Oregon Daily Emerald S SI I JfcC D S Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CLASSIFIED POLICIES Payment • All ad* mud be prepaid unlcti billing h*s hern established Call 146 4 441 for billing arrangement* • VISA/MC arc accepted • A purchase order mutt KCi«np*ny all University departmental a*!’' Errors. Refunds Please chrc k your ad! Ibe ODE will run a classified at! one additH*ial day a* a result of any aphual error that changes ihc meaning of the ad, »l reported K 1 PM Refunds will be limited to credits tails No < ash refunds will he issued after the ail deadline. Credit* must he used within h months of issue ('opy Acceptance • [he OI)|* reserves the righttorcvise, reclassify, reject or camel any ail at am time • Political ads arc pavahlc in vse^ance and must show clear f % nsemcnt. 1 c. 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A«t»s AT »TA 105 PERSONALS A mi P*4fo fatal TU Ml HACt SHI iH TO Ml HALT S UOMM M MAT I THIS Ml JLS CO PUfcOQ cm i m 10 PASO fl!|N CUANDO I STOY CON TIOO SU CMC A Of PiZZA m TYPING SERVICES A' 144 0?». ROBIN * CHAD SCMOCH APPROVED X' yw»f‘*•-*-- 6*»: * gro»i*vfl l«r^ priors t c M» •, « t • -g i A-rff . ' ON CAMPUS' jo t he Ty ping wo Wud d* •-'g Fyf'- 5 Thas*» Oif»#naltor«« pn l as* .1 M3 €►<*»« v PROf e SSIONAL typing AiO WO'lT fKOOBftVng. 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AltiA ' p**.» -‘r -*>' A *>*!'<*'• $696 6B9 9453_ Ilka r\*w>' A/tIA ' p«a»j (!■ . •-«>' A. ax'.nti, $*>95 61*9 MVJ Hug for Sal* R.vary • ’ ’ •’ ’ v* snag. MMMilUl $60 466 ’6*6 VCR, 4 r «MCh h-gb qi.ii ty otu i««' 0*0 pao $400. at.*ng $176 C.a 34? i«?e Slyl# ur*h acorvomy Tr»a Ctotftaa Mom*. 720 l 13th 130 FOfi SALE USC BRA NO Nf W **»? - %Qt* A w# utf * v 'w Ai l .1 p«:vi 'ey ortfjr $399 ton r ta»r uorsfl, 66 * 8t**ffl US BUY OR TRADE cash f oh i f vi soTjcans W-1 S*:m ?? 40 up » $ * 0 on*:*' 'KKWfX}^ on tAjpttQtNM&n) A No buying L«vi. I •# *nd Wranglar. *nd motorcycN j*cfc«At Good qu«tty u*#d >•«.#>•. dirom •r*d coat* *l*o tor »j«* OfH N TUES. f» SAT * * « 77% Monro#343A44» 145 CARS TRUCKS cove HNMI N T SI at 0 VoT O', 1*00 f'OHt* Mu **!«'. CorY*ff«lft CTavyi H /<*n C *k> '1 SI l/f D CARS * Vm »o' n<\ fjj I BJ IMS (>f A Ava »> *'«-.« m -»T i 800 336 3366 r- Mac po»4:cai economy & ang Jap l ng Span K o»if-go Cap 6i£3 5554 To* hit** T-1000 Sf. IBM axnpatitN* r***r $1200. $300 ofco Sm*?** nviy 4 portabM lAptOpprmter n*g $’99$300 Ot» 484 6P41 170 SOUNO SYSTEMS CASH'" Wo Ouy *«s> fl'xJ wv *» VMS VCR s and vm/uos Thompson { dcironita, 112? Own 343 tt?7 3 ST EH f.O l)-» ! attMM'o Q*v* mu; ant* rec&vtjP v«*o aputUiwra, t*i. u «ol condfton, $200 o6o 345 09? 1 Jan its TRAVEL r Work ^ in Europe rtlE knlur W«Ams4*t, Ho*. ink 1t.R0 Ml-1JI M B«a LtitR'r loom, LMU • A* rt (ICAii y«n8(oj*«i •Allypcto/pbi v a*.** « (.! •{*.