Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 12, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
f’NXu rjy
African Dance instructor Rita Honka demonstrates a move tor her class Honka said there is a high demand tor the class
Dance class
focuses on
African style
j Dance instructor concern
trates on African sense of
community during class
By Mandy Baucum
Emerald HapOfter
The drums pound softly .in African
dance students move like sea plants
swaying with the vs,iter currents the
(lass instructor. Kite Honka, signals her
students to move more el.ilwirulely .is the
drums get louder
"In Africa the (him e is .1 part of the
culture Just like you sit down to.dinrier
with your family (Africans) dance
Honka said
Monk.1. who is working toward her
muster's degree in dame silence at the
University, said she has had interest m
dance since she yy.is a teen ager and has
always been a rhythmu dancer
She said her interesl in African dam e
may have originated from the reggae
rhythms she listened to in IV iroii
"I tend to find myself m plants where
mustt is like that I guess I'm drawn to
it.' Honka said
When Honka Ixtgnn teaching the* i lass
two-ami a half years ago. she said she
had trouble deciding on a (01 us lor the
Turn to DANCE Pago 6
_ Professor to represent
5 Republic of Georgia
j Geography instructor to help promote eco
nomic development in the new republic
By Sarah Clark
Emerald Reporter
A University geography professor has been asked to join .1 com
miltee that would represent the Republic, of Georgia s interests in
the United Stales
Ronald Wixman. a spei uilist on the former Soviet Union and
Eastern Europe, said tie would lobby the 1 S Congress for Geor
gia's economic interests and refer Georgian officials to business
and legal contacts if he joined the "friends of Georgia c ommlttee
His job at the University would not change, he said
Georgian officials want to form a committee because their repub
lic has no embassy in the United States. Wixman said
"They're concerned that they want to her represented in the
U S he said
Wixman recently advisec.1 a group of American investors interest *
ird in tier former Soviet Union, particularly Georgia One of the in
vestors told Wixman aland the committee
Turn to WIXMAN, Page 6
New chief brings change to force
PNUO t*y Oytsn CtxAm
Eugene » new chiel of police, Leonard Cooke, said he wants to in
crease minority representation within the city's police force.
j Leonard Cooke
favors community
policing for Eugene
By Matt Bender
Emerald Reporter
Loading the hugene police
department would seem like
an easy )ot> for .1 man who
has spent the past '.'.'l yours
doing police work, in crime
ridden Washington, 1) C
Leonard Cooke does not
think that's the case
Cooke, who started as the
deputy chief in charge of po
lice for the Kugene Depart
merit of Public Safety two
months ago, said tie sees his
joh .is a i hallenge Cooke, t2,
said Ills challenge Is to con
Turn to CHIEF. Page 6
It's going to be cold again
today with a high of 55 degrees
Lows will be m the 40s tonight
Today in History
Five years ago The American
Medical Association issued a
policy statement saying it was
unethical for a doctor to refuse
to treat someone solely because
that person has AIDS
BEND CAI*. A new .v eiecteii aty ummissioner «w he hasn't changed
his muni at ut Lading the latest wave nf California immigrants "locusts"
who are ruining Oregon after his comments were made public locally
Somebody apparently tried t mage a .mipaign issue of a letter that Boh
W n dwanl srnt to The Oregonian in Portland last lanuary by slat-ling
copies arixind town on Election Day
In the letter. VV odward * ailed recent California arrivals "the locusts of our
time" who "cut a swath -f destuciion wherever they go. always in search of
that lifestyle that i:.i ••vsts .r. H dvw * <: rr. lies'
W iw ard himself is ,n e»-Clliforman whin taims he didn't try t
change Oregon when he moved here 13 years ago
ST PETERSBURG Fla A!'! Word spn ad quickly .iml
six failed effurts to land a man* league baseball team didn't
prepare the Tampa Bav area for ihe unsettling news of a sev
"SAY IT AINT SO!' a headline in the /’am;m Tribune ri ad
Wednesday 'NOW WHAT' asked the St Pr1mbur$ hnv >
Angry- nailers to radio talk shows urged swift legal actum,
which iin.ai fficials have vowed, while thers said the are.i
should abandon its lr -ear quest after falling short in bids t
get i National Leagu -xpansion tearr. >r the Oakland
Athic-ti > MinnesiTwins, Guog White So* ", »is
Ranger-- .1:11- Warmers and. now tr>-b.c. Fran * - Giants !