710 HELP WANTED looking for on arta marvagar fyrrw'otl unit. *nar« n.jchan jy v«a tmfh, ? t>Hx>* from campus. »«nd rasuma to i863 l^ofw Pkwy Cow •oe. r>fir,;%gT4?fd ononr: MICROCOMPUTER SERVICES xw* aocapung SUXlanf ispp'?oat»ona Consoling, training and purchasa p»an support Muv hava microcompute' savvy, good communication and organisational skifts Start mg pay $5 $*> SOlhoor Apply Room 260 Computing Cantor Mo nay || Motivated looking for aggrotisivo individuals w*c onjoy motivating atnar poopto, no «*p nacassary, but must i.ko people* and be a loom player Call 683 94«8 M * F. 10 • 3, pari lima $4 *6 no cup. $5 00 *e«p 10 start, r«sum# raquimd 342-6710 #7 Oanway Mali NANNIES A AU PAIRS Ndionwtdo poM«ons 0IM and W©s: coast Florida H«wat> & ovonam Experience not required. seasonal or yoar round, good pay A benefits. a-Marepad 612 643 4399 EARN EASY MONEY!!! Post our brochures around campus and recerve commission lor each completed application Work low hours, on your own time. Cali 1 800 756-9918 EASY WORK! EXCELLENT PAY! ASSEMBLE PRODUCTS AT HOME CALL TOU FREE 1 800 467 S445EXT 9982 Tutors Noodod: ALS is m need of qualified tutors for 4th year Japanese and Math Positions arm opmn now To apply stop by Academic learning Services. 68 PLC or call 346 3226 220 HOUSES FOR RENT BMHitlful hOUM fOf 5 »U*n«*NKl. dw signed ky si xtont* ungio bedrm. 2 at>m W'pnv vp «cJy s*K’», ??/*> ftorat H.t> 486 M91 Beautiful Unto noose Wos? tto Dec 1 $6S0ano M4 880? 225 APTS DUPLEXES Csmpus Apartments Furnished lit? Bedrooms. Fell rslee. 937VMSO 44S 2873 Campus studio- furnished. nice Averf atwe Dec 20 *355 485 0831 Mon Wed eves 225 APTS DUPLEXES Fumiahad 1 txJrm Awiadw Vy W*n t«r Tirm ’Sin and i*?yanj Raaarva now* 4«4 M07 THf COi If GIAN '».**• and A*3» stawj fcjdant fcrtng nx>ud>ng mao; tr«* Appty now lor HI Wj ' Redwood Park Apts. Quiet. Country Hiring With City Convenience Unlurnlahad 1 Sdrni IMS. (Himng Nov 1) low UftlftMft-Oft BuaMna fquippad W#*ght Room. Spa Wood Part A Playground laundry Facifctiaa Alow F urnlahad Bulla* Studio, i 4 ?8« 1*00 lo IB 7 5 Individually Dacota tad Compiatafy Fumtahad Evarylhtng From Cabta TV lo linana For Bad. Bath B Kachan On Sita Managamant Taam 4103 W'. 18th 484 5775 SOUTHGATE 1100 aq ft ? bdrm lownhouaa wah fane ad backyard • Poo and Sauna • On 5-10 l OuntJry f ocp-t*r> • Hoar Cam pmi • On 8uabn« ?M5 Pattaraon MS-4471 SPRINGFIELD 152 South 53rd Qum. smail building ? bd'm* $390 319 C St root 1 txwl'Oom t sundry $300 No pots Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10th 646-1130 Forest villagt? AFAKIMLNIS JL, QUIET, QUIET, QUIET Enjoy ihe beauty of woods and wildlife in super floor plan 2 BEDROOMS 1 v, BATH • Bus io Campus • Swimming Poo» • Wwgftt/F Mm • Saunas $495 4 SSi&MONTH As* about Nov A Doc Speoit) S E f ugono (Donald A FoiboHow) 687-1318 s' 1340 Mill Street Hem 7 bdriti in qu«*H co^p*#.