“30 years of Quality Service" Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota -GERMAN - AUTO SERVICE, INC. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 OFF 4th Annual Fun Run *ln association with the Great American Smokeout Predict Your Time 5K Run/Walk Thursday, Nov. 19th Eiiiesi Prizes will be awarded to those who finish closest to their predictions Preregistration; Preregister now, 346-4456, or on race day Race day information: •2:30pm registration • 3:00pm race begins Spentwi; l Itestyto (’lamwng Program Student C*M#» Mt.Kon/ie Outfiflon. T C 0 Y Oregon W«rsl Track Town U of O Bookstore ami morn •A*************? fWUNDERLANO Zi > Mh STREET ( ;c«*oi **222? 683-8464 - 2 VIDEO ADVENTURE < 9 VAA.1CV WVf* RlA/A j — 136E 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Monday n»v u, $3 Alternative rock with: Oswald Five-0 Runtmeyer K Pants Tuesday s,.v * Music Starts at 10pm Open 4pm-2:30am Mon-Sat Lank far r.quipmr.nf dra/c, in the. ClA&&ff1£0& Continued Irom Page 1 business income tax Hombuckle said a hotel room tax might (>e a good idea, but it would need to l)e r.ountywide Otherwise, he said, "people might go to Springfield to stay instead of Eugene." Bascom mentioned the possibility of a gns tax, which would be decided by the council and not put before voters "We might do a gas tax, but that money would lie designated just to roads, streets and general highway funds," Bascom said. She said the gas tax revenue would not he applied to the general fund. Other options to make up the S:» H million shortfall previously thought to Iwi covered bv the restaurant tax include more spending cuts Hornhuckle said that those cuts could he made in the city attor ney's office and the Riverfront Research Park. The i ity currently contracts with a corporate law firm, Horn huckle said He said the city may look into hiring its own attorney or attorneys to cut ■..osis Hornhuckle also said that although the current construction on the Riverfront Research Park should continue, "it's fiscally irre sponsible to continue city participation. The return to the city is non-existent at this point." Bascom said user fix' increases and deeper cuts in the capital im provumont budget might also help in raising the STH million. "There's the possibility of simply across-the-board reductions," Bascom said. The City Council formed a three-membor committee Iasi Monday night to rank certain policy decisions involved in the implementa tion of Eugene Decisions This committee, composed of Bascom and councilman Shawn Boles and Kandy MacDonald, plans lo rank what areas the council needs to focus on to implement the proposed deficit reduction plans. Bascom said the committee was going to "try lo give the council directions on where lo go next ." Some of the committee's plans include a review of the 1R city Ixiards and commissions, which Bascom said lire very staff-de manding, and lo see how the city can reduce the cost of the budget process ET ALS MKETINtiS (.r«{(riphy lleporlmrnl «itd Huuun and f ««1 f uri>fHN*n Studio* Cornier will sponsor a public lecture by Professor Ronald Woman MUllsd "Cuirr«nt Klhftit Conflict in Yugoslavia and (- a © g r a p h j < * ! Per*}** live" tonight hum 7 to 9 in Room JO? (hap man For more information, < oil 1«n 407H t AHinMrimg ( «il« and bran id Student* ( HIh r will have «. leelnan bisexual woman * drop-in group on "Surviving the Holiday*' today from 1 *<> tu S to p m at die Koinonia (enter. 1414 Kinraid Si For m<»r© information i all 146-H4J Ac admit) Advising and Student Serve «w will have a brown hag lunch workshop on "Podiatry MadiUiw” today from noon to » pm In Room 1©4 (irvgon Halt For more information, call-F4ft *211 Anmeaty I nt-riw at hum I will moat tomtit at 7 p m in KMC Cadaf Room A RKUGION I hr Night* of the Roundtable* will «»>«( tonight lor a djMUMtan «>n "Why IK) Had Hung* Happen to Good People’' at 7 in f M1' ( entuty Room 1) tugenr t niUrun C hun h will meet tonight lor a din u**lon on Ordinary People a* Monk* and MycihV* from 7 to 0 at the k '.inoma (-enter. 1414 Kim aid St MISOXLANKOUS larwr Planning and Pla< nit«-nl Nerv it «* will uart bidding today for the following (omjunim Ru*« Borne, Hewlett Packard, Kellogg company and Lady FooUocker Go to Room 24 4 ll«ndn( kt for more information Career Planning ami Placement Senm r will haw an of fit » onenutiun tenia y about service* and interviewing proton* from t to 4 p m in Room 237 Hendric k* L \\\% V STUDENTS • FACULTY • STAFF ‘J(u ‘Vaccination Influenza vaccinations will be given at the Student Health Center every Wednrsthiy, Thursday and Triday from 8:0Oam to 9:00am until the end of Fall term Only one injection is needed. Students $3.50 Faculty and Staff $4.00 Annual flu immunizations are recommended for the following 1 Healthy persons t>5 years or older 2 Persons with long-term heart or lung problems. 3 Persons with any of the following kidney disease, cystic fibmsis, diabetes, anemia, severe asthma and conditions which compromise immune mechanism Influenza vaccine »u» be given to persons wishing to rtsiuce their chances of catching the flu, persons who provide essential community services and students or others in schools or colleges For more information, call the Student Health Center at 346-4441 ^ Duck Call * ^ is Coming... So here’s your chance to get some i Hands-on Practical Experience and ► University Credit in: ' PEER HEALTH ADVISING You can get experience in: ► ✓ Coordinating events ✓ Public speaking r / Writing articles for the Well Now / Facilitating workshops You must appfy to partcipate n Peer Heath Adv6ing,HEP410&510. Pckupyour appfccaton in Heath Education. Student Heath i Center or cal 346-4456 for more information Sparvamltfy ff» i Jusiytw Pttnrung PngmmStuJfrl r twin Center ' The Dean's Pick of Flicks A five film senes presents The Wrong Man Tues. Nov. 17 Rm 129, Law School 8:00 p.m. Admission $2.50 Still to come: Paths of Glory 11/24 The Verdict 12/1 “Reaching Out to Lesbian and Bisexual Women” U of O Drop-In Group Educational Support Programs offered by the University Counseling Center and Office of the Dean of Students Note our location change Mondays 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Koinoina Center For more information 6-1142