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Elk Grove High School Major: English Personal: Born on Aug 7. 1972 m Fontana Cakf Miscellany: • : ' ■ : .• • Delta League honors and named to the all-city and all-Superior California squad as a senior • league champion m high hurdles • One of the three tight ends to catch passes a year ago. • Caught two passes against Stanford for 28 yards for his only recep tions » Has reaped the all important third criteria for his position, performing the chores of blocking as well QfftOttie by 7**tVK*« 720 E. 13th across Irmn Sacred Heart The Best Espresso Drinks This Side of the Big Boot! I TATE Continued from Page 3B He drove 17 hours to see the Washington State game Some of the guvs couldn't believe he had driven all the wav jus! to see a game." Tate said late wouldn't mind making his father lake another trip, to a howl game, in January Like coach Hrooks' theme has Iwrcn all season. We re hangin in November.' Fate said We re in control of our own destiny, our future rides on our own shoulders." UCLA Continued from Page SB have two hefty challenges in front of us. starting with Oregon The biggest question mark sur rounding I!(:LA is who will start at quarterbac k Donahue said senior John Barnes will get the nod, hut freshman Rob Walker appears to be healthy and may play on Saturday Walker com pleted 55 percent of his passes for 7110 yards and three touch down before he sprained his ankle Barnes, who was once a bai k up at Western Oregon, has com pleted 50 percent of his passes for -} 11> yards, but he has four inten options and only care touch down Last week in UCLA's vic tory over Oregon State. Barnes completed eight of 15 passes for HO yards and no interceptions "I'd say Rob is at least 50-50 to play." Donahue said What Hob lias to do is be able to protect himself, who h he has been unable to do We'll just have to wait and see how much work he will be able to do this week Right now. I anticipate John Barnes will start." "Barnes appears to have settled in and is • ak mg advantage of the situation and playing well." Brooks said "They run a lot of play at lion with him. and he lues it well UCLA has also suffered injuries ,11 running track and wide rei eiv er Rereiver Sean LaChapoile has missed most of the month with rii) injuries hut is expected hack in the lineup on Saturday. Kevin Williams, the Pacific-10 Confer ence's leading rusher last year, has suffered a series of ailments, hut he is expected to return Sophomore Chris Alexander filled in for Williams last week and rushed for 227 yards on 15 carries "I have been impressed with Alexander." brooks said He is tough. fast and has fx*en very pro ductive They have suffered injuries, hut what a nice deal it is to have a guy like that step up." Whoever is on the field for the Bruins on Saturday will face a rejuvenated Oregon team that appears to he peaking at the right time Oregon's season has been one of streaks, as the Dut ks have a pair of two-game losing streaks to go along with a three-game winning streak and the c urrent two-game winning streak against Washington State and (California 1If we lose this weekend, it will take more than a tourniquet to stop the bleeding Rich Brooks, Oregon football coach "We failed to make big plays against DSC and Washington, | and vve came up just a little short,” Brooks said. "The last two games vve made those plays and that comes with confidence We have had two good games against two good defenses." With the possible absence of Whittle, junior Sean Burwell will have to carry the load for the Ducks on the ground Burwell is coming off his worst performance of the year, when he rushed for only 17 yaidx on 14 canies against California "We need to run tin* football against their outstanding defense,” Brooks said. "We must be able to stop their run ning game; Alexander has emerged as a force, and they have a huge offensive line, so containing their running game is paramount." FALL FITNESS SPECIALS ALL THIS & MUCH MORE AT ONE LOW PRICE: / Unlimited Aerobics / Stairmasters / Universal Super Circuit y Complete Spa/Locker Facilities / Tanning Packages / Aerobicycles / Adjacent to Jogging/Bicycle Trails Check Out Our Full Specials Or»U*VY~'v co OOCKS1 Oregon West -fitness co DUCKS! GREAT HOURS - BEST PRICES 6am-lipm 7 Days a Week 1475 Franklin Blvd. (Across from campus) • 485-1624