its TYPING SERVICES ************* * Typing A word p#oca**»nQ 65 rontMSOuW# Ml* p<*3» ?4 *v U*n a'ixjxJ f '»,*» campm pc* 344-4510 guAi rnr wow pa(h*>:uim; M«M «TI U 1HH* T mi I JJ intMhm 605 E. 13th Amini raTrigatator. * .4 V/» pfl-4* gofcf l ■*« n**r' IVWd oonifflion1 1^10 CW >46 9190 BHAMO Ml W mwfctong *0*« 4 *ov* inwtf *rhn>r Ail 3 paa-an '<* ony % *9 wor j MM tonfl w 99— _ Brand Naw ( 41 ?W.T3 Ohntk ^ CoucKTuda a toad. |7* '*-*Q*‘ %?** Qucmn I Mn* • 4 Gaft b*u» **f'' A-*) •«i'nr >46 At 'pO or 746 1901 CiUTAMS GAl OMI ' M ' mvH AAo cafntm And MONK* Buy ana !■*<# Gonu* *61 w vf MIKING BOOTS IVand '**# AftOftO Al X VJO l «1*» -■’ fi?04*>o Aaia B49MT t tka na*r* AH!A 7 fw*¥.» iVum war AX tahr. $V9S MH> MV1_ Pul Mffl< muftC your I a nation piano only |6»V Spin*. ug* mvxi 4HV WO? >44^%«1^_ VCH 4 raah ivgh Q-* ty w* yiw old prt*1 MOO oiAing C* >4i> 19?6 Ouf approach Quality 1 ho Cloth** Mo* •• noil to 0 Q us BUY OR TRADE GEN EL IMIN S E N C O H E CASH FOR 501 LEVIS 1 un,w<»flnnn_Mi±mJ CASH FOH IEVI Ml JEANS WM S/M ?/ 40 up to I'O IMCh1 (dapamtng on *«rKc«*sion| AI»o buying lavl, Ln and Wrangler and motorcycle lackala Good ouaMy uaod (oana. danrm and coala a No lor aala 0*n N IDES, I Hi. SAI 113 7/5 Monro*_343-4589 145 CARS TRUCKS GOVERNMENT Stl/ED Vi*«'w* from $100 font* Corv«fl»* Cn«vy» Sorpivj* CauiOa (1) HOS 96? ftOOO t »t S PM?_ 7* Honda Wagon, «fa»gtt, aeon. rvt* griMf potoniuii. but rvooin »Ofn« Tw*p $400 69 VW Squai® Rack, body dam ag®. run* «*c Parts $3/5 464 9/?3 •1 Volvo N\ «*fr>nQ SHOO 342 9490 __ __ M Vofca Jafta 4 or. 5 *pd. gf»y run* 0/«MK. nMKH cimcb. rnual s**' now. $1500 345 7916_ 90 CMC PicAup 5*pd ?wd, bkm. ®*c cond low ma®» cuaiom w*w®**. $9100 ( vw% 663 9493 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS ISO MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 17 Honda f !«• 40 'Od. 4000 m» tfvaop tnanaportaiion. n,m* gnu*? 1.3 VO «M»5163 (OAVC) iss BICYCLES Bfc# Starling drwxwtyy -vpcyr to &{S*mK CDnUd O' 404 9766 |1K Aw ky fwy»?' Bndgaatona M85, £>*«* t •*# noa rmi hducM fteA pomp and f7?V o6o 696 >0>4 lnvrat In foul future with ODE Advertising its COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS fr*a Soft Vs* IMA laatar* on Mac. potactf aconomiy * long uw*-» Jap Spa." Koe-npo Gaft 603 WM L tpiop Word Procaaaor Navar I***' jiual 3 V J40a 0*k many inacu'wo |>?40 >*•*»:'■**' «¥art*rw» w? 40SG?1*> Panatomc r>.«Ha ► A W* VC SA wod3 p*ocadtO* |175 ot»o l *^> ngw* 346 uarv‘> ToatMtM T 1000 Sf. »f M admpaSOto •«* |i?00. $300 060 Smart Conyva port**** a (.M'tina Mg? a* 34 3 9P73_ KARAOKE TAPI S 4 DISCS Thowaand* o> *ong* «n wot* f f«M tapping on ap*«L -At onfcy* Buy 3 and gw ’0\ofl' H*r,tai *y*l*m& 9 VO 4 up* SOUND INVESTMENTS Cf N H HNtAi Cf’NVfR 747 7190 17S INSTRUMENTS 1 rworaq M«ag« tomjvimQ toyhoa'Tj ■kmhh wao taaaaao_ WhaB t ug«r*i msiwc mvmxsty to* totsad «■ •»’ J»mmy 1'a.