Graduate programs topic of career faire By Jeremy R Foutch Fmevald Contributor From music, to business, the Minority Graduate; Career F'alre has something for ail This Saturday, the* University Law School will host an event that will include a variety of graduate; panels and speakers "This is a day when people can come from all over the state to learn more alroul the; Univer sity of Oregon graduate; pro grams.'' siiiri June Gordon. As sistunt Law School Dean for Student Affairs Graduate; panels will range from International e areers to designing buildings for a belter future; Panels Inc lude- art and de sign, career opportunities lor minorities in education, bio medical research and musical choices Gordon, who rone rived the Idea, said one* ed the; main oh jnetives ed the- fait is to intrei due* people of color to gradu ate schools and help diversify graduate programs The Minority l.avv Students Association and th«r Black Law Students Association arc among the groups assisting with this event The keynote speaker will be Ur John Brooks Slaughter. President of Occidental C.ollege in Los Angeles Tho program, which is si hud uled to begin at H :i» a ni . is opened to the publu and aimed at minority high school siu dents, college students and t.a reef changers The panels will consist of memirers from different Univer sity graduate st hools There will is- a free lum heon availalile to the first 200 parte i pants who register by Friday Registration and information gathering will be held from H to *) 00 a m at the first floor of the law s< (tool To register or for further in formation contact Ellen Briones, (ane Gordon or Diane Salley at t it. 1853 “30 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 TEACH! INVEST 10 MONTHS FOR THE CHALLENGE OF A LIFETIME | Willamette University ofTers an excellent 10 month program leading to teacher certification (elementary grades K-9or secondary i grades 5-12) and a Master of Aits in Teaching (MAT) degree Baccalaureate degree and early admission testing requited. l