WOMEN’S Continued from Page 9 In tho last month, as sopho more Jenna Carlson and fresh man Hold! Van Borkulo-Cold stflln have boon tho two most Injury prone. Carlson's best time of the year I* 17 :IH, but she slipped to 18 511 at the Jeff Dninth Memorial and was un able to race at tho conference meet because of an illness Van Borkulo-Goldstein strug gled also struggled with illness at the Drenth Memorial and fin ishod in a time of 1H 11 She appears to be over the Illness and run a season-best 17:30 to finish eighth at PaolO's "I'm glaii we have had the two weeks off because wo have not had all runners healthy at the same time yet,1' Hclnonen said "Almost everyone has ei ther had to take a day off or run only half a workout Heidi is healthy, and Jenna is getting better, but I'm not sure We need everyone ready by Satur day." Oregon has won four of the last five regional champion ships and 12 total under Helnonen. MEN’S Continued from Page 9 two wwks ago ut the confer (rxc meet in a time of 25 17. The Duc ks moved up to No. 5 in the country after their win at PaotO's, but they will face three other ranked teams this weekend Arizona fell to sixth after losing to Oregon, while UCLA is No 22. followed by Stanford at No 25. "This is our first 10,000-mo tor tost." Dollingor said "VVo've prepared for It. and wo should handle it Wo are to the point where wo can do it The com petition should be the same UCLA made a strong effort at the Par-10 Washington has a team that the longer the race, the better their group will do." Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow? CLASSIFIED POLICIES To placa an ad in tha f matakf Cla%*>f»ada aimpfy fill out ona of d u* rut ad *rth c hack anctoaad to 0 (lo a 315#. lugana. OH #7403 <#• a>l»o *cc«pl •<*» toy phor* »t 146 4141 Whinuimg Wu* »«rv»c«. ** t*n only procots lh# 4d» rf you *r* uimg 4 Vt»« c> Ma»t*rr*rcf or you ha«# •»tat)h*h*d Account wMh Calculating tna coat of an ad «• armpia N you ara a UO a*udant or a non profit group . !!»• CO at it '*> par tina par day Wa a*<* for a of 3 knaa »o an *»a««ga ad total* f? ?#> par day ft you ara a rat ait buainaaa conaidanng advancing plaaaa call ua at 346-434 3 tor fudfvar information Oi, 4ml don I forgat th# daadbn* lor hna-ad* nlpm on* buftlnaft* day prior to inMirtion whil* diftpiay ad t> at a two bu»rv»a day prior 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS 2 DAYS LEFT 04* to Swamp Stomp M Its down to tn« w'« cytfy rwo mora day* SopMomcKM pot mor* cardboard. ;o tKidd thm nugftiy m»sm 1 os PERSONALS Do you know wM*J happo-'-w'Yg *r\ tn*» ,k»wV> Student Umoni It not how aDoi.1 COfTWig lo Our mewling today 111? *UWft duo ftiylhmt o> the Data 343 ’644 110 LOST 4 FOUND FOUND P***cnptton tvnQiM&m tn I Ml l mhrt' Hon l mder I fcjom 10 29 9P CflH and daacnba lam, 686 4b/3 l OST 11/10 1 |QM b*u« ft « tJOTtti t*» •taioo#*. Gerihnger and UO HoofcftJcvo Sontrfnwmoi vati* Amy. 346 30?4 506" My MP48SX C*k?iA*Jor * k»t. Wort Nov 416 REWARD 345 5000 ns TYPING SERVICES At 344 0750. ROBIN * GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED 20 year the****** bacv ground Torm paponft^trii'Wfcumo wr v«r» fdd.no l*wj>' ON CAMPUS? JO THE TYPING PRO Word P'oc«rk‘urvgldd?ng'Typ»ng T h***» Di*a«nation* on la#a« Ceil 603-6060 anylt-mo_ PROfESSIONAl TYPING Ai*o word prcco*v*ng adding f '**> (Kfcupuwtrvwry RondB, 935 ’ *J9? cantf ooutvo ftpacwd laser pap* 24 hr turn around Fra# campus pch Punled text to computer Files BBOSJSJQOB 7J745RO H70>«a»ti»W«J «i m TYPING SERVICES TW WORD SOCIALISTS Word P»ot*w rig 4 Dm*!op Pw&mT'mg Ghk) Scfxw* App-fwnd l #w pc • !«d mOfitnQ 0**0*-*%. d 415 J343 . Sarvtng IX) VM •ftm 120 TUTORING Greek Math Tutor Tu*t 4 T hur* 7 50 8|*m 13 7 GiKmhI A man* r*frtg»r»!of. tut «, /• pa** OOW t A* nm» Porto*. 1 aorxJKiorv 4210 Citf 5*6 9190___ BRAND Nl W m.i *v.ng 4o*a 4 *>*• W! »•*•%*.* Al l t (■«» «*, 'o# OTK*y 431W won t uM»i *x»g 68/ «*w«< Br#rsd N»w Ca' to"’4 Pro ’ *.t‘rr nw»o xi w» n, 4’00*000 T4 > ;*t>53 Crvtu. __ CUT AITS GALORE' Mutual Wm of S$ AAO »f*l »*«***» Ru'y •nd L.4*i!«' X.’ W Mr> MIXING BOOTS ftoarxj fH** AiOftO M X S30 l t*T«H 11 ?0*>bQ Am».ui 348 9648 1 Urn new1 AM1A / p*»rn drum w A •firm 459S 6«9 84M VCM 4 !m*mH nqh QuAiffy or*» »i«' o*d pm1 4400. mAtag Ji/S C*s 34? 1908 i; i: ,v / /. / a# / A' s £ N C O R i CASH FOR 301 LEVIS Inn \\ >u.nmttr m.m»pv I CASH rOf) l f VI 501 Ji ANS W<»*4 s - «* V 40 up K) >10 Mfct i dopan&ng on ftUMMPOncMiOn} Alao buying l avt, l•« and Wrangler, and motorcycia yack at a Good cfi*Wy uaad jeana da mm and coala also for aata CM’I N TUC S t FB. SAT 11 3 7/5 Monro# J4J4M9 us CARSTRUCKS GOVERNMENT SEIZED V«rv**e* >i00 fonts Marcadea Co CNavya Surpiul Buyer* Giado (1) 805 96? aooc t ti S 964? 81 Volvo Me* car Rad. snf‘ AMI M me mactv tvty gd 46! 0599 M««iN»r >3000 OOP •2 Honda Accord LX 2*160. (W'pO. sunroof. moving toon, mutt <4Mt. asusng J80C «4?6490 90 CMC Pickup 5spd. 2N«J Wue a*C oond low n«a. coelom wheat*. >9100 Eva* M3 9493 »S0 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 8/ Honda E bta 50 r*d 4000 m». cheap fe.i»t>«© transportation. runs g»*a! >350 686 51 >3 {DAVt \ US BICYCLES BAa Starling dtscove'y sport ’8 ipeads oontati m* «f 464 9?66. >135 Asa lor Sarah___ Bndgaatona M85, mtn r^*e t *« new fed Include* rack. Ck>mp and •■■gf* >325 OOO 686 3034 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS f ih Soft »ck foot a Tarv'om Mae pc**** aconorry & 4ng t*»* Jap f ng J>p*!" Kpfcngo C-ttf ftltl SSM laptop WortJ Procoo*©/ N»*»r tMM»r umkt 15 ?*c*. ei»v S?4C Mom'** wwi;^ tB 4050*15 T'anooooK «■»< A ****} pftxaaMC* I'/’S ofco h*m r<«* 346 y#*i*> _ ToftNtb* T-1000 SC. IPM ty^pm ?>** r*m f?00 5300 obo Sm/th Cocao* port»t>to i«p*opypnn*»f -«g 179® $300 ObO 4tM f*f>4 t i/O SOUND SYSTEMS CASH’" Wo tK/y *oti *c*i M*vc* VMS VCH \ and TrxynfH^ ( tesrorwa. 1 O** >45 K?73 izs INSTRUMENTS Who! I u^trm miAC tnotniolo' tim tou/rnt «r*f» Jrfnmy Pajgo and >*r-p*d »ex**l (k*4tf P-arr** mapAJWi John Shorfeay Qu*& loytwwj baa* •Muy* 545 531? 544 445? 