November 1 3, lWZ 1$ 0) U) c Friday. November 13 The Irene Ferrer* Tropical Band it aim World Beal) a! !h« EMU B#er Garden 4pm open :>pm music begins Aland* ir Frater and Paul Machlla «‘v offish I * atUO Beall Concert Hal. 8pm Jim Masi Band (Bluest al Good Times 9 30pm Earth Force* (WorW Beat) al Taylors 9pm Iren# Farrera Tropical Band (Latin World Beal' al John Henry 's 10pm Club Foot Orchestra perform* lfc« accompani mertf lo silent turn classics al iho WOW Hail 8 30pm doors open, show si arts at 9pm Dr Timothy Leary ’How to Operate your Braid * South Eugene High School Audrtortum 8pm Saturday, November 14 I'm MhI Hand (Blues) ill Good Tmn 9 3C*>m piouffee (Catun Rock) al Taylor's 9pm Wayne Horvltz * PlgperVStymle (AH Hr* ki al John Henry* 10pm Slone BlscuiVSugar Beets,Wail Farmer* al tha WOW Mall1* Firm! Annual Hal F**l 9pm Sunday, November 15 Can* and Banda al John Henry's Hr**) 3 CSfB i>l lood prel meal Jems and see John f ON Now William. Black Ros«3 Caribbean Beal Muftipto Sarcasm and Boogie Palrol Express f ood drive lo benetil Eugene Emergency Famiy Shelter upen Monday, November 16 The Debu*»y Trio al UO Boa* Concert Hall 8pm Rooster * Blues Jam at Good I m«* 9 JOprn Oswald Five-O/Runlmeyer/Pant* (AS Rock) al John Henry's 10pm Jim Landry (AcousJK) al Taylor's 9pm Tuesday, November 17 Walkar T Ryan (Blues) at John Henry s 10pm Reverend Ho don Heal wl Guardian* of American Morality (Hock) al Good Times |i 30pm 'Local Hero (Acoustic) al Taylor's 9pm Sugar Beet* (Bluegrasst al Ostoerl s 8 3ert s 8 30pm New Rider* of the Purple Sage i F>syc!>eUe*< Country) al Good T*nes 0 3Gpm Do**/Funnelheem Mark Alan (Acousbc) al Taylor's 9pm OanceJam! is a drug-tree alcohoFIree ptac e lo gel a workoul lor the body rrand and spirt! Music mu lealures everylhaig from 60s psychedelic, lo the latest lunk, reggae and rap Al I atfyand A gale m Cale Audriorkjm, S3 / 30 ■ 10 pm Thursday. November 19 Club Dead w/Trtple Vision, hosted by Downtown Deb (Capettaj include* 'Gralelul videos' and 'Dead tapes.' al Good Times 9 30pm The Hare .An Rock) al Taylor's 9 30pm Osgood SlaugWeriMotorgoat/Villag* idle* al John Henry's 10pm L1W1M Yl\ll In the 1‘itiOs. Timothy Leary coined the phrase, "Turn on. tune in. drop out In the 1990s. Leary is still tolling us to turn on. but this time It's to the computer screen Leary vs ill be presenting a IectureAJemrmstration of electronii: mind expansion arm viriuai rcalil’ tonight in the South Eugene High School Auditorium The performance, entitled, "How To uperatc i our uram, was ursigneu m empower individuals to "think for them selves ami question authority In case vou believe that Leary is |ust another quai k new-age hippie, think again Leary earned a doctorate in psy chology at the University of California. Berkeley In 11)5'). he was appointed to the faculty of Harvard University to introdur e new methods for correcting behavior For three years, Leary was the director of the Harvard Psychedelic Research Project While involved with this prnjei t, he began his clinical study of psychedel ic drugs, "Mr interest has always been the brain," Leary said in a phone interview He emphasized that the use of drugs is lust one of the ways to activate the brain, the other two being meditation and elec - tronic lights and sounds "All I aOs author Marshall McLuhan. who predict ed that “electrons are the best way to communicate one mind to another, one brain to another " During his research at Harvard in the lVifiOs, Leary discovered that light shows could produce the same effect on the brain as the use of psychedelics Leary said he believes that the brain lives off light and that people starve their brains of this necessary light His research has progressed through to the 1990s, and he is now able to make use of Uxiay's technology. Through the usr of computers and C.D KOM, Leary i\ able to produce what he trrms 'designer hallucinations " l.rarv thro combines the "hallurina terns'' to form a "hyperdelic video The goals of thr video arc to “induce or stun ulatr the LSD trip and to describe and wvuuv Story by Carrie Fenelon l.tMMIIliillll • I I ’ 1HH iiiir trips Iim>k hk*' 'If l s('»* Mount f-Aorest with .1 straw berry on top. then I can communicate that WWW id rvrryuf *t\ i.raiy >mu Leary will bo coming into town Thursday "to hang out with kesev Leary said that it Mills icons such as ken kesey, Allen llinsburg or William S Burroughs remain his favorite people and "philosophic heroes Leary said he doesn t believe that they are capitalizing on their past notoriety because they continue to advance their thinking into the modern age as he has He noted a computer model that novelist Kesev has rei ently developed Leary proved how up-to-date lie is by commenting on new music He said that his work and that of his friends is sam pled by "those Seattle grunge bands " According to his biography. Leary has become the leader of the "futurist mov e ment He is the president of a company called Kutique, Ira (Kutique is the oppo site of antique. Leary said.) Many articles have boon written in the past few years heralding the coining of virtual reality, a field that Leary pioneered He has also formed a partnership with I’svchick TV. an acid-house techno music group that recently moved to San Francisco from England The group pro duced the audio visuals that Leary will use in Ins performance The demonstration will begin at it p m The cost is Sf for IK) students and SH fur the general public Leary called the per formance u "reunion or celebration He said that it will he a lot of fun and have a nice sense of getting together "It's a wonderful feeling of people linking their minds and brains together.' he said * * * ✓ * ✓ / / / / / / ( s s s s s s s s BLAZERS DOIT at. „ Tonight on the Big Screen TV 13th & Patterson m 342-1727 1225 ALDER 345-2434 Cash For Textbooks Mon.-Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th ' 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 95.3 THE KAVE PRESENTS ALFRED HITHCOCK’S PSYCHO You! never tike cnotier ro**« clone1 4 DAYS ONLY! NOV 13 to NOV 16 FBI 78.9pm SAT5.78.9pm . SUN 5A7pm MON 78Vprn Adults S? SO/ Students. Seniors A Alternately able S1 50/ Kids under 10 free Th^ Mekenzie 630 Mcr. • Downtown tyr&Ait • 747 tifJ FREE TYPING! Each hour of editing consultation includes free typing of up to 5 pages. • All subjects • Open 7 days • Call anytime! PRO/EDIT 343-2747