SKIING Continued from Page 1A are unsure what level they're at can come In and watt h videos to help decide "Perfect Track" Is a clinic for cross country skiing Private lessons are $3H. and group lessons are SI 7 Mount Bachelor is located 22 miles southwest of Bend, on Century Drive off Highway 97 For the daily snow report, call 3fi2-7ftH8 Mount Hood Meadows: This area, celebrating Its 25th anniversary, is expected to open I ridav at the latest, and features both night and day skitng. Day lift tickets are S27, night passes (good from 4 to 10 p in.) arc SKI. and all-day tickets arc S32 There are also snowlxtard and cross country ski areas, in addition to the downhill runs Downhill skis can he rented for Sl<> a day. cross country skis go for $13 a day and snowboards for S2V A beginner lesson package runs S30 a da\ and in cludes ski rental, a lift ticket and a 40 minute group los son Mount Hood Meadows has four chairs and five >ur face tows Season-opener specials, featuring reduced rates on everything, are available |)e< 5 and (> and Dot 12 und 13. Mount Hood Meadows will bo open 4 a in. to It) p m. Wednestiay through Saturday and 4 a m to 7 p m. Sun days It is located on the oast side of Mount Hood, 10 miles east of Government ('.amp on Highway 35 For a daily snow report, call 227-SNOW Timberline: Timborline is also ready for skiers and offers day and night skiing Until Thanksgiving week end, the area will be open from 4 a m to 5 p m , hut al ter. it will stay open until 10 p m Hours are 4 a m to 5 p m Sunday through Tuesday and 4 a m to 10 p.m Wednesday through Saturday Lift tickets are $24 for day and night, ami $23 for the day Monday and I'uosduv spec nils feature a day pass (9 am to S pm.) for $14 Night skiing alone is S' Wednesday and Thursday nights. and $11 Friday and Saturday nights Ski rentals art* Slt> for the entire d.iy beginner lessons take place daily at to it) a m and 1 It) p m lor S2S That iru hides ski rental, a lift ti< ket and a 'Ml in inn to group loss on Also offered at those times art) group lessons for other skill levels at $ IH Timber!inr is located frf) miles east of Portland, off Highway 2R For a daily snow report, call 222-2.’ 11 Hoodoo Ski Area This ski area offers a guarantee ski for an hour in the morning, from 4 to 10. and if you don't like the surface, you tarn leave w ith no charge Hoodoo, which got Ki inches of snow Sunday night, is expected to open Nov 21 A first lime skier spei i.d is $40 and includes an all-day lift ticket, ski rentals and two no minute group lessons Twice-daily lessons, in cluding cross i ountry and downhill, are offered at 10 .10 a m and ! p m for St2 Hoodoo also has a four week Saturday program during January and February Ski rentals (all new this year) are $11 a day Day lift tickets, good from *1 a rti to 4 p rn or t to 10 p m , are StH An alt-dav "marathon ticket" is $22 \fternoon tickets, good from 1 to 4 pm, are $14 Night skiing tickets, good from 4 to 10 p m . .ire $12 Hoodoo is open Tuesday through Thursday from o a tn to 4 p m and Thursday through Saturday from 4 to 10 p m Hoodoo features three chair lifts It is located between Salem and Fiend on Highway 20 at the summit of Santiam Pass For a daily snow report, i all 292-1.IT”! Willamette Pass This area expected to open N->y IH. is another one dose enough to he frequented by University students Ski rentals are $1 I a day, lift tic kets are $20 and a five day pass is $00 Night skiing, from 12 10 to o p rn is $20 An all-day pass is S 15 Lessons for beginners run 512 for .1 00 ‘HI minutn group session and are every day at !