SAY HELLO TO MARKY MARK AND TMi FUNKY BUNCH You Gotta Bottevn I G.E. SMITH WO T)C SATURDAY NKKf LJVT UNO Gel A l title JOE SATRIANI I he i xlremii;! R«>t,*!?v4y MARK CURRY it s Only T ime MIKI HOWARD f emmo F ata*o ftOOGMS I HAlMOtSTtW TW KM AM) I' UMWS KMOtUT ■ HOUTWOOC •om onewsnu • iouchi 1 "I GREAT WHITE L Psycho City | Lo-Key? L Where Dey At' I m okt GATEWAY MALL 746-6373 DISC JOCKEY music stores Visa MasterCard American Express & Discover j JDU Computer Services TYPING * t AU K • RELIEF • FAX QUCKTl KNARCK N'D LA I t NtGFfT SERVICE DEUX'FRY 12H Fax: 686-Ml6 ftyUNDERLAND "i? I I c VI Mf Fgami s V Slh STREET \ PUBltC MARKET 683-8464 ( - --• VIDEO ADVENTURE ) VAUJY WVIR riw*: CUSTOM PKINTBD T-SHIRTS Lowest Ratesi Oregon Daily F^ITICrJlld i Ducks try to salvage year against UA, ASU The Oregon volleyball if‘am will Irv lo salvage the remains of u disappointing season ns the team travels south this week end for matches against ari/onn and Arizona State The Ducks. 2-12 and In last place in the l*ac ifie 10 Confer ence. have yet lo win on the road this year Arizona, howev er. does have the dubious dis tinction of being the last team to lose lo Oregon, having dropped tin- teams' previous meeting Oct 1’ at McArthur (lour I Arizona State is in fourth place in the conference stand ings with an it 0 record and is currently ranked No 14 in the country The Due ks nearly up set the Sun Devils in Oc t . los ing in five games Despite the disappointing re cord. several young players havi* emi'rgmi as poutniiai t «u HI slurs for ill*' Ducks Sopho more outside hitters Stephanie Warren and LoReina Woods have each had outstanding sea sons. with Warren leading sev enth in the conference with 3 9f> kills per game and Woods third in the conference with her :t 74 digs per game average. In the hunt for the conference title. UCLA appears to be a lock with its unblemished 15-0 re cord The Bruins easily defeat ed No. 2 Stanford 3-0 last week for their final serious confer ence challenge Along with UCLA and Stan ford, other l’ac-10 conference schools still vying for a NCAA tournament spot include 1 SC (11-4) and Washington State (7-7). BUY STEREO & VIDEO at PUBLIC NOTICE: V\dn> Audio liquidation buy* sells bankrupt* irs . Insemit* retail stores wholesale ms 1 trtbutors and manufacture ! inventories We buy at far below normal prices m 1 oiler brand name stereo and j Video uivrntones to the public, AT, HtAR OR RELOW DEALERS COSTjJ -HVVHr W FORCED TO QUIT: ► • VIDEO AUWO SYSTEMS Of EUGENE ^ p • TV STEREO MARTS Of SEATTlf • A 8AKKRUPT CHAIN Of ELfCTRONi ^ STORES IN SOUTHERN OREGON SAVE 20-80% ON THE FOLLOWING BRAND NAMES! ^ KENWOOD ►PIONEER sonv fc^AiPINE JVC HITACHI QUASAR MITSUBISHI SHARP POLK AUDIO VAMAHA MACNAVO* COBRA PANASONIC A MANVMORE YAMAHA YCR 240 CAR STEREO • OK* TAX FJMMQ * CLOCK •MOSAC MARCH • IkPt A A SC AN WA1 »JM M $139 95 TOSHIBA St-3149 STEREO SYSTEM • mo* t o tHi* wmo • laCtfTAl TUNBWJ • inAMHI IHAHOAHO** Koi>r* ✓ COMBINATION PHONE & ANSWERING MACHINE • Bf.f PlflLf B6 ftEMOTt • lUILttAY STAMP • SMUMBEft MtMOftV RETAIL IIM M « $ 59 97 KENWOOD CD CHANGER • ^o»ac caaoumi • REMO If READY • AROOftAMMAfilE WAB IMMI s149" DIRECT-RADIATING SPEAKERS Mtf%97 fctTAJl IJM » PAiH SAVE MV YOU* COtT $79' f • w I SAMSUNG LAPTOP COMPUTER i 2M«X • MMft M AMO PIONEER H.P. SE-12 $29.97 CD WALLET $12.97 SHERWOOD CD-1000 CD PLAYER $88 CAR ALARM - RA-50 $19.97 SAMSUNG RCD-900 CD PORTABLE W/CASSETTE $99.97 19" COLOR TV $100 CAR STEREO $29.97 AWFM CLOCK RADIO W/CASSETTE $24.97 IN-DASH SONY CD PLAYER $287.50 40 WATT CAR AMP $9.97 JVC HOME STEREO CD CHANGER $179.97 STEREO COMPONENT RACK $10 NEWMtOIEf BARGAIN BASEMENT AC/DC ADAPTOR_$3 TV-VCR REMOTES..$5 CAR DEMO SPEAKERS $3 w-ci* BLANK VIDEOTAPES_$1 ELECTRIC CAR ANTENNAS .$10 COMPUTER PRINTER MAKIOfFH PADDED CARRYING CASES $5^ AtAFM HEADPHONES.$6.99 WALKMAN SPEAKERS.$4.99 TDK-SA 90 CASSETTES. .. $1.99 Forced to Quit • Video Audio Sy*trm» ot fwgw» • TV Stereo Melt ot SeelSe • A bankrupt cham of ttereo tkm in Southern Oregon • ;■ * * *■ ' Special Liquidation Hours 10am-6ptn Mon-Sal • NoonSpm Sun 3520 West 11th iaaankomf’rd Euoene - Phone 485 3254