Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 17, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Woman falls to her death from PLC balcony
□ Several passers-by witnessed unidentified
woman s fall from the ninth-floor stairwell
By Jake Berg
Errwald News Editor
An unidentified woman apparently committed suicide by lump
ing from the top-floor balcony of Prince Lucian Campbell Mall
Monday morning.
Authorities said several people witnessed the woman in "mid
flight" as she fell at least 100 feet from the ninth-floor balcony on
the south stairway outside of the building, the highest on campus
and one of the highest in Eugene.
The woman landed on her back near the west steps leading out
of tho courtyard near Academic Learning Services.
Police spokesman Tim Birr said the woman had no identification
on her body or in her clothing It is unknown if the woman wus a
student, he said.
Birr said the police are treating the death as a suicide, but they
won't be positive until they have more information
"Wo don't know for certain." Birr said "Until we re able to iden
tify her and find out what was going on in her life, we won't know
for sure."
A check of the woman's fingerprints through the Automated Fin
gerprint Identification System failed to give u match Monday after
noon. Birr said He said APIS Is a regional system with “hundreds
of thousands” of people who have been printed.
The woman was described as whlto, 25 to 30 years old. about 5
feel 7 inches (all and 130 to 140 pounds, with dark brown hair that
fell below her shoulders, and wearing wire-rimmed glasses She
was also wearing a navy pea coat, blue (nans and black boots.
Witnesses called the University Office of Public Safety after see
ing tho incident, and the Eugene police department was notified at
B:27 a m.. Birr said. Tho woman wus pronounced dead upon the ar
rival ofEPD. the Eugeno fire department and paramedics.
The Lane County medical examiner urrivisi more than an hour
ufterwurd to remove the body, leaving behind u blood stain where
her head had lain on the sidewalk Birr said his evaluation con
cluded that the woman probably died of massive injuries to ihe
back of her head
Birr said no one actually witnessed a jump, but several saw her
Turn to DEATH, Page 4
Pfxito by PM
OPS official* Bland naar Iha ail* whara a woman landad aftar falling from tha ninth floor of PLC.
Students sentenced to 60 days
□ Hoop. Arias get jail
terms, fines in connec
tion with April Federal
Building damage
By Pat Malach
Emerald Editor
A U.S. District Court Judgo son
tonced two University studonts
Monday to 60 days In Jail for their
roles In the destruction of $6,131
worth of property at the Eugene
Federal Building on April 30.
U.S. District Court Judgo Mi
chael Hogan sentenced Brian
Gregory Hoop. 27, and Carlos Ale
jandro Arias. 30. to 60 days Incar
ceration with the Bureau of Pris
ons and too hours of community
In addition, both men must pay
restitution for the damages. Hoop,
a senior marring in architecture
must pay $138.46 Arias, a gradu
ate student from the Dominican
Republic, owes $553.84.
Both men pleaded guilty at a
Sept. 8 hearing to misdemeanor
charges of destruction of fed ora I
property stemming from a protest
that followed the acquittal of four
white Los Angeles police officers
charged with beating black motor
ist Rodney King.
At the Sept. B plea bargain. As
sistant U S. Attorney John Ray rec
ommended Hoop and Arias pay
restitution and perform 200 hours
of community service. Howovor.
Hogan was not required to follow
those recommendations when son
fencing lho pair.
Hoop sol«l ho believed Hogan
wanted (o make u strong statement
about what typo of activities
would be allowed.
"He spoke about free speech us
being a right that needs to bo pro
tected," Hoop said, "but we havo
to draw a line defining whut types
of activities would bo allowed and
whut wouldn't."
Hoop said the Federal Building
window-bruuking episode that fol
lowed a peaceful campus rally
was a moment that "just got out of
"In no way dons this sentence
deter my commitment from fight
ing against bigotry and injustice in
Turn to JAIL, Pago 6
Curious students
spend Friday the
13th with cadavers
□ Physiology students venture to pa
thology lab for first look at dead bodies
By Sarah Clark
Emerald Reporter
As night foil on Friday thn 13th. I was
staring ut u (load man
Not only was ho doad. ho hud I won
skinned and pried apart so his lames and
tendons wore ux|>osod. He looked like a
combination of Freddy Kruogor and
l something out of Cray's Anatomy.
I wasn't alone. About 20 other physiol
ogy students and I had opted to spend part of our Irtday
evening in Koom 75H Klamath, the cadaver lull. We
Turn to CADAVERS. Page 4
Today will b« molly cloudy
with local fog. There will be a
chance of light rain. Highs will
be between 30-55.
Today in History
In 1600. Congress had its first
session in Washington. O.C at
the partially completed Capitol
APPLUGATE (AP) - It loob like a big empty bo*, a 10-foot square struc
ture reinforced with metal bolts and anchored with telephone poles along
the Collins Mountain Trail in the Rogue River National Forest.
And in 18 years, it hasn't trapped even one Bigfbot
'For a long lime, only a few focal people knew about the Bigfoot trap.'
said Su Rolle, ranger for the Applegate District. "But more and mare people
are stopping to ask where it is.*
As a result, the U S. Forest Service plans to place an interpretive sign at
the site
'People often ask us about the trap, and if we've seen any Bigfoot tracks.'
Rolle said 'There is a tremendous amount of local interest in Bigfbot *
LOS ANCELES (AP) - UCLA coach Terry Donahue said
Monday be won't dead* until later in the week who will start
at quarterback for the Bruins on Saturday against I5lh-rankcd
Southern Cal.
However, he did say that senior John Barnes and redshirt
freshman Rob Walker probably will both see action in the
62nd meeting of the Bruins and Trojans Walker started four
games after Wayne Cook suffered a season-ending knee injury
in the first game of the year, but then missed four games
because of a sprained ankle.
Walker returned to the starting lineup at Oregon last week
end. but played only three series before Barnes took over.