^u a-*) tto<>*J hurt} Ou<»> ftoyt* mag*/mo’ John ‘.'.Of toy a„«a» toy (want. beat won its BOOKS ncr SN N , juumtirtA lex* Ptvotogiop^y T,.*, JAI/ CS.i.,.4_, Iwto 11". THU 12". mi 12' CASH FOR BOOKS 1 wo Comuwnl l ocuurw mi Dlh 175 W4U«n.<1* ‘■*****3 jotofiafcora* cr imut-jm *#*' urmnpai ___ U4 241?__ Bind iMfci vocal* C«H Om fi»> 4 >01 _ Co»**g# SchoUmhtpa yr-. a'xj q Mudirtl1 M*cxyOirJ *nMMQa yww dm* 1 *00 IMS 40f.‘ r,MANT% SOIOi AWiM^i PvnomK/M r.arrp-Jimr utafxt f nm ■r lO «•*"« I' or *«y* .*«S? W 'ywoaej* «1 ’4 f ^g*** 0*< »*+:*' O* QH’ Mi* * I OS ” NON in A 1)11 KJNAi MU!>» NT s Am fou a *ow ■> fcrw tutor (fCMf p«fl'*r'rt* d#d #•** grw^jfla# T^tyri # it*.' »«*v cxy*©#;' Am you otto* !hT' Q. *d**»og #Wvor*cv cJAatan ahar.1 Jh* ftvtttfaP^yatNDflMN-’ty Of Ch*W a»f» m thu ufwarMy Nov am bar 23. IW?. f 6 t: pm l MU I Room, for *>»o cm. ► «'«*“ l ogvm 346 ?9f-' or H«y ' wt C’»«ypou« f 'uy at 346 06V f raa child cara availaWa \v ■'-*> -'no*»«;ng Spaco 'ORO'vn by Nov 16 for ^'o'owvdSOf Qpnna f iwnttn 34IM31W KMKRAU) 1 IJCSSIFIKDS A (rm of • dr* I! no HELP WANTED POSITIONS AVAILABLE ASUO EXECUTIVE Publlcity/Adv*rtlaing Coordinator ^ublkUa and promo** ASUO and Program# Coalition Council pro facia and avan** 20 hours a wraafc wHh $1 SO altpand aach month Daadltna ter application# ta 5pm Monday Nov 23 at tha ASUO Exac Otftca Suita 4 EMU Tha ASUO ia an Aftirmativa Action Equal Opportunity Empioyar POSITION AVAILABLE ASUO CONSTITUTION COURT Tha Constitution Court has supism* and final authority on *11 quasi ion* ot intarpralalion ol tha ASUO const Hut ion and sny rufas promulgated undai It Thars ar* (4) sludanl position* currently available two ol I has* vacancies must b# lillad by a sac ond or third yaar law school sludanl Applications lor sppolntmant can b* obtainad from tha ASUO, Suds 4 of tha EMU trom gam lo 5pm Applications subntiflsd no lalar than Friday Nov 20 5pm An Altirmattv* Action Equal Opportunity Empioyar 210 HELP WANTED J»0 HELP WANTED SUN VALLtY ski RESORT « Nhng tor !-* w*lm saaaon f ood dwc* N» a vtrtltf o* powhom tN*\ajOm wt %omm hcwy 4 goad frw**** •m«vi«i w* po »-«« Tr*ur Nov to t MU Canfufy c for «**0 plMM <*** Saud«r* Employ mar* ortc* «n HwWfct M** I ifn c**h storting an-v stops# at Horn* As m«tanafe provkNd SAi>4 to PO Dot 9A*3 SpnngNMJ K*j6SaC' (ARNIA$Y MONEY*” Poa* our txtsrr^#** around CrtmjWi anti rwcaMi ODrtWrttoMBfl Hy warn com pwrafl AppAcnSoOrt Work km ho^ <>n yoo oar- ?yma Q# • POO ,’M» 99 *» Iipam&ng Msrtanng C© Mw.'Tg PuArwiA* m*nfltofl. opporturwitliC evJnrtd u«m to ** *a'«a 4 manwwmg pototona as Cwga-’w ana* W*n**y encoma & f*a# turn fo n Cat? *y rtrvaw MJB077* a»; tfe __ INTL STUDENTS WANTED t icaJtonf opportunity fAg* rvom POM*** Pars »«m* or M StriOUi onty >*V€k!