165 BOOKS THU %ALZ TvwUim** ‘4 Ur*** . ' ? Photogiophy WID It”. THU 1i“, F»1 13 IOm> « pm\ MU l«Mry •* **•*""■« 1#S TRAVEL Vwrft K*kJ*p*n' (>*C 1 / *» w** tarrM** w»l Kyoto i&ubfMt* N*m CftK **•«» or Kmuj m >00 tn ttS4 ?oo RIDES 4 RIDERS GOING TO SEATTLE Friendly male student needs ride to Seattle area this weekend (NOV 13 • 15). Willing to help pay for gas. Call Scott 686-0193. 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS 20S OPPORTUNITIES Band •*#*• voult Cai Chr* 683 43Q1_ CoHaga Scholarships grant* and KMTO avwaafcto ’O t'wthman through $'«**>**# tfudarts' fW ordati r-^wksaQa gniM 1 HOC IMS 4061 You can mat* BIG mo nay if your family or friarxfts Ihra m Hong Kong. Taiwan. Japan, Australia, Canada Call Data at MJMi* CAMPUS PARENTS: Tha UO pa rant town moating about child cart » your opport->nffy to partctpata in a un.«Mi kxum with tha rjaoaor- fn/»an who abaci !hs ava/Wh^y^tlcvdatywTy of child cars ct! !fv* urwartfy Novambar 23, 1M2. 6 6 X>pm t MU f if Hoorn tor »n*o cjd. karar l ugv? O' Hag ns Ciaypoo* f r«y at 346 06S2 f raa child cara avaitatota ky tha owning Spat* K-nasd '«*«*>» t>y Nov 16 for pion» and njo'v i*w sgn up* ky COID w r !#r »mofns.h p* occur through Thursday Novo*' bar ’? in ?4? Money >t»* f O' more* >nfo caii 346 bC’1 PuM>c Raiationa INTERNSHIPS m !ha ky«?w*nQ & •«*. M*rch o* Otrrwa Uu»cuka> l/yairophy Association f uflan* Symphony AtMdiltOn W#a«*#n Rivara Gsrl Scowl Cooncil V MX A ll*mb#f»h.p S#rv»c•• f aQ*n# F««l*va< a* fctuwcal TH#a»r* D©»c/!p!?ona and * '.e/v m* s*Qn ups fey COW3 a r.fcy .naKHS^ips aro tivA'aM) though Thursday November i2 in ?4 7 Mondnefc* Fey nxv® inkymaton. cs* 346 6011 $ H l C Y < t h / // / v S PAPtlR 2io HELP WANTED EARN EASY MONEY*!' Post our tyochuraa around campus and '®cwm commission 'or aach com CMMad appuauton Work taw hours on your own tim* Caf! t 800 758 0918 Earn cash stuffing an vaiopaa at homa A mat w aft provdad SASf ‘O F>0 Boi 9G43 Spring!XHU MO 6S8C! i«i COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS 386SX Computer • 25 Mhz • 2 MB RAM • 5.25'73.5” HD Drive • 80 Meg HD Drive (IDE) • 12 Month Warranty • 14 VGA GOIOr Monitor (.39 dot) • VGA Color Card • Mouse Keyboard • DOS 5.0 $1099.00 210 HELP WANTED : POSITION AVAILABLE | ASUO CONSTITUTION COURT Tha Conti r1u1»on Court hat auprama and final authority on all quoationa of intarpratation of fha ASUO conatitulion and any ruias prornui^atad undar H Thara ara (4) atudant poaitiona currantly availabia. two of thaaa vac anciaa muat ba ftllad by a •acond or third yaar law achool atudant Applications for appointmsnt can ba obtainad from tha ASUO, Suita 4 of tha EMU from Sam to 5pm Applicationa aubmittad no iatar than Friday Nov 20. 5pm An Affirmativa Action Equal Opportunity Employar Direct your appetite Ip action iOQ, ( apandmg Marfcating Co M»®*ung Putwna** nvndad opponumiuic mdMd ua* to *<>I iuiia* 4 martwatmg pontons sr F ugsna aroa W«***y ncoma & ftaxi txa hour* Caw k> tmarv*** 686 0776 INT’L STUDENTS WANTED F« canon! ooporTunffy itgh *ncoma po**** Pan iim« or MMtma Ssnout inquifa* onTy 34541596 JAPANWORK halt hondrada o? am ptoyw* «n Japan Fraa nto Oapl 0, 484 Goodman **« Santa Rou. CA 9540? I aj 70 ' 5? 