EDITORIAL Don’t turn over state GOP to lunatic fringe Mainstream Republicans should lw wary of Oregon GOP chairman Craig Berkman s call to form a new par ty. The Oregon Citizens Alliance is on the verge of tuk ing control of the party. Berkman said, and the only al ternative for "real" Republicans is to split off and form a new party. Berkman and other Republicans need to consider the ramifications of such a move. Giving control of (In state GOP to a group of crazed lunatics would create a political nightmare. Too many voters fail to look beyond the party affil iation of political candidates, and when they see the word "Republican" next to a person's name, they will vote for that person. These Republicans will not stop to learn if a candidate is an OCA puppet. They will not necessarily question an (X ’.A-supporting candidate's agenda. Berkman believes that most Republican politicians will join the new partv, tentatively named the Indepen dent Republican Partv. If enough registered Republi cans join the new party, it may gain the accreditation of tin- national Republic an Party. The challenge is to convince enough Oregonians to put their faith in a new party and to hope for accept ance by the national leadership. But what if it doesn't work? What if senior Republicans such as Bob Pack wood and Mark Hatfield don't join up? Berkman should do nothing until he has the com mitment of all major Oregon Republicans. It would bo even better if be remained to light the OCA lor control of the party. Berkman should follow the example set bv the Democratic Party. For years, the Democrats were con trolled by liberals who were considered too extreme for American voters. Conservative Democrats handed to gether and formed the Democratic leadership Council. The UI.G took control of the party and put Bill Clinton and Al Core in the- White House. Clinton is a member of the1 "New Democratic Party." as is Core and party chairman Ron Brown. Berkman should muster what moderate forc es re main within the state- COP and begin an internal cleansing. The potential damage an (XIA-control led party would wreak upon Oregon is unimaginable Virtually every credible Oregon Republican politi cian denounced Ballot Measure!') But if the ()< A gains control of the party and Republican politicians become OCA puppets, the threat of fundamentalist legislation getting passed will grow profoundly. The OCA and its members arc- as far removed from the Republican Party’s ideals as arc- Communists. The OCA has confused people into mistaking fiscal conser vatism with moral < onservatism. Berkman should make- certain that bis actions will not create more harm than good before carrying out any reformation. Whatever happens, it is in the best in terest of all Oregonians. Democrat and Republican, for the OCA to be rendered powerless. Oregon Daily Emerald P O BOX 3tS». lUGlHt GWt GON 97403 TN» OoQort Ort > I - w.ddj «* pc4>- >T.v > Kbnaoy f f«d*»y o..-' og fhe v 'xw >v*S 1i*n Sy ?** 0*>*y I mut&d Co l^c .-«•&-> * fit tt! S *o >00 o< " *t l ft> M«y .X-iV IV rtftJ .1 TKy tw** O? ">» Affi'wK .tied I ‘ ’ tr' • ■ Tho l ■-.% pf!V«}« pcOffcH’y 1 fMi u Of iAm of IS pros*Ci ’ .*!:•» f r»«i«nc« t a nor I drtoniJ I ditor Sport* { drier Supp*#m*nu l dilof iii«s K«fg * tapu N&A$»on Kvttm Jwwmn 0*vw Ca «y Anctanto^ A»»0CkBt« I Ortof * larrfny (ta’uy •’**“■! Adfv^tm, * ! •.«; .*» €<*'- - mty Co -w Pty‘*fl. Hgtmtf f du jt'ion AOrrunm button N««w» Start CNkJo-’ M»nOy B«* a Juttm Brown :•.» an Ciaru A~y [)m'#r'.{»rt ArwxUI f op'« A -.j » ®f»ar l ^4 MaggiWTy T«'»*.,» Monvng®* M&ry K■»•' l \a K 'wiVj IVo^ .iW- Mvt txrt .'J»rw M *i T .ft M «> «»' K Ng -y*n Tf:M# Nao f Ka Mar or* S-'-r MchMl moropacrt Ag $» Production Managar M •<■■•* N . *«, Adv#m*»ng ' Scott Da *t J*r to* H»>t km*. Jiww Iwa ‘ “ l.v l worn. Jwramy l/aton Giiuart Oft Dusitn SijKMs Srtaron Vlur Ar*ga» tAAndNa.m Clataifwd foggy Mu *rsn Ba/f> log** SrtA'on S,».;*■». Su^ar Upowgra" D'latMtoUttoo fWxn'tj B*0O*n Kr^.: Van Gordo* Anthony Wyn" Botinaa* KAJrty Cartons St*WYisor Judy Cor*n©ey Production Ingnd Wy 1*1 ton C