QUESTION: What do you think of having homosexuals in the military? “There should be no problem with having them in the military I don't see how il would affect their performance Society has changed a lot, and we can't use old stereotypes" XAVIER NIKOOAEMOS senior, french j "If I was in the military. I'd person ally fee! uncomfort able if homosexu als were in the mili tary " GREG MAY junior, computer science "I don ! have a problem with it, if it is handled well There might be some prob lems with emotions involved with homosexuality and Irving in close quarters" TRAISA BROCHMANN sophomore, business 'll doesn’t mailer to me It shouldn t make a dif ference if you do the job and don't impose your belief on any one else" TERESA SCHAEFFER senior, english/dance “I have no problem with homo sexuals in the military I can see a point where they may cause a disruption, but I don t think that's much ot an Issue They should have the same right as other people BRIAN HUNTER freshman, arts "I think everyone should be open to others and their opin ions and lifestyles It j doesn't matter rf a person is gay, bt or lesbian" SAM CHEN freshman, business ET ALS MEETINGS At adrmii Adtiaing wtH have 4 peer aiiviatng informational meeting today from 10 am to ) p m at the lobby table near the Kifchhow! For more information, rail 1-to Wb'.t Wumm'i Divmtly Program will meet tonight from « to 7 tn KMt ■ Room Camtury A Fur morn information, tall ^4'> $302 MFChA will meet tonight at 6 in the S'A SC longhouae Student Senate will meet tonight at $ in FM1 Room Century A For mor» information, call 34t> Oft tt) MlSCKU-ANH )CS KSCIAPF registration will uk»- p|a«e today from JO a m 10 3 30 p.rn in the KMU Lobby KSC-APK f» registering for winter l(Mii in human w»rvi< *?». pubit* « huoli and leadership training For more information, call 34ft 42*1 Outdoor Program is having » Nofdl* ‘•Li fa*r tonight a! 7 in Studio 1 of the Huh Canter Blerk Student Union will have * Malcolm X panel di*» ussion tonight from ? to tt in the KMU Kir Room IfOflomui Peer Advising will have speakers from Career Planning and Piatarriftm *mi ih« KM Al’E program imtay i-rtwrahj front dial. Kh4U Suite M*>. i$ noon the d«y Imfitrv publt* aOon The netn •rfliw due* not haw# 4 tutu* mm hirw A.f A/* run «/»* Jay of »v»m unhat the event uA*» plm » btfhtit»JMMtto Nth j Juration or id man 1/4 1 hitftv will not te* m* opted (~tmpu* events 4/i«• w heJuled nmrmt the fHjhln 44ton itjte will tm given priority Thn hmarakl mwfvrn i/w» fo mitt for grammar and ttyU h't Alt run on 4 »/** *» heti « CUSTOM PRINTED T-SHIRTS Lowest Ratesi BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS F ram# plus loam con luton Single *159 Double *189 Queen'?09 FUTON 686-5069 1122 Aktor Experienced CRIMINAL DEFENSE CALI HUGH DUVALL Veutiud & CUrk. Attorney* PC 345-3333 ’ » 1 • l.)UII 'MumIM T«• > l ()«• f• • n•>»• • Drug I • Slops A Si .ii' lirs • I h. fl l ( ni*'nl • Mi>’ l U>« Ol l () Price quote by phone' 1225 Alder • 345-2434 Gat results. Advertise in the ISDEI r DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS I 24 ■ exp I 5” »*5 V exp V 97 2nd set i I coupon must accompany order. CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO 50J I I 1231 ALDER • 683-4693 For instant garbage, just add waste. Woutti r«M« Nwy IM« pMM Ol food? fMK tfotm rMld*«( mi» muc* food an on* «»••* • I* on* carnal dorm«to#T «»ng N«M (ton* '** povMd* o< tood *l Ifwoon t««y Wfmn jo*j *m«* ft># food »oo Wfrod and cNdrt 1 mm you ar« creating QMtmy In o«ha« »a< d» N • good food u*ui moot* M Wtwi *OOd VMM i« tWWHIt# la coal. M c«m»« «vi a <»ouOt« Mia tk*< ww« m# •wot mol ma load toiii to proctoca >i •••(•O «nd Ilia coal of NandtM^a IN* got tMM* »« wkM lo B Oo *<** {MXhMOOO* • I*»W •fid do* I Mta HkhI only ■OM you a*** m< The waste you save, can go to the bank 345-1529 LJ RECYCLING ft 150% MORE POWER SmONGR MB- RSRH (MINER IANS! •ICWMNSftARCONDmONMG SWCOaVMf YOU WORK ON YOUR IAN • OKNMHOWS! a>ayuuiyMugciousiDMOwHuyouiM •increase in voltage to beds has increased the UVA output by 150% UP TO Afree ^^TANS With purchase of tanning package Offer expires 11/30/92. Not valid w/other offer. 342-1727 595 E. 13TH & PATTERSON