PROFILE Tate brings depth at tight end By Erick Studenicka Emerald Sports Reporter Young Oregon players like Danny O'Neil and Rickey VVhil lie were expected to contribute from the outset of the season Other young players have emerged from near obscurity to make some surprising contribu tions to the now possibly bowl (round Oregon football team One of the most surprising of the contributors has been sophomore tight end Willy Tate After catching only two passes all of last season, Tate has 1 fi receptions in his last six games and is one of the team leaders with his Iti (I yards-per-reeep lion average Tate received his chance to play when senior Vince Kerry injured his ribs early in the sea son Kerry has since recuperated and remains the starting tight end. hut because of Tate's strong showing while filling in for Kerry, the two now play on an alternating series basis Despite everyone's desire for playing time. Tate says tin- tight ends on the team remain close friends. "I'd hate to be the t:oa< h who had to determine playing time,” d ate said. "Vince is a great play er, and so is O.B Babbs, for that matter. "We're really a close-knit group. We re a special group, not really receivers, but not real ly linemen either. You could say we're a group in limbo," Tate said. Tate saitr> try M-.f**; f^#*JI** Willy Tate hat played a big role In turning Oregon a teason around on Danny, and after I went to watch some game films, I came hack and my room was all mossed up. He can give me .1 hard time sometimes,'' Tate said while laughing Tate had ample opportunity to hlork during his h,gh si hoot career, as his team, kilk drove, Calif . ran about ?K) percent of the time Tate also played split ’ end and linebacker as he led Elk drove to an 11-1 record his senior year Tate was recruited heavily by Oregon and UdLA. hut tie said tie feels no extra cynotinn for Saturday's game against the Bruins. "UCLA has the great athletes and is well respected, but .1 ft•• r one trip down to visit the cam pus, I couldn't picture myself going to si hool there For my own college experience. (Jregort was the perfect place to go. ' Tate said late said that lies father. Richard, helped develop his fi- thiill tah ut from a s >King age "My dad was the ultimate football dad He would drag me outside to play i etch at night. 1 still probably catch passes pist from muscle memory 1 devel oped playing catch with him." Tate said d ate's father has now bei mne the ultimate Duck football fan, driving up and down the West (loast to see his son play foot ball Turn to TATE. Page 6B DUCK FOOD! URGE PEPKRONI $T99 Get a large Origu t tu* MlA« IM3 Garden Aw * 345-9048 PREGAME * PARTIES Hie UO Alumni Association tiosis pregame parlies al Duck football games. both (untie and away All alumni and friends are welcome At Aul/en. look (or (lie big green and yellow ten! near the footbridge Hie I ane County Chapter sponsors the event, open from two liours before kick of! until one hour alter the game Admission is tree! ’["here's plenty ol lood, dunk, and Duck merchandise available lor purchase inside II you plan on catching any away games, call the UOAAat (5(H) 146-565b lot party details l Sept. 5’ Ha" -!'1 Stanford Texas lech UNLV Arizona State use Washington Washington State California (Homecoming) CCl-A Oregon State Sept Sept- 12 sept. \r Sept. 26* Oct. 3* Oct. 10 Oct. 17* Oct. 31 Nov. 7* Nov. 2i omrwSMK 1:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p m. 1:00 p m. 3:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m.1 2:00 p.m. 1:00 p m. | 1:00 p.m. 1:00 pm Homecoming 10, 15, JO, anti 25-year Krunion Werkerui Celebrate the spirit of tlie t Jmversity of < )regon during Homecoming & Reunion Weekend. November 6-X. l‘W2. I here's something in it for everyt me! C 'al 1 the l K )AA at (503) 346-5656 for more details.