Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 12, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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    Oregon Daily EflXlCrctlcl
Heinonen counting
on finishing at top
By Steve Mims
Fmarakl Sports Reporter
Tho Oregon women's cross
country team is looking for a
strong performance Saturday at
the Region VIII championships
in Tucson, Ariz., to assure a
berth in the national champion
ships Inter this month
Tho top two teams at the
meet advance to the NCAA
Championships on Nov 23
along with top teams from the
other regions and six at large
teams. Oregon needs to finish
first or second to automatically
quulify for the national meet,
but even if they don't, the sev
enth ranked Ducks are strong
contenders for tin at-large hid
"We must be first or second,"
Oregon head coach Tom
Heinonen said "We can't rely
on an at large bid because the
selection process is quirky. It is
scary; we don’t have a lot of
credentials since Wisconsin Is
the only team outside our re
gion we have run against, and
they beat us. The best teams
k don't always get in."
The Ducks have won three of
the four meets they have run
in, including the Pacific-tO
Conference championships two
weeks ago. At tho conference
meet, tin; Ducks cruised to vic
tory with 5B points, beating
Washington by 15 The Huskies
will tie one of Oregon's sliffest
opponents again tins weekend,
along with Arizona, which
placed third at the conference
meet, and Callfornia-irvine.
Washington is ranked Kith in
the country, followed by the
Wildcats at 1‘lth and Cal-Irvine
at No. 23.
"I think if wo perform like
we did at Pac-lO's, we should
got to nationals,"' Hetnonen
said Wo had ono person that
could not perform at PaolO's,
and Washington had two rtin
had, so thus may be hotter than
they showed Arizona didn't
look like they had anything
more than they did at l’ac-10's,
but they got this on their home
course, so it could ho differ
7 think if we
perform like we did
at Pac-10’s, we
should get to
Tom Hemonen,
women's cross-county coach
Senior Nicole Woodward has
been Oregon's top runner .ill
year long, winning throe races
and finishing second at the oth
er Woodward appears to he
peaking at the right time, break
ing the 17 minute mark lor the
first time at the conference
meet with a time of 16 51
Woodward missed last year's
regional meet, hut she appears
to t>e ready to make up for it
this year
“The Pbc-10 meet was Ni
cole's best so far this year."
Hninoncn said. ' She has won
three of four rat cs, but it was
her best because she faced
strong, new competition in
Louise Watson of Stanford, and
she handled her over the last
two kilometers ''
Injuries hove hit Oregon hard
Turn to WOMEN'S Page 10
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Men go after fourth straight win
By Steve Mims
Emerald Sports Report**
The Oregon men's cross country team will
bo looking for Its fourth straight victory this
weekend at the Region VII! championships In
Tucson. Art*.
'I"ho Ducks are coming off their best rare of
the vear at the l'aclflc-10 Conference cham
pionships two weeks ago where they upset An
/.ana to win the title by throe points Oregon
needs to finish in the top two at the meet to au
tomatically qualify for the NCAA Champion
ships later thts month The top two teams from
each region and (hrre at-large teams advance to
the national moot
"It is not as Important to win as to qualify."
Oregon head coach Bill Dellinger said. "1 hope
we ran take the district meet in stride and do
something at the national level. If we can't, we
weren't going to do anything in the nationals,
The Ducks have tx-eo led all year hv fresh
men Karl Keska and True v Hollister Keskn has
plac ed In the top tO at all three meets he has
run thts year With a season host time of .!-!
minutes. 10 seconds at the i‘uc-10 meet Keskn,
who came to Oregon this year from l-.ogland.
began the season with an eighth pirn e finish al
the Mountain West Classic with a lime of
25 07. Keskn improved io 2-1 -to at the Jeff
Drenth Memorial before peaking at lint confer
once nifci
Hollister plan'd 15th In tlu> season* opening
race. but has Improved every moot since then
After running in a time of 2S:2‘l at the Moun
tain West Classic. Hollister Improv'd! to 24:50
at the Dronlh Memorial Isifoni finishing eighth
at the conference meet in a time of 24 to
"Our goal wax to win I'm: Ill's, whir h many
people didn't think was possible, and we did,"
Hollister said. "It was our Isest race of the year
as a team Pm: 10'x wax my Is-st individual race
this year, but I am getting taster at every race I
think having two weeks off since Pac lO's has
helped us because we are improving every
w eek."
Seniors Kick Mestler. Colden Baxter and Tim
Julian are the only Ducks w ith previous experi
ence at the regional meet Mestler, who fin
ished 2'Hh at the !‘JU0 regional championship,
joined the Dm ks tor their last two meets and
finished 1 llh at the conference championship
Baxter returned to the Ducks this year after
taking a year off He finished 17th at the meet
in l*1*10 Julian competed in the regional meet
last year, finishing :17th
Junior Jason Humble and sophomore John
Dtmoff are tlie other two Ducks who will com
pete this weekend Dimoff lias competed in all
four races for Oregon this year with times rang
ing from 24 42 to 2I> 20 Humble finished Kith
Turn to MEN'S. Page 10
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