EDITORIAL ( Voter approval not needed for tax plan Tax. The word strikes f« .ir in the human heart, it even scares politicians. Yet without taxes, the govern ment cannot function, and the public could be left without essential services schools, fire and police protection, roads, etc. In a moment of mass insanity, Oregonians amend ed their state constitution to reduce the amount of tax es the state could collect, without also providing alter native sources of revenue. State government took the passage of 1 ‘i'.KI's Ballot Measure 5 as a mandate for inaction It has refused to submit a tax plan to the electoral*!. House Speaker I jjrry (Campbell. R ICugene, has refused to call a spe cial session of the I.r-gisln lure. Gridlock is alive and well in Oregon. But it doesn't have to Ik;. Article 5. Sec. 12 of the Oregon (Constitution gives the governor the uu thority to "on extraordi nary occasions convene The people of Oregon have demonstrated time and again their lack of concern for the well-being of their state. the Legislative Assemoiy by prut damation." If a $1 2 billion budget shortfall is not an "extraordinary occasion." what is? Once convened, the Legislature is nut required to submit a tax proposal to the voters. Article 1. Sec. <2 states, "No tax or duty shall he imposed without the consent of the people or the Legislative Assembly. The key word is "or." The consent of the people is not required. Of course, imposing a tax plan without voter con sent would do tittle to increase the popularity of legis tofurx with the public. But politician;, are elected to run the state, not to make friends. There are two ways to deal with the budget short fall. One is to cut Si 2 billion (I? percent) from state government and services. The other is to increase rev enues. The state cannot survive a 17-percent budged cut, pure and simple. Replacement revenues will be found, and they will be in the form of new taxes Article 9, Se« 2 and Sec. fi require the state to raise revenue and levy taxes sufficient to operate If the cuts can't be found, the revenue must, and will, be raised. The pen oplc of Oregon have demonstrated time and lack of concern for the well-being of their time for the Legislature to get off ds col ec Oregon Daily PO BO« I'M tUGtWt OBCGOWPT4Q1 Iho 0*0°° Da-’y E •» pobfcihid tJMfeiry Monday ^rougf* Ff*J*Y ,r*» fcCfKkji Y*ar a.*xJ t.oviay *r«J du«ng 1** fry »** C>*go« Darfy I marwd Put#»Nng Co toe . Atirw Un.vwvry o* Oflgon. t Oagori That l mar A*) oparaifl* x>MO*»fxto#Mfy 0< tha U vtvv?y *■"' o'"*-®* »• ‘‘ •-«* « »>* •** I rt> Momcva1 l>>*on a/xJ sj. d marr'D** o' fNa A**oc o?ud P*«ws. • i mmnM *» pr*Y«4a (xopefty TN» unhWM f«mov»i or w o* pat*** * pro*#a4»t>*# &y utw Emerald Editor Pal Muac*) N«w» EddOf •’“'a ( cfcuxul ( dilor M,V* ' Graphic* Editor Jo” ^ ^ 1 I I fttwja Mi#” * >•«ISrtCS I aNOf I n\*t **> 1 dflorifti { d«or Rrv«r% Jn-vvv*' Sports f (Ktor Oav« CfttftQnrSNU Hunnksmsnts fdrtor ( Ammcku fd«o»» l«T • y IU!.>> G.».> • Att-f-mx. Oatay- 1 >ap<*» i'-atnr ,-vry Co •» I’on-g npnt* I *j»wn*w ••• tn NniSun CMw A^I Maul) M.. »«'«•>• >»t - B'uw- ■ ■'* *'■ ( •.,•• A • .. A ... I « " • ’ (V~.« u.-l **. 1 •-1 Advertising Director B'y.. R , pod ;n P'otAictior. Meneger A* ' 1' Advertising Si ia R«v.r Scu9 Dana J» »• H • - .1*'« Bo* ■ ' K‘* ' '• * Iwr .W.— ' > A<. L .'V' SMvonS* re Su»ltP Upa«e<«" Distribution tteoer at Otx)»A K..-- VanGonior * .'y *A ' ll.itH.Hl l> «tny Carbone >*ty i > y Pro duel.on i gna Wvre. P"XfixlKjn Caiv Uineior K1no go* (**e AA rr ' ;-A > At .. Jw- •<# I A.* a .1 JO."' •« ■ A w S'Mf<>.or«on, 0«MV !-nr;» Ntwaroofrt DuimMi Of1*c* *46 S$1’ M6 SS12 Outplay AcKart»*ing Cia»*rtu<3 AcfvaMiung 346 3/1/ 346 4343 VC «*■ r*\ k* ' Krm3ifznni Multiculturahsm s clear message By Kev.n Was?'' ;)'.on When 1 first road Ryan HI,ii ket tor's artic le in the l.nx'rald (Nov. 10), mv first response was to tfisniiss his concern as that of yet anoth er individual who feels threat ened b> the rec ent blossoming of edtjc ational diversity that is sweeping across tins country However, as I analyzed his commentary. I soon rea 1 ized it was more than pist fear that compelled him to c riticize tiic> revolution of multic ultural en lightenment and ethnic pride. In his commentary. Mr Him ketter warns the reader that tac.ial insensitivity is not unique to Kuro-Amertruns He .is- mullic ulturallsm exac erbates rac ial tension, and its advoc ates ate often guilty of in tolerance as well Then he went on to criticize black personalities such as Leonard felines of New York (dls College, the Rev Jesse Jackson, black rap aitist Sister Souljah and poet Wanda Cole man Hefore continuing 1 would like to point out that most of Mr