Clinton: Arabs must compromise WASHINGTON (ASM President-elect ('Union said he believes it’s lime for the Arabs to match concessions made by Israel’s new govern ment in recent months, in cluding Its curb on settlements in Israeli occu pied territories, according to an interview made available Tuesday Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak. K.ibin. who took, office in |ulv, "has wasted no time in breathing new life into the negotiations'' between Israel and tlie Arabs. Clinton was quoted as saying in an in terview with Middle East Insight magazine A Clinton aide confirmed that Clinton grunted the interview hut could not verify the accurac v of the transcript provided by the magazine in ad vance of publication later this week In the interview, conducted three davs before tlie Nov :i elections, Clinton was quoted as pruts ing Rabin's government for recognizing that the Arab-Israell peace talks were based on l N reso lutions calling for Israeli concession of land in re turn for peace "Now I think it's time for the Arabs to make more moves toward Israel," Clinton was quoted as saying Such concessions could include an Arab del i sion lo renounce a 44-year boycott on trade with Israel, Clinton suggested "If several Arab coun tries decided to do that then I think we'd lie well on our way to negotiating an agreement'' lor Arab-lsraeli pence. ho was quolnd as saving Clinton said tho Ihiviott and Arab military build-ups remain obstacles to peace Asked whether Israeli settlements in oca uplod territories also constitute an olmtade, Clinton said. "Yes, they do " Ikul he noted that Kahin has halted most settlement building ordered by the previous Israe II government Clinton's reported remarks reflet t views he ex pressed in several speeches and Interviews dur trig the election campaign opinions regarded by Arab leaders and delegates to the peace talks as reflecting a bias in favor of Israel Several Arab officials have expressed hope since the election that Clinton will prove himself more even handed on« e lie takes office and Is no longer influenced bv the need to attract Jew ish voters Clinton pledged in the interview to maintain strong l1 S support for the peace talks launched one year ago by the Bush administration A Clin ton administration will treat the Arab-lsraeli con flict as one in which the survival of Israel is at stake." he was quoted as saving In response to a question. Clinton said he op poses the creation of a Palestinian slate but favors the Palestinians right to determine their own fu ture within the outlines of the t<)7R Camp David agreements Those U S sponsored at i ords he tween Israel inti Kgvpl envision self-rule for Pal estinians under Israeli rule in the occupied West Bank and C.aza Strip U.N. team in Iraq defuses danger BAGHDAD. Iraq (AIM U N Irupectors filled basins contain ing nuclear materials with water to prevent a chain reac tion. their leader saif I Slh STREET ^ C PUBLIC MARKET VIDEO 683-8464 IIDC S : VIDEO ADVENTURE --1 .3JU CJ. VALLEY RIVER PLAZA , ~ V^V i't * nx/n ud ii\i ioi mis u/toi \i »<>«■ soi m>ki ntimi\11\\i sum. WE’VE PUT A NEW SPIN ON INVESTING WITH TIAA-CREF Al TIAA CREF, our goal has always l. hern to niaki- your retirement dollars go farther. Now, they t an go ay far ay London. Frankfurt or lokyo—or anywhere else in the world vs here (manual opjior (unities seem promising with our nets C'KL.L Global Fquities Account. 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