*9fi Km*o • on campus a •■w h • ng cu* Jomor *#rvioa nsprwMtotaS *•» and a coRm sapnaaao Nw wwr H you am dwpwndAfcto upbMK. proto** <**if mrxi 0hcx i«am CarmjfhryQ. Paining. aarvtGM and puftPaaa Pton support Mu*t n*v» mcroocwnpulto savvy, good commune j|«on and ornam/aflonat Mu»* Start mg pay f.*> *S 50*toor Appry Room ?SC Computing Cents* MON I V FOR! wrtta i*» wvjartdua** wfyo enjoy activating athm peupto no **p necwswiry. tx* must Mu* people and fxi a team ptayto Ca» 6*3 9480 NANNtfS Wb r**» p«rt*(.rk on ar'vfonmanfito and *oc»*) n**ua* • Naip work on Budgat Books • Orgptnua m«twy and orgarv/aliona* maat»rig* • AppMcatiom avrt-Utbto n tu*to 1 ol irw f mu • Ptoo*« f«turn tfa* np^eatron m Wm htring maat*ng on Nov i9tn 7pm for mora info contact lha Survival Canlar at 34A-43V) A * you mtaraMad m Student Govt 7 The Studart Sanata Mnate •vaftaNa m the totfowmg CftaptMnaA** - AAA Jour no item U ndaclared Mue»c Socle I Science* Sciences Graduate law fha tastt are *|tpe**5 poaflore PicA UP «pphfAHO«» *n SuAP 4. (MU Ommsur+ tt Wad Nov 18 W’M Quasi one 7 34&OAX) AAC Of OCT HI' Al WORl 0 EXPIN ft NCC And lha competitive edge you need in adverting eatee with lha Or agon Daily f mar aid tef» ({tta « Somatome* a coinage degree wth a good GPA «* no* &**»»*& enough to utrd the pe» you war.3 right oui o* school Today * employer* are tootohQ for npp>c.*nt* not or»y wen jot) aipo'wrooa chji the !*ma management **>*** * 10 hoW down a ra*p aetcnpoon m Room 300. I MU Appftcanla wa Da telephoned tor mtennew appointment* The jop email* a# aspect of advancing va»» p»Hr* eipaeure fo Oeagn, production and buemaae *Mt* Ga?r valuable real world aipananca 0y wortongatiha 13ihlargest morrung newepeper m Or agon CLOSING DATE Nov 13,5 pm 210 HELP WANTEO WINTER RUSH JOBS! We're Now Scheduling Interviews! Beginning November 16tb Sign up at the Bookstore Oftice upstairs or Call 346-4331 UNIVERSITY Of OBICON 2i0 HELP WANTED Rf. T Aft. CUSTOM# R SCRVCt Starting pay 110.25 Part lima 1705 WMfcly. M70 monthly fv*M*aMiO»*aA*y |!540»wth»y Ir* rm& CNPn, *umy ttr-'P A P*''*' pot. no **p nac w ® tram fta« iwn® Won* * tacM ana*. «p*yy S*n*~ Cotmpa ttudart* wnr% part «ma acf*oo* ywww and V* ' during vacamor. wrw *chOtar»h*pa and Wamthip* ava C4tf lAJ-O/f# 2i S WORK STUDY ?*na I4i?