* ctofi* 10 campy* Haicony. uCNwmi partuno D W and laundry •maxims *49*> Caii 6e:< 4?i9 235 SUBLETS Lun for «HnUf farm IMJ in CoMaqian avallabia. will tranafar traa 342-74M avaronga or 343 399/ maaaaga 240 QUADS $195/MONTH Iwg* room m houM M n»M and inciudM 3 Biu to campua W>» 0Ol**l'345 4f&5 24S ROOMS Fumrahed room. ft 75 r>o Uni and >**? ft 50 deomr Nonamotung 344 _ ^ ___ ?67S Oryi tofcittM 5 twdnpom hQum apar sou* dec*. Oacfcyartl garage Tet'y 863 7t45 255 ROOMMATES WANTED ForatQn atudant Attica aturtenf f M to aNare 2 &wd#oom a*M Rarf Uti^t*** nggolt#6aa 4 ©4 4© <’*> Heapor»a»t>*e roommate, f^flO pru* i'? umiaa large ? Odrm Apr Mary «»!'»* Cab Qatv&e. Hi V46 vj^ag Sealing houaemate. ■■*«** or ft 85 a mom* f •■'Ot mclydsog ..*.-t««. > VfK >vnd 4«M 7471. Share 2 bdrm apt Qw*** ? tW* to campy* Prsx room-n*;« w- pay yat* d»Q f£97 mo • ‘» >»•■ tU* &#>• Cai> $*eva or Je,? 666 1204 285 CLUB SPORTS UO Outdoor Program NORDIC SKI FAIR BootM from jocu; mop* *K> am**, dubt. and program» *«*} vert ,fy an avooNtt o» *»u c«*aOraiKX>! Tu*a. Nov U Hut Center Studo t. 7 00 f’M I HI I;* 34*4365 fry l >1 *1 khmlHtl Kit««li«in|( fhfrttry\ni itnli ihv rml -t y>»«»i 2M ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT liljy: ART CINEMAS ■ 492 E 13th • 686-24S8 ■ OMtCOUMT iNtfM V«.M Ikr **a» t J — <4%V>WHWf-V Planned Parenthood ’or Pap v’Wi mfacl-on cNacka fxrth control prey«w> cy !«*» and unTweted couneelrng 344 94M THE FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON i* i 7 Oscar the Freshman by Neal Skorpen HI FREPIJ v Mjiakchw DIPJA HAV£ fUN LA ST, night?*# wnla -ZLAUY TIIAE3. £H?A NIGHT TO RErABrtBEtt, y£Aig if you can t lmjch w/iTh '£m, l,au6h At f.M. I ALWAYS SAY' Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson LOOK M088ES, 1 GOT A PAINT BT NUMBERS KIT' ITS REMIT _ fun -— -A* EWT lOURE NOT PAINTING IN TUE LINES AND lOU RE Nor USING THE colors TWAT CORRESPOND TO WE numbers t I I i ! i if i DiD that i d Gtt mt piauRt v<\ii SMCM ON M Box ' ACNE A Nasty Four Letter Word If you had started on Clear Care Acne treatment 30 days ago you would be clear of Acne today For free samples, information on how Clear Cares topical medications work Call our Skin Care Information Line, (800) 435-3533. o CO CO Hot Cafe I Latte Cafe Chocolate x: Italian g Sodas 21 Atlho n o» "O T) C o o S' o Espresso (.art ^ now kxo*#d aS &>• ^ Carton W#t» Jk*# Potto Mon-Fri 6 30«m-1 Opm S*t-Sun 9 30*rn-tQpm Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU At Si A UA-'A A UtM'K HJU O' OK KN, ok, soy.. £ '« .1 1 KV Z>0 cOOPAboOtP. .M* ' W.U'f> ' '« *'*:«> , v- . ♦ ’ *? •iv -nt vi..- v - •«« xt >< ft CAN US. GOT O' GOT m O r~ 4 Si fl f ane W0Y \ '‘i4Y* OOUPrW too Arrm HttlfOR *1 Whitt* CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS l mtUfcM % • B I to* 12 Jai — 13 Mary Ouanl c*aation 14 *Ptoa»« •■plain* 15 flark to 17 (»ot • 18 l and lnrk«d nahon 18 M«*m4 21 Indiana afhWla 24 M« (olo 1m 25 Whal «• 26 Many papa* 50 Arlo* 31 Act Itv# I’ad Pip#* 32 P*M*ona1 33 Anna s tong 35 Booty 36 N*gh l>m i lud^ 37 fhcfc IB ( h tiWr\ 40 ( >*««!*• bodiomp44« p* i Tiani(K»1 9 S«k !»oo ol s*% liww.o 10 )!•«*'• 11 (Us* *tr«story 16 Com 70 lnl4y*»*yl>l 31 £ili*m«ty 34 n*w wh 35 Pt*y gtoumi 37 Pi«!ia lor <£«(• 04 fmmpmt 30 * Only Jotl 39 Ai I jf 44 40 (Miliary 41 WhIxmI Oltonwn* 44 K.iwjj 4 kmj 45 ScolMh ond# 46 HjiMHijI root ant 4 47 Pm k»