Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 13, 1992, Page 8A, Image 7

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Veukud & CUrk.
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• MIP/FaIso U*c» Of I D
Price quote by phone"
/ « =s=s==-i
2 5 8 1.13th
EUGENI, OR 97401
FAX 344-7242
Continued Irom Page 6A
perceptions and philosophies woven into a
roller-coaster ride of highs and lows, emotional
and humorous points.”
Through humor, Marcus said, he i.an "invite
people to come into the show anti not Ik' uncom
fortable, so they can laugh with me and not at
me "
Marcus' writings and collages have been pub
lished in newsletters, newspapers and maga
zines This year he won the United Nation’s
Medal of Excellence for playwrights His work is
part of the first disabled poet's anthology.
Toward Solomon's Mountain, and he recently
published a children's illustrated book. “The
Princess and the Dragon - A Disabled Fable
The Hull Center's Giving Voice Serins, high
lighting artists of diverse abilities and hack
grounds. presents this production Nov. 20 and
21 at 7 30 p rn. Access Theatre pros ides state-of
the-art technology for audio and visually
impaired patrons
A special workshop for actors, arls administra
tors and students of all physical abilities will l>e
held Nov 21 at the Hilyard Community Center,
2SB0 Hilyard St . from 1 to 3:30 p m Director
Rod Lathim will focus on overcoming attitude
harriers and understanding the Americans with
Disabilities Act. among other topics
The University's Disabilities Services Project
Committee is offering scholarships for students
with disabilities to cover the workshop’s SS fee.
For more information, contact Hilary Ceres,
councilor, at 3-46-3211.
Continued from Page 6A
aspirations arc to unlock the
meaning of a work." Ramirez
said "For instance, during the
Middle \ge$ people wanted to
pay tribute to (>od by way of
their amateur presentations,
which were crudely pro
duced "
Ironically. Ramirez, who
tries to attend every rehearsal
of a play she's involved with,
finds that her greatest task is to
remain as unbiased as possible
"It is crucial that l have an
exchange with all of the pro
duction areas and that 1 not lie
pen eived as an advocate for
either the playwright, the
direr lor or the designers "
Kamirr/s interest and exper
tise in multicultural theater,
specifically Hispanic Theater,
produced a Ixxik on the history
of Hispanic-American profes
sional theater on the Texas
stage titled "footlights Across
The Border " Her primary
interest lies in the
Latino Latina experience,
specifically plays by women
Her other credits include
writings that explore the histo
ry of Hispanii women yn the
Spanish language stage, devel
oping programs in Chicano the
ater and directing. Here at the
University, in addition to
teaching theatrical theory, she
^ 1 “
is developing a course on mul
ticullural (healer to be offered
next winter and spring. The
course will delve into the ritual
and oral tradition of four
minority groups—Native
American, Latino/Latinn. Asian
and Afro-American.
Before coming to the
University, Ramiro?, taught the
ater history for three years at
the University of Arizona.
Before that, she completed a
fellowship at Harvard with the
American Repertory Theater
where she worked closely as
production dramaturg with
some leading directors, includ
ing Anne Bogart, one of the
foremost avante-garde directors
in the country. . *
A f J I Ml l ( .Ul l l 11 < AI
ohiim i xi m mi r i' '■
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Attention Environmental
Studies Minors
c *i Advising is available
vi, m a U cf/ 9:30-11.30 or by appointment
< erne In lilt- Environmental Studies Center, C ondon Hall 104.
Inlnrrv.ation i cm trning classes tor Winter and Spring,
Students interested in pursuing an
hnvironmental Studies Minor are' welcome
during advising hours for details.
Students wishing to graduate this year
should contact the adviser to discuss final
course plan.
V Duck Call £
is Coming... J
So here’s your
chance to get some
Hands-on Practical
Experience and
University Credit in:
You can get experience in:
/ Coordinating events
✓ Public speaking
/ Writing articles for the Well Now
/ Facilitating workshops
You must apply to partcipate rt Peer Health
AcVtwng, HEP410&510. Pckupyour
application n Health Education, Student Health i
Center, or cal 346-4456 tor more information.
HfxrBonrUiy !tt‘ L f tv twy f 'wgmn Stuart UuOh C«r*sr^^