Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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Let J-Maf Biological Plasma Donor Center help with
your tuition By donating plasma, you earn $20°° lor your
lirst donation, over S120 per month, and help save a hie at
the same time Open MonUay-Salurday.
(all 683-9430 lor more tnlutniaiion.
1001 W Kill Ave. lueonc
504 Hot Dogs!
watch the Came
on the Big screen!
13th & Alder 343-0681
Continued from page 1
pic 10 ride bikes In the sunshine, but he hopes the
bike sholtrrs will give more Incentive to ride
when it is raining because bike* will be lot ked in
dry spots
The Bicycle Plan is coming to a finish as the
user group ha* almost used its $400,000 budget.
which funded such things as an additional 2.500
new spaces for hikes, the installation of the new
wave type hike racks, anil bike route and (rath
The funds for the improvement plan come from
the Office of Publit Safety’s Parking Program,
which generates money from parking meters,
(uirking permits and citations
"Students, by and large, aren't paying for the
shelters," Topfer said. "Faculty and staff are buy
ing the (larking permits, most students don't have
< ars This is not coming out of students' tuition,"
The first seven shelters will provide an addi
tional 2CM) spat es for hikes and will include lamp
posts outside of the structures
The user group plans to have more hike shel
ters built in the spring
The University hired two private design firms
and a private construction company to build the
by K <m
Bicycle shelter construction is under way along
13th Avenue outside the EMU. The shelters, which
mil be able to handle 200 bikes, are expected to be
completed by Winter Term.
Ti’pfor siiici the Idea of bike shelters are catch
ing the Interest of colleges and universities across
the country He said he receives at least one call a
month from another university asking him about
the shelters and The Bicycle Progrant
Continued from Page 1
million volumes
Among I’ai ifii • HI Conference
libraries. the Univcrsity'» ranks
eighth in size, above only
Washington State University
anti Oregon State University
University Librarian George
Shipman said faculty, library
stall and administrators have
worked together to make tho li
hrury what it is today.
But drocnfield said they had
their work cut out for them
"Having a large library col
lection has !>ecn slow in com
mg." she said "Having a fncili
ty to house a large library ha;
also been slow in coming Now
those two things .ire coming to
get her at the same time."
The acquisition celebratior
begins Tuesday at H p in . whet
the University Orchestra am
University Singers present a
free* concert at Beall Hall.
On Wednesday, guests who
already mode reservations will
gut a preview of the Vancouver
volumes at a dinner in the
South Lawn Addition of the
Knight Library.
At -t p m Thursday, the li
brary will present the volume
at the South Lawn Addition.
For more information on the
events, call 34l>-2f>83.
The U off) Student Health ('enter is currently seeking
to teach CPR workshops.
• Applicants should he
U of O students
• Time commitment:
4-hour workshops
Contact Joanne Frank: 346-2728
at the Student Health Center.
Call by l;n., Dec. 4. to make an
appointment. Hiring for Winter term!
What Does Work?
Come find out at
Drop-In Weight Management
& Nutrition Classes
When: Every Tuesday, 12:00 - 1:00
Where: Student Health Center
Free and Non-credit
Downstairs in the Medical Library
Sponsored by the Lifestyle Planning Program,
Student Health Center
Your high school counselors will be on campus November 18,1992 to talk with
former students about their university experience.
Stop by between l.i)0 and 3.00 p.m.
Erb Memorial Union Ballroom
Come share your insights about college life. Let your former counselor know how they
could have better prepared you for your transition to college.
Schools Interviewing Former Students
Ashland High Sc hex) 1
Bandon High School
Beaverton High School
Cascade High School
Cottage Grove High School
Crescent Valley High School
Crow High School
Dallas High School
Franklin High School
Gladstone High School
Gresham High School
Harrisburg Union High School
Lxbanon High School
Marshfield High School
McKay High School
McNary High School
North Eugene High School
North Salem High School
Oregon City Senior High School
Oregon E-piscopal School
Pleasant Hill High School
Rex Putnam High School
Roseburg High School
Sam Barlow High School
Scio High School
Seaside High
Sheldon High School
Silvcnon Union High School
South Albany High School
South Salem High School
Springfield High School
Thurston High School
West Linn High School
Willamette High School
720 E. 13th
across from Sacred Heart
The Best Espresso Drinks
This Side of the Big Boot!
Varabud & Clark.
• DUIl/Breath Test Defense
• Drug Defense
• flto'gal Stops & Searches
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“Price quote by phone"