Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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    Grow up
A few days ago I was study
ing at the EMU Skylight, happy
to finally have some time to
myself. I quickly became aware
of the loud voices of five wom
en sitting at a table directly be
hind me
I glanced over and observed
the table they surrounded, clut
tered with their lunch items
Granted, I was a little annoyed
at the noise they were causing,
but it wasn't until after they
had left that I was really an
noyed with them
Each student had left loir
plate, disposable cup and nap
kin on the table. The table was
left wet from a spilled drink
and french fries were dropped
on the floor
I think any student who has
over searched for a place to
study in the Skylight (or any
where else for that matter) and
comes across a mess like this
will understand my complaint
Granted, before long a food ser
vice employee will come ( lean
it up but the point is he or
she shouldn't have to.
To the five women and ev
erybody else who demonstrates
such a lack of respec t and re
sponsibility toward their Uni
versity Who do you think you
are, and how do you justify
your behavior7 Whatever hap
pened to the notion of cleaning
up after yourself7 And how can
you. as college students, expect
to he treated and respec ted as
adults when you act like
thoughtless imbeciles7
Sarah Hatfield
Presen/e Oregon
YVe would like to take this
opportunity to thunk the
(>00,000 people who voted for
Builot Measure 1 on Nov 0
Those 000,000 citizens recog
nized the contribution Oregon's
st.ite park system makes to our
economy and way of life.
They understood that the
parks and natural areas we en
joy today must be cared for and
Improved so the system we
pass along to our children and
grandchildren is at least as
great as the system wo inherit
ed They also understood that it
makes good economic sense to
rare for and improve a park
system that puts more than
S300 million into the Oregon
economy every year
We want the hundreds of
people who worked on the
campaign and the fiOO.OOO Ore
gonians who voted for Measure
1 to know their efforts were not
in vain The broad based coali
tion that came together to bring
this measure to the voters will
he back
The coalition, made up of
business organizations, conser
vation groups, economic devel
opment officials and citizens
across the state will not rest un
til our state parks system has
secured stable, long-term fund
Now that the election is !*•
hind us, let's not forget about
otir state parks, beaches, wild
life habitat and natural areas
We must preserve the best of
Oregon for our children and
grandchildren it's good lor all
of us Time is running out
Tom Kennedy
Kathleen MacNaughton
Co-chairmen, Yes on 1
White knights
Kyan Blacketter's article,
"Multiculturalism’s mixed
message” [ODE, Nov 10), links
any wisdom on what wr as mi
norlties have goon through and
whlit lies ahead for us
Hr prrsrntrd numerous ex
amples of minority "racist"
acts, but if he know the true
meaning of racism, he would
know that this is impossible
Racism is power ("systemalii
discriminatory practices
through die major institutions
of our society") plus prejudice
(U S Commission on Civil
Rights. 1070) Wo thi) minor
llu-s therefore cannot be ra<
1st Rac ism is thi' whites proh
lorn, but minoritie s an’ shoul
dered with its alleviation
Multn ulturalism is an exten
sive awareness that represents
the history, the contributions
of. and the relations between
major ethnic groups in the hu
man population ll doesn't ar
gue against Western Kuro
American Ideas, but places it in
a position subordinate to the
whole of others In relation to
worldly significant e
At slake is not which culture
is "belter.'' but how much can
be believed of a parapet live
when its oppression, double
standards and stolen ideas are
so obvious ll is understand.tbio
that minorities feel the need to
retreat and strengthen their cul
tural identity through such
statements as, "It's a black
thing, you wouldn't under
stand We need to avoid vt
mg things from a self-centered
Mtiilieullurulism works to ai
leviulo ignorance and is the so
lution to a violent problem We
do not know what your ethnit i
tv is. but it really doesn’t matter
because you have been brain
washed b\ the white man's
ideology Intuition, however,
tells us that you are a white
Thanh Duong
Vietnamese Student
Sven Orozco
MEChA Historian
Just a beginning
I read with Interest in Mon
day s Emrruhi (Nov *1) that the
University propose*j an interna
tional College It is amazing the
Untversitv thinks it inn meet
the needs of cultural diversity
by just serving ‘M) students with
a core curriculum
livery student should share
the benefit of having .in inter
national education A ha lu need
and culturally diverse faculty
should lie represented <u ross
thr entire curriculum, not just
in adding a few international
faculty in the new International
We as students need 111 learn
how to get along and under
stand each other and appreciate
the cultural differences that
make us special This is true
whether you are in internation
al relations or hard sciences
The vs arid we live In is get
ting smaller and more intercom
liei ted Common welfare fur all
the world's i Iti/ons depends on
being able to ttci ept and appre
ciate cultural diversity
I am not opposed to the Inter
national College, but I imliove
that the University needs to ex
pand the international focus for
all students The International
College is just a beginning I am
waiting and watching to see it
the University is really commit
ted to an international educa
tion or |ust looking id creating a
small program and resting on
its laurels
Martin Lewis
Don 't forget
The University should have
observed Veterans Day on Nov
1! It not only recognizes those
who served during wartime,
hut also reminds us of the
death and destruction they en
countered there
"Those who forget the past
are doomed to repeat it
Don't tear h us to forget
Laura Eborly
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EMU Holiday Closure
The Erb Mrmon.il Union will l>r closed
<>n Thursday through Saturday, November
26 -26. for Thanksgiving holidays
Regular business hours will resume on
Sunday (Noon to 1 1 .'JO jmi) Novemtrer 2*)th
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