Brand buries hatchet over funding By Demtan Mclean Errwsld Reporter University President Myles Brand offered Thursday to bury the hatchet with Oregon busi nesses in the battle over higher education funding Since voters passed Measure 5 in i9U0, Oregon business groups have fought and defeat ed two proposals to make up for lost education dollars at the University. Brand said "The business community didn't like the solutions pro posed before," Brand said, re ferring to the governor's sales tax proposal and the recently defeated Measure 7. "Now, its the responsibility of the business community to move forward with their own proposals,” he said at a campus press conference. “If 1 like them. I'll support them," Brand said Brand said business and higher education should work as partners for the same goal: economic growth "Thu University of Oregon succeeds to the extent that the state and local economy sue coeds." Brand said After the conference. Brand met with the Eugene Chamber of Commerce to discuss strate gies for stimulating the econo my The key to success. Brand said, is working toward a change from a limber-based economy to one based on ser vice and high technology "Our proximity to the Pacific Kim offers tremendous trade opportunities," Brand said "We must turn out a well-edu cated work force, people who will work at economic develop ment." he said "People with college educa tions make jobs, not take them," he said As Lane County's largest em ployer. Brand said the Univer sity must take the lead in local economic growth Research, he said, can generate the dollars the University needs "Through grants and con tracts, we brought in $-414 mil lion last year," Brand said "This is one way the U of O helps bring tax dollars home " As for short term financing of the University, Brand said Myles Brand Measure 5 still threatens the quality of education The next budget cut will re quire 405 )ot> cut* at the Uni versity These cuts will come out of student and faculty ser vices, Brand said, and not aca demic programs "We're already as narrow as we can get and still stay a major university," Iirand said POLICE BEAT 0 Tho following incidents worn reported to the University Of ice of Public Safety and the Cugene police department from Nov. 4-11. • A University student re ported an assault on Nov 5. The student said he was walk ing on the 800 block of hast nth Avenue when he was ap proached by three men The student said one or more of the men boat him. The student's jaw was broken in the incident • A University student re ported an assault on Nov 6. The student was attending the Public Enemy concert at the EMU. According to police re ports. the victim was on his way out of tho concert and bumped into tho suspect. The suspect then hit the student. • A University student was arrested for possession of less than one ounce of marijuana on Nov. f>. Tho student, a resident of tho University Inn. was cited uftor his resident assistant smelled marijuana smoko com ing from tho student's room and phoned the police • An Oregon State University student was arrested for minor in possession and giving false information to a police officer on Nov 6. The student was ob served on the 1700 block of Al pk of tuppart and difGuedaa today horn 1 lo ( pm in tadif Room E of tne KMU For mom information, rail Muwum of Natural H»lur> will have Stephanie Wood. ou*U»< profovacur of tiiMof y * p e a k an Maps da UuauhUanmrwa" today at noon in the Mumm of Natural tfliWfy For mot* information, call S4» tt>24 Student* far Health (an will mart tisday at 3 p m in Cwttiiy Room A of th* KMU For mar* information, cal) nWftWKW ftgDQON (amfwi InifufoUh Mtotatrr will meet today for ‘ Friday* at Four" at the Kotnoma Omwr. 1414 Kimaid Fatuity. attfV arid *tudent* are welcome For mum information, call 444 ! 707 mjscku-a NKOU5 Bahai twtnpo* Awnm taltoa will meet Ufttughl for Bahai Fifettde at 7. J0 pm at the Eugene Bahai CftAWt. 143g Aides Fot more information, <.«U 144 M19 Unwanted Sexual Behavior International !•«** Meeting will take plat* today from \ to HO pm In ternary Room F of tha KMU For mom information, t all MB- I OBI ffeediimr for luhm/mruj hr Afa tr> the Kmwfald //uni IMi ItfiW MM), t* noon if to day tmhrw publication The a»*r editor due* nor have a ffrna mat. fonw Fl Aii run tha day of tha event un/*u the event take* pi*« before noon Not h ot of event* edta a donation or ad/muion »fuuga will not be <**.«epmd l.ompua event* and (hone atheau/ed a ware if the publication data milt be given priority Thm Emerald reserve* the riahf to edrr hr gram mat and atfyie hi Air fun on a *f*e e available boat* EARN EXTRA CASH! The U of O Student Health Center is currently seeking CERTIFIED CPR INSTRUCTORS to teach CPR workshops. • Applicants should he U of O students • Time commitment: 4-hour workshops Contact Joanne Frank: 346-2728 at the Student Health Center. Call by Fri., Dec. 4. to make an appointment. Hiring for Winter term! / 1 CREATE L YOUR V OWN | T-SHIRTS FAST let your imagination go wild! Photographs ♦ Artwork ♦ Slides ♦ Drawings ♦ Anything you want as a T-shirt ♦ Custom design services kinko's U4-’.W4 ( *mput Slt»» MK 13th Ave. Oprn 1 ViKloigtll • ?d»jj tcrim frtxrt Ihf l of (I Hookilarr UUUUUUUJUJUUDUUUJUUUUUJUUUUJUUUUIAXKMA Pass it on. (please) Help our successful recycling program on campus by putting the Oregon Dairy fmer aid back In Its original rack when you ve finished reading it This will allow another person to read It and, or he easlfy picked up for recycling • NEW A150% MORE POWER* STRONG® BUBS.. FAST®, DAJS® TANS! • NEW MNS A AR CONMIIOMNG swr coot whu you wok oh your »n • OPEN M HOURS! • NEW 30 CHANNEL DMX MUSK a QUAiny MUSK TO USIEN TO VMU you UM ■increase in voltage to Decls has increased the UVA output Dy 150% UP TO ■ FREE l^TANS With purchase of tanning package Offer expires 11/30/92. 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