>ng wort atudy qualrfiad v.jamn to. comiMt* Mirtww tcrt**n» tpMMrttf Oi»m» computer rmw-mananaa Mufti m NvtMwra and io^wrn 16 OG*v Caw Jan*C*. ?4« 54 T 4 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Baaotfful 1*1 la houwi Wan* **>• R<** to avnpu* No tmofcarWCtogs A ^v Jennings Co 1340 Mill Street Ne» 7 todrm sn quart compel dow JO GRkmpm BdfcOny. coveMKl par* *ng. OW, and laundry fuc^tmt $495 C*3 6B3 4?i» Avadabta X Msa braak ««** thru ft iM». $550 month ClOHI to campus 683 6096 F urn**had 1 bdrm Av&iiabi* ky WYntor farm 15th and Ffcfyard f tosarva now' 4H4 9977 Large One Bedroom Claan, qu«at. off atraat Parking, thraa block* to cam pit*, wiH go faat* >350mo 345-4155 __ Roomy 1 bdrm apt. $3?5 mo. 13th K F4gh 5 blocks to campus 343 3978 Spnngtiaid, noar Aut/®n b<*a path, 1 bdrm apt m quart vmtapa Farm housa. dac*. larga gardan. on bka routa to IX), '-so country, no pot*. $3?Qrmo 345 5715 STUDIO FOR REMTCiaan. nom Borg * Ski Shop av*d Thanksgiving wmwond $?»S-month Abo 343 1 744 THE COLLEGIAN i«h and Attar sca«od ftfudant trying including moai somnca Apply now tor arrvtor 343-1755_ Redusood Park Apts. 0uitL Country Living With City Coniwnlrnc* Unfumlahod 1 Bdrm $305, (atarttng Nov 1) Low UtUHtaa-On Bualtna f qu*ppad Watght Room. Spa Wood Part 0 Playground laundry F actinia* Also Fumlshsd tultos Studio, 1 4 2 &R $00010 $075 individually Dacoratad Compi*t*ly Furm*h*d l woryihtrag From Cable TV to L man* For Bad. Bath 4 Kitchan On Stt* Managamant Taam 4103 w. jath 484 5775 SOUTHGATE 1100 >qll2 bdrm townhouM *llh farvead backyard • Ptxrt and Sauna • On «wta l aundry F aoWws • Hmi Campu* • On flukiine 2345 P*tt*f*on 345-44 71 SPRINGFIELD 152 South 53rd Quart smau bu*tt*ng 2 bdrma $390 310 C Str*at i bMdfoom Laundry $300 No pal* Shown by appotntmant SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10lh 400-1130 Chrism** *1 Sun H. Mcuzt\ » mor* simp* 6 Ok 70 77 ST3S 33SC 245 ROOMS $195/MONTH A* hM! and utMm kicIuOM 3 sm» lo r*npg» WN. go !*i‘ Mb 41 S3 245 ROOMS Fumiohod room. 4' 75 no *rw «no Nom vnnr 686 5673 255 ROOMMATES WANTED ft tHoefca tror* 2 txJfrv a& to *?**« *T’? iO I^SC. iett. pr« rat* Ar^ftfci. 6I» 6?fi? O' **4 VHK *• /'»» 5 OC i VJ) OU • UW (MB J W A Boldly R«*on»nt Thriller' IIHUIM DAI Of (U1NN UIIIIINDON LIGHT SLEEPER 515(11)7 15 #15 "Stcamlly Entertaining!" 6 »>nifua:ni NijMlf 11 15(11) Id|«i t*mU singles —U 4UU^ N.*Mly 11 10(11) HUSBAND’S AND WIVES J FO* MOAff tNFC iff TH§ IjOU AD Cl&ffWHf Hi >N TMtS turn A ID’ WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln TONIGHT Club Foot Orchestra SATURDAY Stone Biscuit Sugar Beets Mad Farmers SUNDAY Memorabilia & Rummage Sale All Ages Welcome 687-2748 S*A*& IVGtNt'S WetKLYi / J Saturday on the Market Stage ho-Chip Cohen folk Addle A classical guitar —Talking Books A variety of tales and tellers Dirty Fred International juggler Inspirational Sounds Uplifting gospel music *-Sons of Cain Original folk doing rock tool CrafB • M F oad • Hi EnMnurt mMStLMiWL Films Final Shows TONIGHT "180 PLC i Urto* Oa^Mt (tn :,\ICA 7:30 pm Academy A ward winner B\ACK , ORPHeyS 9:45 pm *2 «tudents w'10, *3 GP | doutim kmttu»: $1 mart