Coordinator questions low EMU Ballroom capacity By Mandy Baucum Emerald Reporter The Nov 6 Public Enemy concert In the EMU Ilu 11 room may have seemed a success to many students but only added to the disappointment of one University Cultural Forum t:o ordinator Adam Zacks, national music coordinator for the Cultural Fo rum. said he believed he could give students a better price and allow morn students to attond the show, if it weren't for the low maximum capacity limit. Presently the ballroom has a rapacity of 1,000 people, down 400 from the t:uparity allowed about four years ago. Zarks said he is tn favor of raising the ballroom's occupan cy to its previous 1.-too maxt mum "It's obvious there is room for 300 more people.” Zai ks said "(A larger ballroom rapac ity) would drastically lower the ticket price and allow more people to go to sold out con certs like Public Enemy.” Sacia Stiles, a sophomore who attended the Public Enemy concern, said the ballroom could have easily housed more people "There was a lot of people, but it's not like that was the maximum capacity or any thing,” Stiles said The EMU Ballroom was re modeled in 1‘JBti But Frank Geltner. EMU associate dire* tor. said the remodeling had no hearing on changing capacity Instead, Geltner saiil Reggie Augsburgor, the EMU's newly appointed fire marshall, made the capacity change Geltner said he has been working wilh the fur 15 years ami that 1.400 was al ways ihf number for strict stand up contorts However. Augsburgrr. depu ty fire marshall for tno Eugene Fire Department, said he has boon with this force for 15 years and has never heard of the 1,400 figure Augsburger said as far as tie knows, the 1.000 code has Ix'on standard since he began work mg with the fire department A room's maximum capacity is found try dividing its square footage by seven Because the EMU Ballroom's square footage t> 7,128, the maximum occu pancy is 1,018, Augxburger said Foufteen hundred would have never been in the realm of possibility," Augsburger said, 'not legally Linda Dievnndorf, the EMU's program advisor, said I he ball room's capacity changed about the same time Augsburger tx> came the KMU's fire marshall. "It's real possible the fire marshall doesn't have that his tory," Ulevendorf said Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS 1 DAY LEFT Oda to Swtmp Stomp Ml' Thara’» on* mom day and ft a» goo® nght Th* & and vnas should Oo up to night Fot thos* who am baardad you hava 1 day mom. than you can ahav*. rarer burn* _Qakya_ I CLAHKIKIKI) kok sai.k I ■s ATI Nf Student* ‘olleetor* TSeket Hell*r* Ticket Buyer* St ufT Around The House tc gory 130 YOUR CAMPON CONNKCTIOM (frrgnn Dally Kmrrmld 316 4343 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS LN Sat unlay rngr>? wan a Cm*! It was ovw way too mat Wa danced a« night iong T o our lavor#* song* Thanks tor a great evening* KAH 105 PERSONALS DRUMMI RS Do you rmvo !h» Btuw1 A.-.1 vw duo vmkt rtiyinm* of 'r*» Dm* 343 1844 115 TYPING SERVICES PfKDfESSlONAL TYPING Atso word processing editing I ?ee pCKopAJekvery ftonda. 93S t 99? 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