You’ve always wanted to know how things work from the inside, out. You used to get in trouble for it. At Microsoft, you'll get rewarded. We still want you to take things apart. Only now, you can apply your curiosity and intelligence to put them back together even better. Every1 day, you’ll get the opportunity to use your talents to improve Microsoftk products. Getting totally immersed in every aspect of their creation. Sound like an ideal job? It should. After all. it’s been your passion since you were a kid. Come find out more about Microsoft by attending our upcoming event. Microsoft is an Equal Opportunity Employer and supports workforce diversity. Microsoft Company Presentation Tuesday. November 17,1992 • 3:30 • 5:30 pm Colloquium Room, Deschutes Hall Refreshments will be served • See your Career Center for details. J MKT\m>tt * t> 4 tvyislcfrJ trademark i>i MKix>v>lt (