i$<| oo I Foot long Sub t ! so* * Half Sub I • FREE DELIVERY • w*•k*asr t .ill f yt us or Kali** .it 1071) »»r .Mf» :\2l 1 or stop by the 1 i< • oljU r in H>4 t Hall NEW & ^CASSETTES USED CD'S, LP'S, & 258 E. 13th AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON, 97401 DINING Continued from Page 1A Thr ragged, brown i arpet and dim lighting >f the old cafeteria have boon replaced with a new and improved ( .arpet and color s< heme And for I how students whose cupboards are stocked with cafeteria plates, silverware and i ups. Hamilton now sports alarms on the l»c k doors to prevent pillagers from escaping The new look is user-friendly, hut the days of communal dining are over In the dining rooms of old. the tables were about 40 feet long long enough to ,i< iomrno date the residents of an entire dorm floor It was common to arrive at the cafeteria on a Saturday morning to see 20 nr 10 students with severe hangovers sealed together, hunched miser ably over uneaten food The renovations to the main cafeteria were over five years at a cost of SI 0f> million, and were funded through bonding, said Nancy Wright, di rer lor of far ilitio* and r apllai improvements Hut with all the selections and high-tech im provements, tin1 ultimate question remains How does (he food taste7 brush man Kick Greiner said lie believed the food was adequate "If it's dead. I'll eat It," Greiner said One person, though, claimed to have found a cor kroach in the raisin bran, and another saw a lug flea" in the cauliflower Other cafeteria rumors Include finding a con dom in the vegetable soup, a hone in the (olio and strips of cardboard inside portions of fried fish But David Funk, forxi services manager of fast food operations. ,aid the University has always used t'SDA choir e loods and brand name grxids Those dollars did more than bring in good food and tidy up the dining hall. They also brought Hamilton's original fast food Joint. "Hammy's." out of the stone age and into the 1‘MOs Formerly tucked away in a tinrk. grimy corner hetwis n Dunn and Collier halls. Hammy's i' now located in the middle of the Hamilton mall walk way area Bedecked with funky neon lights, outfitted with an eating counter with stools, and sporting a nifty, checkerboard floor, Hammy's looks like a fashionable 1<)50s style restaurant It s a far erv from the days of standing in line for half an hour only to receive a drippy hambur ger or soggy grilled choose. just outside of Hammy's is an espresso cart That's rigid, an honest-to-goodness espresso cart in the dorms Espressos, capuicinos. cafe lattes and genuine Italian sodas are all available Itui the real gem of the dining services is tin new pizza restaurant, Pi/.anos, located in the north end of the Bean Complex Funk filled me up with both pizza and the facts on the hot new outerv "We built Pi/uno’s for SI30,000. right on budg et," Funk said "The dough is fresh daily, and we make our own sauce We even have free delivery to dorm residents If Domino's or Little Caesar's is getting old, Pizano’s is even open to the public. Progressive thinking also extends to Hammy's, which offers more than hamburgers and hot dogs Vegetarians can order a garden burger with all the fixings With these excellent Improvements in Ham . mv s and Pizano’s. eating in the dorms could bo a lot more enjoyable There are enough culinary t hoic.es that everyone's tastes can be satisfied Don't get too bold, though No one's still quite sure what the “cheese stradu" consists of UNITED COLORS f OF BENETTON V ■a % m m m f FALL COLORS OF BENETTON. VALLEY RIVER CENTER Pall Photo Deals! Opticolor Film 135/24* 100ASA One Day 4" Reprints 290 Toes 1-Hr Photo 2na Set 4“ Prints 99c Weds Overnight 2* Set 3‘ Prints tUs Opticolor Film 13S'24* 10OASA 1 99 ..9S3k m UNIVERSITY 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 «M-Sat (WUNDERLAND 5 VIDEO GAMES Sth STREET tgp PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 j f C? : VIDEO ADVENTURE 1 VALLEY RIVER PLAZA UUU SJ ITu* Dean's. Pick of Flicks. A five film series presents To Kill a Mockingbird Wed. Nov. 11 Rm 129, Law School 8:00 p.m. Admission $2.50 Still to come: The Wrong Man 11/17 Paths of Glory 11/24 The Verdict 12/1