Oregon Daily EjlT16f*£ll(l j-* ' Bruins end Duck bowl chances with 9-6 victory imm trr J9f* **«•*•* UCLA's Louis Perez kicked the game-winning field goal as lime ran out in the Bruins 9-6 victory Saturday over Oregon By Steve Mims Emaratel Sports Reporter __ _ Oregon football fans rain start canceling their hotel reservations in Shreveport and I'm son. as UCLA crushed the Ducks' bowl hopes on Satur day with a <1 fi victory at Aut/en Stadium Bruin kicker Louis Peru/ booled a to yard field goal as time expired to give UCLA the victory and up its record to VS overall and LS in the Pacific it) Conference ■'This was an unbelievably dramatic football game." UCLA head coach Terry Donahue said "It's a very satisfying win. and I'm proud of my team We didn't quit and ultimately found a wav to win ” With the game tied (>-ti. Oregon had a chance to take the lead with t 1? left, hut reliable ku ker Tommy Thompson missed a 19-vard field goal “Everything was fine, hut the kit k was bad. Thompson said '* There was nothing right about the kick There was a little angle on the kick, hut it should have been down the middle That one wouldn't hnve hit from anywhere 1 t.ould go out there right now .md make that kb k too out ol KM) times " The Ducks led t. II entering the fourth (juarter, and with the defense (dining well. Oregon head coach Hu h Brooks elected to punt on fourth and one at the U( d.A If yard line with 12 5!» lelt In the game Thompson's punt bounced at the one yard line, lull a group of Dm ks misplavnd the hall and let it bounce into the end /.one lor a touch back t t i.A took over at the 20-vnrd line, hut the Bruins were pushed but k lo a third down and l'l from the IX.I.A 11 when running ha. k Kevin Wil liams si umpored 2r> yards for .i firsi down We were in the Hawk defense, which is pass orientated." Oregon linebacker |oe l-arwell said "Once they lined up, I could tell they were going lo run. I got a hand on him hut couldn't bring him Turn to LOSS, Page 8 COME WALK WITH US! j Waul lo lose weight or lower your cholesterol? - Do Yourself a Favor - When: Noon io 12:50 Every Mon.. Wed. & Fri. Where: Meet at Student Health Center Steps v'r Rain or shine! v. Please wear appropriate sIkk-s! Sponsored b\ the Sltuient Health Center Edueators •(“.O', < 3 CREATE YOUR OWN T-SHIRTS FAST let your imagination go wild! Photographs ♦ Artwork ♦ Slides ♦ Drawings ♦ Anything you want as a T-shirt ♦ Custom design services ( am pm Sion JU ME. Utk A*t. /■ Opro 7-Mif»c oflrr prr coupon Not valid with any rHlwr coupon* or offrrn f\ • Carl Karrhrr Rnirrpctswi l‘.wi V Valid through D« cintier ii. 1902 CarFsJr: J