«mn'w carter; ’Air'rr ?r» «*Jr •i InUtAty &*} &KM t f\i i ft* r* ycM.t ft) mxi kxAfcn DON! MISS THIS! Sponsored by Career Planning and Placement Center and Council Travel i75 INSTRUMENTS WN» C'j^ar* fnwMr ’-a’- idot r\m *T#fl >TTVf^f f-»4,gn TT#4piHj Ou** **teymt *» Jkv--’ SK*fM* gut*. Miry bowni tvr.% M*OT4 >4VSm;> >44 44V m*>'X,' Fashionable ‘ Recycling look for it **vpry Monday In Nov«mt»r VMMt » Ak»£«w« Japan1 IW* *i «t4fl JltpAOA^O «t KyOtC ttMyO* .N *J Mwa Y n-w ■. \ Of fc at ’ll.. 4 **i .? * 4-8 200 ROES! RIDERS GOING TO SEATTLE Friendly male student needs ride to Seattle area on weekend of NOV 13 • 15. Willing to help pay for gas. Call Scott 686-0193. 205 OPPORTUNITIES B*mJ ••«*» vocal* m) 4301 BUSINESS MAJORS th*» t.oftngw of \ ■\m rtcrurt'-ng kx of •*>*■•&* c Afld outgoing butuft*K.*V 'TvajofY ?o t» pm* mfrrw* App< n'sxfj am •■<** *tv &‘a£>*i .’’t Gdtxprr Uswo mr - Era a/’ nloffTV.tf rrvuM ng in T u*j Ntw * at *t-iXT* " Room >33 Gi'tWMt Don t f*MM * gr««i apponwy r 290 CAMPUS EVENTS J05 OPPORTUNITIES Wrtttr W*trt*'ar«ixa’« or film §Cfn^yy 144 ?*1? Are you Interested In i ♦ Nap -■g ’ ♦ * •*•-.»', •• -j ,.. a i ♦ .1 f-«. '«r,. a in,#) •*» • *» r j car*. yc*,,;' or ..•*-*» a-xl j ♦ ‘.i» ’ -g ») *'>"» «•' u a. * 1 *i»!' | fkjatrv*** 14* 114? j CIS, * 4\S7 IcomwriKra 6 UM ! t n©to*h. ft llfO f V >ci 0 W1 1 * 48 IS Journaii-am A-lftS? • M»m MM) Po»4h:»I St», ft 44.^ , Paychology ft 49 >6 : Sociology ftftCM? BE A PEER ADVISOR Call you* mayor or 34ft 1? I! lor inform alien Invest in your future with ODE Advertising INTERNSHIP Birth to Three OCCl^ffT'Oiii^MtTuinwI.iy NO¥Vrf'iM‘! ' .’4 .* ikv-l , * . | f at mpro #'*Qi ;>t I4<> OC M j DuUu (ieuiiiiiMs INTERNSHIPS Ma^cft ol Dima* I4u*c yiar Oywropfty Amix«M'0'' (wg«»« Sym{»»»o?'y A**oo#U«n ftnif ■ M Girt Scowl Council V M c A *v*rv*«*a f t.< g *r>* f**T>*J ' ' I ’1 '♦'•'* «*w f» ■./■ j for ''DU’ a . :*v ■' Uvpft | are ffvaugr Thursday | {*>; * .» - ?4 * ItorOf :u6 ^011 MO CAUCUS EVENTS OPPORTUNITIES Lirfif' ftlpifWV l) Volunteur Coordination INTERNSHIPS Voluntary Action C«Mii VISTA I amM* Shohar Houao »0 HELP WANTED f am caah aUrfttng »ny«tof)*« at homo A • * .» v*. . A M to 1*0 Ho* w.4 I S;>- -oM W ■ r • ' ATTENTION j ■ :o rtJ.-T. , MM H M | M? I ! I Aflp. .»• 1 t. - A A! •} ZW CAMPUS EVENTS 1 Sexual Harassment on Campus Thursday, November 12, 1992 10:00 a.m.-l:15 p.m. Casanova Center Theatre Room Seating in the Theatre Room ta limited to 100 people Sign language interpretation will he provided No lot*! or drink, plttjun-. SfK'fUktrtJ by the l ’tu>*rMty »»/*Orxyan OHuc aflltr /ban . / StuJfnts anJ Offu* of Human R/jsunts. anJ !b* Sal..'n,il La/,h uih.’n ai Stu&mt AJmAAutraUH'j GIUE ME FIUE! Run your TOR SALE" ad (items under $500) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we'll run your ad again for another 5 days | Private Party Ads Only No Refunds/Credits.