Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 10, 1992, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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    Oregon Daily
Paul Montero is foaming al the mouth
and singing about cat food "Cham is
our cat1 Chani is our cat1"
Montero yells into a microphone while
hopping around in his red Chuck Taylors
“Soft cat food' Yum, yum, yum Meow
meow. meow, meow."
The song over, Montero wipes oft his
damp chin with his hand and expresses dis
gust with himseH.
“I)-hate it," says the bass player for
Big Macca "Every time I play "
'He's got the spits,” says Cord Amato,
the band's drummer
Montero's drooling - as well as his occ.i
sional Air Supply T shirt and "Peter Fonda
esque” motorcycle helmet combination
onstage - are just part of the charm of Big
Macca, one of the self proclaimed greatest
bands in the world
"We re halfway to being the best band
in the world," says Joey Macca, the group's
guitarist, namesake and comedian
Macca says he and his University senior
bandmates consider themselves on the
verge of being a “joke band" and don't nec
essanly take themselves as seriously as oth
er bands composed of students might
Groups such as Big Macca. Multiple Sar
casm, Supernova. The Lost Creek Gang
and Marshal Plan, which all have a base of
University students, may never make it too
far from Eugene, but they're in the hear and
Perhaps with an intentional tongue in
cheek, or maybe not realizing his own pun.
Multiple Sarcasm lead singer Jason Deigert
looks out over his microphone into the
sparse crowd assembled before him at Tay
lor's College Side Inn
"I hope you guys multiply.” he smites as
the band launches into its opening number,
an original called "Spanish Grunge "
It is this flip, "sarcastic” attitude all the
band members share that gave the group
its moniker But not after a brief period as
the Schizophonics
"The name wavjoo cerebral," says gui
tarist Ian Crane, one of the band's five Uni
versity seniors
Those were in the "sucked bad” days,
when Deigert first became the band's lead
singer, says guitarist Marty Kilbourne
Multiple Sarcasm was so green then that
Deigert says he would listen to his Walkman
for "24 hours, trying to remember the
band's songs
The other members said it was even
worse before, though, when the group had
no lead singer, relying entirely on covers
and vocals from their audience
‘Meow, meow. If I ever went
to a show am! heard that,
I'd just i;et pissed.'
f'aitl Monlt’rv,
Big Macca bassist
"It'd be |List like an entire choir going,
says Mark Jager, Multiple Sarcasm s bass
Alter an onstage debut at Swinger's in
Springtield and an appearance m front of
100 people at Grover's Market in Eugene,
the band really made progress in the sum
mer of 1991 when Crane, Detgert and drum
mer Darren Linder lived together
"We really cut our teeth that summer,
Linder says
That experience led to the October 1991
release of the band's demo tape. Four Play.
whch has received air time on radio stations
in Eugene. Portland. Seattle and Denver,
the band says
Multiple Sarcasm says they would like to
get out another album preferably a CD or
live recording when the band makes its
planned move to Portland following the
school year
But now the group would like to focus on
getting more recognition in Eugene a hard
rock band in a blues based town," as Detgert
With the student crowd, though. Multi
pie Sarcasm has been well appreciated,
especially at the band's own parties The
most recent show in the band's practice
garage drifted into the a m . netting a $250
citation for a noise violation
That may not be the worst though,
because the parties that go the course have
often resulted in broken equipment and
excessive rowdiness
We whip them into a frenzy. and then
they start getting out of control." Kilbourne
Despite the damage control. Detgert says
the group enjoys the response Now. if only
the crowds would be satisfied with an entire
set of originals, rather than many of the Led
Zeppelin. Metalhca or other covers the band
plays, he said
Right now we re playing the best live that
we ever have." Deigert says "When you
can have them listening to your music and
appreciating it Ihtry can dig it "
Eli Babbs says The Lost Creek Gang
enjoys playing a mellower style ot music
1 urn s ft \N|)s I’s, > tit
here are
those who
wish they
could turn
back the clock to
become younger,
and then there are
those under the
age of 21.
styles with
clothing from sec
ond-hand stores
helps preserve the
environment at the
right price.
ong slim
skirls. The
color red.
designs for
women. Splashes
of animal print.
Fashions around
campus? Not!
lar gift for the per
son that has
everything? Tie
dyed underwear,
of course.
f you're not
planning to
practice your
dance skills at
Guido's next
Wednesday night,
hang with Brenda
and the rest of the
gang on 90210.