Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 10, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Oy Km
Freshmen Kale Gefroh and Mara Spear say
Pizano's is dose and the pizza s so good they have
been eating there since it opened.
Cafeteria blues
thing of the past
□ Many aspects of dorm-life dining
have taken a turn for the better
By David C Zartman
Emwald Contributor
To those who think of eating in a dormitory
cafeteria as a journey into hell, it's time to recon
Btportw'i Notebook
Witn additions such as a
brand-new piz/a restaurant,
espresso cart and a now and
improved '’Hammy's." the
Hamilton Complex dining
services uro modem, pleas
ant and downright hip.
(■'or those older University
students who have spent a
large portion of their college
life living and eating in the
dorms, you may not recog
nUe the dorm Cilleries oi me iwus.
Turn to DINING. Page 4A
Oregon slopes open for season
jAt reasonable rates, lessons, lift tick
ets and a great vacation are available
By Daraiyn Trappe
Emerald Ass.oo.ito ftl tor
Mount Bachelor and Timberline ski areas kn k off Or
egon's winter ski season when they open Wednesday
But several other local favorin'* are right on their heels,
and all expert to he open within the next few weeks
University students whether beginner, wdv.un ed or
somew here in between can lake advantage of lessons
on the mountain, advice front the campus Outdoor fro
gram and an up< oming ski fair
The Outdoor Program helps students organize week
end trips to lex a! ski areas, and two are already set for
Thanksgiving weekend to Mount flood and Mount
Bachelor There's still time to sign up lor either of
In addition, the Outdoor Program is co-sponsoring a
Nordic Ski Week On Nov 1 7 at 7 p m . a Nordic Ski
Fair will take plat e in Mutt (enter Studio One The toir
includes booths from local shops, ski areas, t bibs and
programs Equipment, recreation opportunities and in
siructional videos will be featured Admission is free
The Outdoor Program is also sponsoring a workshop
to help students learn how to safely camp out on a ski
lour Tills session lakes place a! 7 p m Wednesday m
the Outdoor Program office' in EMU Room „M
Here's a look at some of the slate s most popular ski
areas, as well as two ofl the beaten path
Mount Bachelor: A favorite ol University student
Mount Bachelor is ready to go The mountain got 70
inches of snow at tile base Sunday night Daily lift in k
ets for adults are $31 and ski rentals are SI4 Mount
Bachelor sports 1 1 lifts, including four Super Express
Chaim, as well as extensive cross country trails It w ill
lie open weekdays from ') a m to ‘I p in and weekends
and holidays from H a m to 1 p in
New this year at the mountain is the biggest ski and
sport shop in the Northwest Phoebe Rosenthal, i
Mount Bachelor marketing intern from the University,
said skiers "can ski rigid out of tfit- shop and onto the
slopes "
Mount Bachelor also lias some new lesson packages
"Perfect Turn" is a clinic: offered throughout each
day for ski levels one through it) A 75-mlnute group
lesson, which includes ski rental and a lift ticket, is
S20 A private lesson is STH Rosenthal said those who
Turn to SKIING. Pag« 5A
For skiers everywhere, slopes will be reedy soon
U.S. electoral voting system result of trial and error
j Drafters of the Constitution
struggled to find a method to
select the president
By Lisa Kneelel
Emerald Repo 101
Americans who < ast hallols for Cuorge
Bush, Bill Clinton or Koss Perot last
week may be surprised lo find they
didn't actually vote for any one of those
presidential candidates
They voted for electors pledged to vote
for the candidates.
The names that appear on ballots be
low the names of the presidential and
vice presidential candidates arts tho elec
tors appointed to vote for them.
On Election Day, voters ( ast their l>.» 1 •
lots for their candidate of choice The?
candidate who receives the majority of
the popular votes in a state wins all of
that state's Elec torn! College vote’s
A candidate must win more than 270
of the electoral votes to win the* race Tho
elec toral voters of all 50 states and the
District of Columbia (which would have
one representative and two senators if it
were a slate) total 5.!H
This year Democrat Bill Clinton re
ceived the majority of popular votes in
Oregon Republican Coorge Bush re
ceived 224,711) voters, independent Ross
Perot received lt>4,4T>3 und Clinton re
ctiived 2H4.47H because tin- Electoral
College operates on a "winner tokos .ill"
premise (except • ti Maine, whli;h uses .1
district plan), Clinton received all seven
of Oregon's electoral votes
According to provisions of the I S
Constitution, each state is allowed a
number of electors "equal to the whole
number of senators and representatives
to which the State tnay he entitled in
electors are chosen by the candidate or
party The electors vote in each slate
capital on the first Monday after the sec
ond Wednesday in December, according
to federal law
The M alt'd ballots are sent lo Washing
ton. DC , and opened and counlfd on
Ian (• Isidore a joint session of Congress
If no candidate ret fives a rnajoritv ol
(ho voles the House of Kepresentatives
chooses from tfu* top three t onlellders In
this case the slates are allowed one vote,
and their respective House members
meet and choose a candidate
Controversy has surrounded the Diet
(oral College system since Its implemen
tation Of all the provisions the framers
of tfie ( ainsUlutlon i mated, the selection
of the president proved most challeng
Turn to VOTE. Page 3A
Chilly air will remain across
the Northwest today Morning
fog should give way to sunshine
by mid-day
Todny in History
In 1483. Martin Luther, leader
of the Protestant Reformation,
was born in Lisieben. Germany
In 1969. the children s educa
I tionai prueram Sesame Street
I made its debut on PBS
n JKTLANL)!AP) - Leaking radioactive
steam shut down the Trojan nuclear plant
Monday, but officials said the problem was
very minor.
It could take up to a week to pinpoint the
source of the leak, but the rate was very slow
at less than a 10th of a gallon per minute
A PGE spokesman said there was no dan
ger to the public but (be plant w.Aild remain
off line until the leak was repaired
The plant is scheduled to be closed by 19%
WALM.T (He. tK. Calif (A)*) -
Arizona's Billy Johnson, who rushed
for 99 yards in the Wildcats' 16-3 upset
of Washington, was named the Pacific
10 Conferenc e Player of the Week
Johnson rushed 22 times, carrying
the offensive load for Arizona. which
ended the Huskies 22-game winning
Also earning player-of-theweek
honors were Stanford's John Lynch
and Oregon's Tommy Thompson