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Brooks said "Until then, any Ixiwl talk is ridiculous " If the Ducks are able to win their nest two games, they may find themselves in any one of the aforementioned games But they will need a little help from their friends As of right now. Oregon has no chance of finishing in one of the top two positions in the confer ence and are a long-shot to finish third, and all it ran do is win the next two games and see what everyone else does With Washington at 5-1 in the Pacific-10Conference, it is sitting in good shape to go to the Rose Bowl, and Arizona is the front runner for the second place posi tion. After that. Stanford. USC, Washington State and Ori-goir are left to battle it out for the third, fourth and fifth position Here's an attempt to simplify Oregon's bowl chances if the Dm ks win their next two games The freedom Bowl has dilis on the third-place finisher in the Pac-10. Stanford. I JSC! and Wash ington State are all tied for third al 4■'! In order for (Sn-gon In have a chain »• to finish third. 1 )S(! and Stanford will need to lose their last two games and Washington State will have to lose one The Copper Bowl is looking at getting a Pac-10 team in its game and is sending a scout to see the (lregon-10.A game Al O'Brien, founder of the ( up per Bowl and a member of its selection committee, said his bowl is hoping to get the fourth place tram from the conference ''It looks as if we may have the fourth team in the Pac-10," In said "If Oregon i an finish fourth in the conference, they would have a very good shot.” Photo by P**Uv Sean Bur-well and the Duck* will accept a bowl bid with open arena For that to happen, either DSC or Stanford would have to lose both of their games and Wash ington State would have to lose one The Independence Bowl seems to be the Ducks' most reasonable chance of postseason play. The Ixiwl is very high on Oregon after the Ducks' 1989 appearance in which around 0,000 Duck fans made the trip to Shreveport. Bob Brown, president of the Sports Foundation, which puts on the Independence Bowl, said his bowl hopes to match either Oregon. West Virginia or Clem son up against either Mississippi or Mississippi State. He also said the Ducks' fan support could make the differ ence. "You can always Find a good fixitbal! team," Brown said. "The i hallenge is finding a team with strong support When Oregon came in '89, they were great and were really adopted by our com munity Oregon is my personal favorite hei ause of our expon ent e with them three years ago ” The John Hancock Bowl has not yet crossed Oregon off its list One of the bowl's teams comes out of the bowl coalition pool - which consists of teams from the Atlantic Coast. Big Fast, Big-8, Pat -10 and Southwest confer ences If team comes out the Pat -10, Oregon will probably not have a shot. But Tom Starr, director of sports for the bowl, saitl if the Eugene’s most complete TEAM SPORTS SPECIALISTS! IN-STOCK , or SPECIAL ' ORDERS AT DISCOUNT 3 Days Only! Nov 14, 15 & 16 Sat, Sun & Mon Brine Equipment, Clothing & Accessories ALL PRICES REDUCED! We thought our name was enough to set us apart from any other store, but we're still being mistaken for Feets Plus (the previous store at this address) and we're out to set the record straight DOC'S JOCK SHOP is Eugene's Most Complete Team Sport Specialty Store! We feature a large selection, greet prices and courteous, professional service.... As a mailer of tact, we think we're in a league of our own Stop in and see tor yourself1 DOCS JOCK SHOP 339 East 11th • Eugene 687-2909 OPEN 7 DAYS M-F 10-6* Sat 10-5* Sun 12-4 coalition loam comes from one of the other conferences, the Ducks could get an invitation. "1 think Oregon would very much lie in our picture,” he said, “depending on what USC and Stanford did.” The Aloha Bowl is a longshot for the Ducks, but still a possi bility. The bowl is played on Christ mas and usually attracts a large television audience, and it is probably the most prestigious of the five bowls. They would have liked to get' Hawaii to play in the bowl, but it looks as if Hawaii will go to the Holiday Bowl by finishing first in Western Athletic Conference. The Aloha Bowl has no ties to the coalition pool and is there fore left to pick from what's left. Oregon’s west coast location could he an advantage, but the Ducks would likely have to de pend on a fourth-place finish to even he considered. I ISC, Stanford and Washing ton State all have two Pac-10 games remaining. The Cougars have the toughest schedule with .1 game at Stanford this week and are at home the following week against Washington. Stanford has the game against Washington State and closes the season on the road against Cali fornia. USC has Arizona at home this weekend, is at UCLA next week end and closes the season at home against Notre Dame. UNlOKClTTAttl IVIN INC Ol KzJJhiCAH WOftlD HAT MUtU