Police charged with murder DETROIT (AP) Two police NATIONAL officer* wore charged Monday with murder and one with man slaughter in Inn beating death of ii blink motorist, u raise thul drew parallels wilh tin* Rodney King confrontation In Los An gelos. A fmirlii officer vvus charged with assault wilh intent lo do great bodily harm Throe other officers who hud also boon sus pwided .iftor iho Nov. 5 boating of Million Groon wore noi charged Green. J5. died of ho ad inju ries after biting bouton on an inner-t ity street near a suspr* I od drug house “1 fuel )usttoo is dono 1 think thoy handled it very wall," said thu victim's father, (nssiit Green )r Ho had urged calm In the days after his son's death. "lie’s dead, and any charges aren't going to bring him bat k I got to live on." Throe of the officers charged, including I he two charged with murder, are white The one charged with manslaughter is hlack While the heating of an un armed motorist drew parallels to the videotaped treating of king. NAACP offic ials have said the Detroit case- was differ ent They credited quirk ac tion hy J’olic e ( ihtef Stanley Krinx in suspending the officers alleged ly involved Mayor Coleman Young publicly denounced the boating Knox and Young are black. Knox said he did not believe the treating was rac ially moti vated, and Wayne County Pros ecutor John D. O'Hair said Monday no racial epithets were used during shouting that wit nesses said was going on dur ing the treating "What was in their minds is hard to tell," he said I-ifty eight percent of the 3,B50-member fon t- is friar k in a c ity that is 75 percent black What was in their minds Is hard to tell John D O'Hair, Wayne County prosecutor Knox Itoti suspended seven officers Nov ft, M day after Croon's death O'Hair said there whs not enough evidence to charge the three other officers Those officers remain on in definite suspension, police ,Sgt Christopher Buck said Monday (ark Oravely. NAACP nation al director of special projects, said quick action by Detroit of ficials helped defuse the ton sion. "What is different in Detroit is the leadership."' Gravely said "When we compare what happened in Detroit with what happened on the other coast, it does make a difference With out it. this city prolsihly would still be burning at its walls to day.” JAIL Continued from Page 1 this society," Hoop said Wv have to rememix’r that tins issue was not about stu dents kicking in windows," Hoop said, "but about a man by the name of Kodnev King who was beaten near to death bv a dozen I- A cops who walked away for free, and in Eugene they're throwing stu dents in pill (or kicking in windows I just question whether or not this is an appropriate sentence (or this liehavior," he said. A third University student arrested in connection with tile Federal Building violence was granted u pre-trial diver sion Oct. 2<> As part of the diversion program, Efrem Mehretab, 20, must perform 2(H) iiours community service- and pay $415 38 in restitution „ After Mehretab completes the agreements of the diver sion program the government will drop the charges against him. said Dob Larson. Mehretab’s attorney. ‘This acknowledges his role in the situation." Larson said. At the Sept H hearing, Kay said he offered the diversion to Mehretah because of the senior finance major's efforts to calm the crowd following the window-breaking protest. The violence at tin; Federal building followed a rally in the FMU Courtyard, where students expressed outrage over the not-guilty verdicts of the policemen accused in connection with the much publicized King heating. The rally moved to the Federal Building, where pro testers broke 15 windows and two doors Videotaped footage of the April 30 protest at the Feder al Building was broadcast on two local television stations, and a photograph of Hoop kicking in a window during the protest ran on the front page of the Register-Guard Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS AX U Thanks for a great lima l at a do II again soon ♦AT ro>» Gamma PtM (Moutfy announct* and congratulates (hair nawaal initiates' Oort a M Tricta M Amy H Juka H Mag an K Kim l Caaay A Darcy 8 Caihy B Kimberly B Chris C Diana C. Jan C Brandi C Sarah C Nicola D Knaftn E Kalra f OrxJgat F Laura! 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