Blue.ketter s criticisms were directed explicitly toward blacks I am not certain if his intent was deliberate or )ust for the sake of argument \, vertheless, his condemna tion is a tut misguided Ho in correctly assumes these- people are pro p o n e rt t s o I a multicultural agenda, that the aim of multicultural enlighten ment is to integrate the teach ings of nonhuro American cul lure- with that of liuro-Ameri can, and finally, that the multicultural experience- seeks to exc lude, dismiss or berate the historical accomplishments accredited to whites. Building an argument on these false premises only serves to dec i-1x e those who are unsus pecting and insults those- who toll endlessly to credit ate such misconceptions With the exception of the Rev (at ksun. the persons in dieted in Mr Hlacketter's arti cle have never publicly en dorsed or acknowledged a multicultural agenda It is just as much a disservice to the true multicuiturallst to associate with those persons who are not speaking on their behalf us it is to the individuals implicated Fearing Kuroct-nlric convolu tion and domination, some multicultural educators nnruin from advocating an Integration of the historical ideas and (its i overies they subscribe to with those of the Western world in fact, most wish to empha size and distinguish the quali ties, histories and influences of various cultures. Nor do they shrink from espousing what they believe as a more accurate depiction of European and American histories even if it is unsettling to some Nevertheless, they do have an obligation not to intentional ly distort the records and show an unsubstantiated bias against any group This would contra dict the causes they champion But i! evidence shows that (ioluminis did not discover the Americas with its already existent indigenous population only that he merely explored what was unknown to him and the rest of 15th century Europe, then let it lx? told This is not a rejei lion or con demnation of Euro-American history and culture This is what scholastic enlightenment is all about I-or hundreds of years Americans have been in undated with a narrowly de fined account of world history at the expense and subjugation ol countless other contributors. Proponents of multicultural education should not he repu diated for bringing a fresh angle to the debate Though many cultures and rates have enriched and en hanced this society, to merely exist in the t inted Stales every individual is required to lie ex posed to and accept Euro American ideas and culture in place of their own, from Ian guage to eating habits If anyone is in doubt, reflect on the late author Alex Haley's historical account of the conse quences suffered by his ances tral father when he refused to forsake his tribal name in e\ t hange for the one fort ed onto him by his slave muster. This reference exemplifies Mr Blacks already understand — it is and has been a ‘"white thing” for the last 400 years. They need not be reminded. Biacketter’s warning about the perils of not accepting "West ern culture." Mr Blacketter attempts to imply that white students who sport the "l-ove See No Color' !' shirts are more inclusive and tolerant of racial diversity that their black counterparts who sport the 'it's a Black lTting T-shirts He even ponders the outcry that would result si white students dunned shirts with .1 similar slogan in refer ence to their rac e Well, I'm sorry to disappoint him, but there is no need for white students at this Universi ty or anywhere in this coun try to advertise! such slogans Blacks already understand it is, and has been, a "white tiling" for the last -t(H) years They need not lie reminded. Anyone who doesn't compre hend it should open his or her eyes and take a look around In regards to any culture, racer or creed, one has to re member that each is unique and that each has contributed, as well as detracted, from the whole of civilization. But as with a family, one must learn to love them for the mistakes that were made as well as those that weren't I don't ask any person from urn culture to be ashamed of their heritage )ust to respect oth ers' perception ol it I implore Sir Blackotter and those who share his sentiments to do the same. Kevin Washington is an ecu ttomit s major at the University COMMENTARY POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald welcomes commen taries from the public concerning topics of interest to the University community. Commentaries should be between 750 and 1,000 words, legible and signed, and the identification of the writer must be verified upon submission. The Emerald reserves the right to edit for grammar, style and length if necessary.