“30 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon. 97402 SI A « liXCLKSIVliLY It doesn't hate to be dirty to be good VIDEOS • TOYS • GIFTS • IB 726-6969 OPEN 24 HOURS t Wfti 4*m it IO*m Mat limit Ham 1166 S. A St., Springfield / SiJt UJh, mW tmJ j| !m mm m yum IKTl Cooking With A Social Conscience Nurturing your health while supporting the earth •Jan's Salsa • Marinara Sauce •3 Bean, Black Bean 8c Chili Dip All made with organically grown tomatoes & beans I*, jalej foi Ecology ft Hunger Protect* AVAILABLE IN THE EMU r IFC Continued from Page 1A For this year's budget process, the IH. is asking ' <*< h group lo submit two budgets, one with a 5 percent do crease from last year's budget, and one that is exactiy what they want," Masat said The I Ft: anticipates an enrollment reduction of 2(H) to 2,000 students at the University next year, and it must budget for the resulting reduction in fee revenue, Masai said “No one at the University is enrollment to go up," Masai said "It all depends what the Legislature does in Salem." Meanwhile, the IFC has to prepare for less incidental fee revenue for next year. Masat said Many groups get angry when their budget request is reduced, which makes the budget process very difficult, Masat said "The system that worked well when programs were expanding works less smoothly when programs are cut," Masat said "Many people think if you don't give this group money, you don’t value thorn, which is not the case " Masat saiii many students don’t realize where their in cidental fees go or what they do "Students say, ’These fees don’t do anything for me,' but those students don't realize how student finis create things on this campus." Masat said Many students don’t know that incidental fees pay for student tickets to football and basketball games, fund I'imhrrlini\ the University's literary magazine, and fund the debate team, Masat said. COLD Continued from Page 1A view; provide three other year-round shelters for a limited number of fami lies. Despite the community's readiness to provide emergency shelter, the Ac cess Outer and the Interfaith Shelter Program are interim measures, not permanent solutions Dan said. "Wo need affordable housing, 'she said. "More than 50 percent of the homeless families we serve have one or more person working full time." These families tatn attribute their loss of homo to high rent or low wages, she said. Eugene Mission Director Ernie Ung er. who has worked with homeless ness issues for 30 years, explains the issue further, attributing homeless ness to economic and family break downs High-wage manufacturing jobs wore lost and replaced with minimum wage service positions ho said. "Wo need jobs that pay enough wage to match against high bousing costs," Unger said RULING Continued from Page i A "A statute that restrains the right to free expression by intii rod moans violates (the state Constitution) just as much as u statute that does so by d I rod means," the ruling states. Outlier wrote that It is a speech issue because employ ment decisions could be bused on sexual orientation, so a gay or lesbian would likely feel forced to be silent on such is sues The ruling comes on the heels of this year's ballot Meas ure 9. which would have amended Oregon's Constitution to dor lare homosexuality "per verse" and "abnormal" and re quire the state government and publii schools to actively dis courage homose.xuality Voters rejected Measure 9, which was sponsored bv the Oregon Cili 1 zens Alliance. The CX:A. which also spon sored Measure B, condemned Tuesday's ruling in a statement by Political Director Philip Kamsdell. "It is unfortunate for the citi zens of the state of Oregon that 19BB Ballot Measure B, which prevented minority status for homosexuals was overturned this morning," Kamsdell said. "This court decision did what the homosexual community has been unable to do through the Legislature, the Initiative process or through the Gover nor's office." Kamsdell said the "No Spe cial Rights Committee" plans to file a newly worded constitu tional amendment proposal. Thursday's ruling is a dou ble edged sword for the OCA, Schuman said "It gives the OCA a chance to sa\ See. the homosexual agon r da marchos on. Set:, wo really do need a constitutional amendment,’ " Schuman said. "But it’s also bad for them be cause they can't go around say ing this kind of thing doesn't. take away anyone's rights. Th(■ ruling makes it clear that gays" and lesbians do have rights." Dave Fidanque, director of Lane County ACLIJ, appeared with Merrick at a press confer ence where both expressed re lief at the ruling. "I'm thrilled," Merrick said "I thought I'd be collecting so cial security before I'd see something like this." Fidanque said he does not think Goldschmidt's order is automatically reinstated, but a new order from Gov. Barbara Roberts would be valid. However, Gwen Baldwin, a spokeswoman for Roberts, said the governor is assuming Gold schmidt's order is still in plaie | 1 CATCH ON TO EUGENE’S BEST PIZZA! TRACK TOWN PIZZA CAMPUS 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. WESTSIDE 484-4262 2511 W 11th & Wilson - OFF ANY GIANT PIZZA TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd.* 484-2799 2511 W 11th & Wilson • 484 4262 EXPIRES 11-30-92 L we deliver anytime we are open J -1 OFF ANY MEDIUM PIZZA TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd.* 484-2799 2511 W. 11th & Wilson • 484-4262 EXPIRES 11 30-92 L wo deliver anytime we are open _l BAR & BISTRO Downstairs at the Treehouse 1769 I rank 1 in Blvd. • Across from the University IXirm* Ope'ii Noon till Midnight • Featuring • • Micro Brews on Draft • Satellite TV • State of Oregon On-l ine Games • Areas greatest Scotch list • Everyday • •Great Hveryday Prices! • Come sec Monday Night Football! • Great stop before & after the U of () games' • Bistro Favorites • • 1/2 lb. 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