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I ha*1* (KildniM Pt»nr*r« ' laili'KJUIUtM Srt!« Outdoor Proffum Room for mow information. r* 34MM& th**dtin* ft*r fJ Ah *■■ rbe Emwaid i Ul t<*\ t* n n tt>* day b*/■-.#»pub:-.> un-n Tbe new* d>**» not h*¥+ • time mathine h t Ah mn lb* djf oi the rwnt uni*** the ewftt take* fda> * t*e k>t« naan \oU(t*t of event* with * donation of adtruAAJofl c haffp* m il! not be accepted ( amfiu* event* and thate v^iuM hnrvkt the pubin »tton date will ?** given priority The l'.metaid r»*er**t the right to edit fat grammar and *tyl* Kt Alt tun an a *p* r avail aid* h**4* Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 101 GREEK HAPPENINGS 10S PERSONALS NANCY C fho/vk* »o* <**#>* I nVML you ♦k'xJ H>fi» you ->•*« 110LOST & FOWO f OUNO Pfmr>«* IVxwr 10 79 i\ l «rtl 4*>/l IOM •*»*>>•. GfirfenfM* afwj UO Smr.‘ jr.*v -a' v.l «» Amy !)4A *0JM • ' . Fashlon.iblr .' Rtcycilni to* for It every Mondav tn Novembef 115 TYPING SERVICES A* 344 O/M HOIMN » QIUO SCUCXH APPMOVfD -’O yaar \ '«r b«a> * g»UUr*J fwtrti papqrn f ufi il»umo MM * m f ti * *9 l «mk {y ON C A MPtlS! Printed text to computer files QGDUKmnn 7474S8Q si rollup** •} kAAAAt^AAAAAA > Typing 4 wofd p»OC«**wvg f*> J Word PioCMtingf dung typing rh*»#ft.D444«n«iK>n* on l«»*r C« 6*3 *0&« itnylimtt Piggy l Typing S#r»»c# I i im1 iyp«%i oHtnryp i#w»i on IP W «impute* AySlom and <«mi printer HftmorvAtxfi Call Peggy •« 347-4*641 PROf LSSIONAl TYPING AHo «Ofd p'OTM«>ng. t*J nng f p*> wpAkt-r-VttTy fkxvk* S# i!> 18SK? Prolaaatcmal typing wm « I ml tkr cuntiii %' and up Amo (Wman and \ uaryvn MtwwinW’tt. 344 <‘#33 TM< WOMO SPf ClAUSTS Won.1 Promoting & (>w%*top PuN*tfvnQ *vt fXX* ApP'OVttd l AVW p»5?V!«l3 OKSff^ig, 3'ap*«6 dmientuorvi. nururx raav'na* UiKmpariant*®* 3 mar®’ CINDY 4A4S4S4 TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara land *" 4B3-3343 Serving DO A'«M» vnc# 1001 125 INSTRUCTION Pro/Edit l>«Kiuy\4n/«*j. pro,»»»«na wd-i ng and a>rvSi*Ra!on on your farm pa pt#%, protect* ole W wan you lU YOUH a>nv**r4r*-* A'l tubfttCls 343-2747 130 FOR SALE M8C Amaru rafrigaralor. *..; .;«» pa** geMd l ■*« r>wr PaPacs «yrd4!a & >>ve s4Mi’ * vhA-r All 3 p*cw» ‘*>''•* Pro S*«v«". N!^u XT. \:u IT. $1 :o. oOo >41.^33 GUITARS GAlORt' of a- hand* A*o c**M*a* *'*J atanao® Buy and S*4 C**”o' *6’ W Mf» i JO FOR SALE use MIKING BOOTS fKt «J r*m Aw*0 Al X i ;*Ur. $i?o*»bc> A4>»« >4/ ifjAt, t ifc» iwm' ARIA ' pvtmtt d'ur" -«»' A' •Urn* 1VJS XV ■' VCR 4 r^oacH OW pAftl 342 1996 h H#*«t# f#lrn# 064? 77 VW B**Q N*tM <> , W. VV*» Body rtonl New# &* S'200 347 2/60 _ II Volvo 14*u ;.at* H») V AMIM Air; m* * V*J* gut 4tot >*»y. »«*rt r*** 93000 OOP_ M Vo A# JofM 4 0- *, fcpd. :*'Ay jjr»M! fUW#iN £■.’’<*' flluJV v«# *Vt». S? 500 MS /9U iso MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS • 7 Honda rtft* SO '«*: *000 m«. ctH»ap ***H^vory <*{><>* spa# v. contact ill 4H4 'i. 'i.S S * ' *i A*-> »o» SnnA ias COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS f r## Soli H)# lW*.i f«s.'ert on M.t* pOMJCAL uoonomy & L*10 Uk; * v J«tp I ng. Span, KoMfldQ Cm 683 SSS4 P#n*#orv»c modal AXWlSCSA *«irU prooaator S'/S oOo l*Ao "«* 348 966S T o»hili# T 1000 S£, IBM cnmpAVt^i r*m S’POO, $300 ooo Smith Cchcvui ponabw ;«ptoo pnrtta* my S/03 1300 obo 4»4 6641 i TO SOUNO SYSTEMS CASH"? Wo tx/y Mt-i and sarvx# VMS VCR * and wo* I hompaon t MKironca. 1122 0*X >43 62/3 i7S INSTRUMENTS I i/ycno music ’natrucSor has !ojmd w«rn J#nmy Patgo and h»>Jp«! found Guaar Piayw John SYwwry. gutar Mry board. «w»on* 34S S312. 344 44S2 185 BOOKS ViHI J*p*n' IX* '7 Jar 5. sidy mi?' J*W"**ut ton *»- v^**S Kyoto c«loCy>»n Nww Yiwr Ca Parry «'KJkx Attn DON! MISS THIS! Sponsored t>y Career Punning end Placemen! Center and Council Travel 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS 200 ROES I RIDERS GOING TO SEATTLE Friendly male student needs ride to Seattle area this weekend (NOV 13 • 15). Willing to help pay tor gas. Call Scott 686-0193. 