720 E. 13til across from Sacred I lean The Best Espresso Drinks This Side of the Big Boot! conlempOfOfy cutting • styling . • weaves ♦ mortcunng peims • ©ufopeon facials moke-up • body woxjng pus a M *ne of beauty poducts N f ■ L1% vv\ou=. 539E. 11th Ave • Eugene • 343-1637 I REE ['u'ktnQ Uh A n t)ulvu«n t< *n A ompus ffibS The 90210 Addiction It's a Wednesday night at the University ot Ore gon and what's on everyone's agenda tor this . evening's events'’ Are you planning to practice your dance skills a! Guido's, mpress the opposite sex with upside down tap hits, or sr! at home in your reclmer eagerly await mg an exerting evening with Brenda, Dylan and the res! ot the gang on Beverly Hills 90210° Many University students have given up the tradi tional Wednesday night parties in favor ot a high tense. last paced night ot Beverly Hills 90210 And who wouldn't want to spend an hour each week following ihe problems ot nch white kids from Beverty Hills"’ The show digs deep into the controversial issues troubling our youth today drunk-drtving, pre marital sex. teen-age pregnancy and engine troubles in porches At the end ot these often heart wrenching and always heart warming episodes, the rich white kids ot Beverly Hills teach viewers a very deep and very moral lesson to carry with them until next week The iesson being, il you're going lo drmk. don't drive, if you’re going to have sex please use a condom and if you re going to a beach party please please make sure your shoes match your bikini Each week the beautiful girls ot Beverly Hills 90210 /ip down Rodeo Drive in their beamers. sip lemonade on the beach, chat about boys in class, and show oft the latest fashions Irom Vogue , a com pendium ot the largest breasts in the smallest shirts So what is it that keeps these habituates of 90210 fixed on the TV each Wednesday night-’ Some watch it lor the innovatrve visual techniques that capture the underlying aesthetic qualities ”1 wouldnt miss an episode,"University junior David Curruthers said You never know when they m»ght show Donna m a bathing suit " Others enjoy the sensitive portrayal ot teen romance "t love 1 when Brenda and Dylan make out at their lockers and I’m still waiting to see it David will ever get lucky with Donna," University treshman Krista Ward said Senior Lucas J Gutman is drawn to the show because ot it's rich sense ot ironic humor "I am a tan ot all things so awful they make me laugh." he said Besides, where else can one see full-grown women squeezed into adolescent clothing7 The outfits ot Beverly Hills 90210 play a major role that almost replaces the need for any acting at all. The tashion conscience girls ot 90210 cleverly select outfits to match their message, so tiresome concepts tike conversation can be avoided This leaves more time for the tans to watch the girls frol ic through a hard day ot parties, beaches and malls. This innovative technique also eliminates the need for plot. Instead of a new plot each week thrf actors just change outfits * It is no wonder Beverly Hills 90210 has become such a trend for Wednesday night viewers Hope fully all of you can hold out until next week when more exciting questions will be resolved Such as: Will Kelly ever find a boyfriend7 Can Donna's dress es get any shorter7 And will Brenda and Brandon, the two loving and good-natured twins from Min nesota, ever involve themselves in incestuous endeavors7 Jenny Carey GEAR for comfort & looks! M §w HA FOR S P O * T0S