!