20SOPPORTlW(T£S INTERNSHIP Birth to Three D**V.; ptOHt %tgr. up* -O' CDfP W • j occur through Thursday. Nove^HW \? ^ 24/ H*?^Sk 063 OO* NON IMA Of 1 H 'NAi MU(H NTS Ar« ytK> A wvtyTUy'> If sc you m«y t*» hy a*i?4i tv .ppon ftiJormg COumtefcrig arjtmung advocacy ^''*w‘** ^' c'f** I Opcwyi fNOQrftfn f. OP v* '' ha* j You can maka BIG mort«) tf your family or frianda trva m Hong Kong. Taiwan Japan. Australia Canada Call Oaka at M 3-6418 CAMPUS PARENTS: Tha UO par an town maattng about child cart n your Ogponu'Mfy to fwinw ’i^a m a lorum * in 1h# dNM.ta«On who a Mm.* tho availably ^hordtaCyiify of child ett'w or ;'•■■* Nov am bar 23, 1W2, 68 1 pm l MU ♦ ' Room Hy nto c<* Kara#’ lODvn 346 2962 or Hogm* C«*ypOO» J *«ry *tt 346 0632 f raa child car# avaiUbla ky ir** mm*! no !;*paca* »OMyva by Nov 18 fey ''o,o«»rva5«on. (*i l>orvv» | rankhr. 346 4364 i»s COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS 386SX Computer • 25 Mnz • 2 MB RAM • 5.25 V3.5'' HD Drive • 80 Meg HD Drive (IDE) • 12 Month Warranty • 14 VVjA uoior Monitor (.39 dot) • VGA Color Card • Mouse Keyboard • DOS 5.0 Learning | Mon Fri 10 6. Sal <0 5 61 Weal Eighth • 683 3627 NEED QUICK CASH? WE CAN HELP! Advertise am ilern.'ilems under S500 in the ODE Classifieds for 3 days ai regular rales If the item doesn't sell within the week, tail us ami we'll run your ad for another 5 days FREE! Single party ads only please Non-..- ,u s. Place ads at: Room 300, KM l A | I O Bookstore _ 'i1---—.4 Or call 346-4343 205 OPPORTUNITIES G|w» «a£ua!)to eipo'<«x8 r more •’n--*{yfna‘«yy ca-: ^4<>mae Muacu»ar Dyatrophy Aaaoaafon Eugana Symphony Aaaocahon Waatam Rivara G»ri Scout Councrf y M C A Mambarahtp Sarvncaa tugana Uat wai of Muica* Thaalra t>* scrip’.o''3 ;trxi mtt&rvrew sign ups for CO IP w ntjpf internships «ire av4 abto through Thursday Novo mb©* t? n 24 7 HendnckS f or nxx© »n!ofma!'On call 346 6Ct 1 210 HELP WANTED SURVIVAL ck NT LH SC l KING CO COORDINATOR • Oigarv/o •»' *Jwn;s to my* on W*, Afld ftOC »*H • MMp my* of' 8 meeting* • App . a':-* *»t> *t n 1 o> 9fe _ JAPANWOHK -Ms of empioyers Japan I '«*♦ into Dept 0. 4fM Goodman Ave :*»' a ffcysu. CA 9*407 Fa* ro; V.' V737_ Money St Motivated looking for agg'im va mcxvidua/s who anjoy iruivamg tf'v people. no «*p neoee&ary. 1x4 must £■*>« people and be a team p*ayef Cm 683 94A9 RE T AH CUSTOM! R SE RVICE Starting pay StO 23 Part time $?06 waatify, S*?0 monthly FuA-tsme M-C waaaty. I• Ml monthly InM 'via cham, many tamp & perm PO# no eap W4 tram tlwi h *cnu«rthc» not always enough to land the job you want rght out of school Today s employer* are looking tor applicants not only with job e»pt*»--o'KW but Hvh lime md'Kiye-;'ti:ii skills t takes to hold down a reaponstoto sates position & a fu!r toad of da&ses The Oregon Daily F meraid’s d eputy advndr'. r.g departrhent is now hmog ? sales poM*ons, beginning Winter Term Alt Interested * no U pf O students should pick up an apphcaiion and job description in Room 300. E MU Applicants w*i be telephoned tor interview appoint ments f he job entails at< aspects Of advertising mIm plus •iposure to ctes-gn. production and butmese sk>iis Gam valuable real wo'W eip*;'.^"* by wo** -g at tn® tjth iahfSkL murr.'vg newspaper m Oregon 4 CLOSING DATE Nov 13, 5pm i 1 215 WORK STUDY Now Mf you have work siudy Can or stop by international l due a too & Exchange. 330 Oregon Mail. 346 3?0fi__ 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Beautiful tittle house West sOe Bike to campus No smokers*togs Ava.J obe Dec 1 VSiO mo 344 8602 22S APTS DUPLEXES SOUTHGATE 1100 sq h 2 bdrm townhouee with f#need backyard • Poo ancj Sauna • On sste Laundry Facilities • Near Campus • On Bu&kne 2345 Pattsrson 145-44 71 210 HELP WANTED 1 WINTER RUSH JOBS! We're Now Scheduling Interviews! Beginning November 16th Sign up at the Bookstore Office upstairs or Call 346-4331 UNIVERSITY UP ORtCON