Florida National Guardsmen keep interstate safe KLIiKKHl JACKSONVIU.K. Fla (AIM Sgt Cregorv Lawrence a n " Norman l.ellert. general manager of the Comfort Inn on US (7 and Interstate 2<»S in Orange Park thinks the patrols are working "I think, they tiro certainly ii welcome M^ht." hn said "1 wish they were not needed Since I'ebruarv. them hiivc been .1’ confirmed risk, and sniper attacks One motorist was killed when he was hit in the head hv a < hunk of concrete He lost control of tils car and it crashed into a wooded area Another motorist was i riti cully injured in late July when someone shot her from another car "Our role as a deterrent and reassure the public is to lie as visible as possible," said Sji| Doug Johnson, a tiuard spokes man Detroit citizens mourn police victim DETROIT (AP) At this in tersection of Warren and 2.3rd, where empty lots and boarded buildings still hour witness to the riots of the 1960s. there's a new focal point: the police vio lence of the 1990s On a wall adorned by flowers is a plastic-covered picture of Malice Green, u 35-yoar-old man beaten to death bv police last week. It has become a gathering point for neighborhood resi dents who come to see the s[M)t where Green died, to see whore gravol has been spread to hide the blood stains “I can't believe this is hap pening in my city," Carrie k Washington, a mother of three * grown children, said in frustra tion "The police used to l>e our friends.” The death of the black motor ist at the hands of a racially mixed group ol police has riled this city, noted for its integrat ed , n e I g h b o r h o o d - h a s e d policing The case resounds with dis quieting echoes the Rodney King case Hut those familiar with Detroit's police say Malice Green's death points to some thing else an undermanned force lacking the money or leadership to weed ou t "thumpers." the violent cops of r GENTLEMAN'S ENCORE Quality 'lasel* Clothing tor Men and Women o! Discriminating Taste 1111 W1LAMETTE • 343-6179 ROSES s9.99,„„ C*»ttaitii! f of () »lofr oa UOi b» Prmi»oa < u(> dMtufefau, I I OWI HS \NI> ( <11 I S I7WI Wbm. <>r. *'«: - 414-1 J*1 m I i'mi •<>- i«: Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and our friends Weekly Coffee Hour for staff, faculty, and students Thursdays 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Koinonia Center 1414 Kincaid both races C.risn, an unemployed father of five, died from head injuries in a fracas Thuradav with po lice While no official details have been released, witnesses sav the confrontation began as Green dropped off .1 friend near a boardod-up hair salon mis peeled lo be .1 i r.u k. house Two plainclothes officers in .1 "power unit," un unmarked • *ir assigned to high ( rimu area*, confronted (Iroen Witnesses said police began touting him when he refused to drop some tiling in Ips hand, identified variously as a wallet, a piece of paper, or drugs Attention Urban Athletes!! full Service In-line Skate Store * lEvnu t * RU’AIRS I. • LESSOYH • SALES \ 720 F. I 3ti F ii go no, OH jjuuuuuuuuuummmi JUUUUUUUBUWIHMBMBMB viiiucvifniif IMW1141 / k UttASIRILS 183-3516 HELP THE EUGENE EMERGENCY FAMILY SHELTER PRESENTS JOHN FOWL noW Wilu am BLACK ROSES CARIBBEAN BEAT MULTIPLE SARCASM BOOGIE PATROL EXPRESS § CANS & BANDS '92 | '( JOHN HENRY'S TAVERN 1 I NOVEMBER 151992 I JOHN HENRY’S 136 E. 11th ♦ 342-3358 ADMISSION « 3 CANS OF FOOD DOORS OPEN AT 5:30 + MUSIC STARTS AT 6:00