7 t 737 __ MICROCOMPUTER SERVICES now accapi ng atudant appeal on* Conaufttng, tra*n*ng &orv>c»* and purchase pian iuppcv* M..v. have mcrooomputar vawy good commune* ton and organizational ViuU* Ssart 146 06'VC AM Of ATTENTION StjOwn* RroyacJs Inc h*& an open wrt: on f! * Boo'd of Oracior* Tn* non p#o<« Mud** PuMn*** amploy* oar 50 Hudoms and 1 p/otowuort*< start in in* operation of Footnotes T6» OoanJ ^weis ?»montfi Students on?y Werner rrunont#*, phys c*f*y cn*.?van9«3 arid gays A toafeans encouraged to appl m RM B 14 f MU Appiat!*ons du» Nov 13 AA.1 Of 2io l«LP WANTED 210 HELP WANTED MONE Y FOR COLLEGE w«»iiy details Scholarships plot ?flW Wtiameete, Surta B6 E. Eugene OR 974CS Money U Motivated looking kv agg'oss vi *xj>vxJua*s who enjoy motivating other people. no mp neoaeaary. but must i.-mi people end tm a t—m p-.ty«*} Cell 693 9489 RETAIL CUSTOMER SERVICE Sterling pay f f 0.25 Pari lima $?05 weekly IB20 monthly fuH-ttm* |410 weekly. $1640 monthly Inn rotas1 chain, many temp 6 perm pas no oip nee Will train. flea hours Work *n local a/ea. apply Salem headquarters College students work pan lime school year and full t mo during vacation, some scholarships and internships avail Cal' 363-0776 SUN VALLEY SKI RESORT e hiring lor the winter season Food dept has a vanety of posit torts available w / some housing 4 good Benefits Interviews will Pe hew Thuf Nov 19 in EMU Ceniury C For into please visit Student f mpioyment ottos in Hendricks OETREALWORLD EXPERfc^jp And the compefitiva adga you nead in advertising aalaa with tha Or agon Daily Emerald Let s ’ace it Sometimes a college degree w*h a good GPA is no! always enough to land the job you want right out Of school Today s employers are looking for applicants not only won job (Mponenca but the lime management skills *1 takes to hold down a responsible sales position 6 a full Wad of classes T he Oregon Daily Emerald' s display adveh»s*ng department is now hiring ? sales pot!ions, beginning Winter Term A.'l interested full t.m# U of O students should pick up an apps«:aion aixl /ofi description in Room 300. EMU Applicants w« be telephoned for interview appoint moots The joB entails a .< aspects of advertising sa.es plus eiposure to design. production and Business skills Gam valuable rea world eiperion^^ By working at the 13th largo* JHk morning newspaper m Oregc VHP CLOSING OAT! Nov 13. 5p»”| POSITIONS AVAILABLE ASUO EXECUTIVE Publicity Advertising Coordinator Publici/a and promola ASUO and Programs Coalition Council projects and avants 20 hours a Mask wdh Si SO stipand aach month Daadlina tor applications is Spm Monday. Nov 23 at I ha ASUO Eiac Oftica Suita 4 EMU Tha ASUO is an Afflrmativa ActwmEquai Opportunity Employar 2i0 HELP WANTED UNIVERSITY OF OBICON WINTER RUSH JOBS! We're Now Scheduling Interviews! Beginning November 16th Sign up at the Bookstore Office upstairs or Call 346-4331