() .1 m and 1 to pm Private lessons are 520 for the first hour and SIO for each additional hour t wenty kilometers of Nordii ski trails are available for cross country skiers Passes an’ So and ski rentals are S? A season pass is $05 Willamette Pass will fie open Wednesday Thursday and Sunday from ll a in to -t p m and I riday and Satur dav from ** a in to y p m. It is It* .iied t>'i miles south east of T.ugene on Highway 5il .it the t a si ade Summit 1-or a dally snow n-[>ort, c all 3-15 ?ooo Mount Ashland and Anthony l.aWas sk: areas may he less well known than the others, fail they are worth 1 her king out Mount Ashland, located HI miles southwest ot \sh lund off Interstate 5, is expected to open Nov 25 It will he open daily from u a m to t p m and Thursday. In itay and Saturday until 10 p m Day hit tickets are 52.1 on yveekends and holidays and SIS during lie- yvek Nigh' -» nii;.; o- 5 SO Sk- rent als are Si t lor the day tor a daily snow report, (all 4H2 275-1 Anthony Lakes, between l.atlrande and Maker t tty at the North Powder evil off Interstate ill is ex prated to open Noy 22 Lessons are offered throughout the day and range from Sit to S20 Anthony Lakes lias a stu dent rate of SI? a day Regular day rales are 520 Kent als are 51 t lor alpine skis, SIO for cross country skis and Sin lor a snowUiard ll will lie open Thursday through Sunday hum •> a m to I p m and seven days a week during holidays I or more inhumation. . ill 'Wi t Peei MOYER \ theatres!^ STUDENT NIGHTS MON WfD THUS $2 OFF ADULT ADMISSION WITH STUDENT 10 ATTE«6PM MOVIELAND AT WEST 11th 808 SENECA ST , 342-4142 6 ri<;m\v\i> Tl KSI) w S.UNI AU SEATS tXCtPT SPfCMl INGA C€ MINIS CAU I OR MOW iNtORMAHON BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL good si matin, t BRING THIS AD IN fOfl SHOW ONLY MON THUR $1.50 ADMISSION FOR ONE OffER GOOO THRU 11/'OT2 Engaavmtnl No »■*»••* R CX3 PC □u! THX I CANDY MAN (1 10 3 10 510)710 910 MtGHTYDUCKS M OO 3 OO 800)700 9 00 UNDER SIEGE (100300 500)7 10 920 ~ ENCHANTED APRIL cn i (120 3 20 5 80) ? 20 9 20 M ‘ MR. BASEBALL oo { 1 OO 3 10 5 20 t 7 30 9*0 CAFTA1NR0N 1,0 ( 1 15 5 25 ) 9 35 SNEAKERS «*>! (315) 7 25 SHOWTIMES IN EFFECT FRIDAY 11/6 THRU THURS11/12 STUDENTS • FACULTY • STAFF \ [Tin Vaccination 1 Influenza vaccinations will he given at the Student Health C enter everv WotlnraLiy. Thursday arnl Friday from tiiXkim to 9 OOtirti until the end of fall term Only one injection is needed Students S3.50 Faculty and Staff $4.00 Annual tlu immunizations are recommended tor the following 1 Healthy person* f>5 years or older 2 Persons with long-term heart or lung problems 3 Persons with any of the following kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, anemia, severe asthma and conditions which compromise immune mechanism Influenza vaccine may be given to persons wishing to reduce their chances ot catching the flu. persons who provide essential community services and students or others in schools -r colleges For more information, call the Student Health Center at 346-4441 ntcfiimnn fcmmniM Preregistration for Winter Term Monday, November 9 to I riday, November I l 8:00 am to ">:()() pm • T(>4 Oregon Hall rr I 144 Ac rc. i 44 MIS 11»*» IN VI 144 PS 144 AN r I It 44 CSPY 144 ( NC, 144 Ozone Hole: Sunoumeu Penguins' St.lie Tax Kefnrm Whet's Fair and Wlm Really Pays (rum Rag to Km k Sourc es and Styles of the AiTierit an Popular Sony; Introduction to Australian Literature and < ulture The Hill of Rights Peat emjkmg Primates t nderstanding Altai hment, Separation and < It ise Per si mal Kelationships Merlin; t torn ( eltu Myth to Our Tunes N 504 Oregon Hall • Office of the Dean of Students • 540-11 50 Tuesday Nov 1(5 Ingest coffee & donuts with 3 top-award winning mystery writers. Uncover the authors & have your favorite mystery book signed. Solve the "Mystery Bunch Quiz & win a tour t-shirt! Mystery Writers: S Karen Kijewski Annette Meyers Marilyn Wallace NJVJ RSI I't ) f O « IC o s § 318iH