Oregon Doily El 1X101*31(1 Husky QB Hobert gets boot for accepting loans SEATTLE t'APj Tfii» university "of Washington dmlarod Tuesday that Ifus ky quarterback Hilly J«>o Hobnrt Is Ineligi ble to ploy Inten olloglate sports Athlete l)ln:< lor Barbara Hedges said an investigation determined that $50,000 in loans Hubert received las! spring vio lated NC.AA rules She said she did not think I W athletii offu nils had aeted improperly and didn't think the Huskies should have to forfeit any «f thi < sght , Hubert played m tilth smison "Thts is ti very complicated story and .t still titty for tin- fcMitlMill program ond Billy jot1 Hoix-rt. " Hedge* said "Billy is a young man with gd intentions who never meant to jeopardize himself nr hts tisammales Hobart. most valuable player in this year's Rose Bowl, obtained the loans from the father-in-law of a friend Ar. inver.tiyulinn determined that term* of lht> loans wort* improper be (Huso (i promissory nolo signed bv Hu bert Included payback terms based on his future earnings us professional foot ball player Holier!, a junior, was tnmporarily sus pended from competition lust week after cii*lnils of the loans were published bv The Seattle Times The suspension is for an indefinite p<* a! a news i i!!;!‘-rrn: c The next step will be to decide whether to seek r<*sloration of Hobart's eligibility ’’When 1 took out the loan, it was in hope I could straighten out my life." Ro bert told a news conference "1 lake' full responsibility for my actions ’’ Robert said he will slay in school. "My career as a football player is not ended with this decision It has only just begun,” Robert said 11th Annual Art Media Show It s Here! Wed, Nov 11th Thurs, Nov 12th 120% Off All Art & Class Supplies!* 50 Art Supply Company Representatives • 12 Artists Demonstrating Products Great Door Prizes Given Away at every Vendor Table & lecnmques • Hands On Customer Media Testing Table Grand Prize: $200 Art Supply Gift Certificate! • Free Product Information • The Latest In Art Supplies 'Sole priced items excluded • No further discounts • Limited to stock on hand • Show Specials excluded i Guitar Strings i 50% OFF I Our List Price ■ Coupon Fxptfes Nov 30, 1992 i music city jj 210E17th(a»Peorf) Eugene JDU Computer Services TYPING • USER • RELIEF • FAX QUICK R KNAROl ND LATE NIGHT SERVICE DELIVERY 686-9128 Fax: 686-5416 GENTLEMAN’S ENCORE Quality Resale Clothing (o' Men and Women ol Dtscrtminalmg Taste 1111 WILLAMETTE • 343-6179 TEfclYAKl ALLEY CURRY DISHES_lg.3.50 sm.2.50 VEGETABLE RICE.3.50 CHICKEN BREAST STEAK.__ .3.50 YAKISOBA NOODLES.Ig.3.50 sm.2.50 SWEET & SOUR CHICKEN__3.50 Take Out Available Across from Dairy Queen 1306 Hilyard (345-9555) Weekend Special $54.00 300 FREE MILES 72 Hours Friday to Monday A-WAV rent aTcar 683-0874 110 W. 6th (By the Hutt Center) Must be 21