Think Again. Il toil IMINU TOUCH 1' *11 »Ol MAI I 1() HI In Mil I II IN I Ml MAHINt t HOI'S IMIMIIACAIN IOU AHOHAU to HI 'MAHT il in II CO I WMAI It I AM V ID 01 ONI Ol O' 'll ' Oil* M»«IM #11 »i II# _Marines TH£ ffl THE HOED THE HAIIHS Sec Captain Eric Geissler at the Fishbowl 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM today. EARN EXTRA CASH! V hr 11 of () Student Health ('enter is currently seeking 'certified cpr instructors to teach (PR workshops. • Applicants should be 11 of () students • l ime commitment: 4-hour workshops Contact .loanin' I’rank ^40-2728 at the Student I lealth ('enter. ('all In In. I )ee 4. to make an appointment. Hiring lor Winter term' CATALYSTS Continued from Page 6 deserve* even more recogni tion "I have « statement to make right now. ' ft rooks said 'Tom mv Thompson should be an All-American Anvbodv who's seen him play that doesn't think he's an All-American should have their head pound ed into the sand " Thompson's three field goals gives him 17 on the year, in cluding 12 of his last 14 at tempts Hi- had field goals of 17. 4:» and 40 v.irils tin Satur day and is eight shy of setting a new Oregon ret ard for field gcjiils made in a season With -ill these field goals, it's easy to forget what was possi bly the most important part of the game Thompson's 7fi-vard punt That punt, which Oregon downed at the three-yard line-, g.m the Due ks momentum After stopping the Hears deep in their own territory. Oregon forced California to punt from its own end /.one The Ducks scored on the* ensuing drive and nevi-r looked hoc k The Aut/.en Stadium < rowd even started a ''Tommy. Torn my" chant a number of limes throughout the game "Did you hear the crowd'" quarterback Danny O'Neil yelled to Harris after the game "They were chanting. 'Tommy. Tommy ' He's only the ki< ker Harris got his share of chants from the crowd, too. after he caught a Sti-yard touchdown pass in the third quarter to put the Dut ks ahead ill" He add ed to that catch .1 total of ‘*-t yards on four punt returns, and tw o of those returns set up Ore gons first two scores of the game Harris first return ol the gam went for 1fl yards to the C.ulifnrnia 2ft. and the Ducks seem’d a tout hdown two plays later The second was a bril liant tit yard return to the Bears' six-yard line Oregon scored on the following piny when fullback Juan Shedrick plunged In on I;is only < arry of the game On the punt return Harris broke at least three kies anti looked to I) flirting with the idea of a lateral, hut he pulled the ball hat k i 11 and was knot ked out of hounds “30 years of Quality Service ” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota -GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon, 97402 ruesday Nov 10 9-10 am Upstairs Ingest coffee & donuts with 3 top-award winning mystery writers. UnCOVer the authors & have your favorite mystery book signed. Solve the "Mystery Bunch" Quiz & win a tour t-shirt! ^ UNIVERSITY or O K l C C) N 13th & Kincaid • M-Sat • 346-4331 Mystery Writers: ^ Karen Kijewski ^ Annette Meyers Marilyn Wallace SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLIES Scales Chemicals Lab Equipment 9-6 Mon-Fri • 10-5 Snt 726-9176 1124 Main St. xaasaci^'zasex^/XBxeaxszxtss: 136 E 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Monday n«v > $3 I’opltuma recording aitMs Jimmy Silva and the Slime Goats plus John h>h! Tuesday nov. io $3 I "he Dreamers The l ost C reek Gang Wednesday n$3 I rum I .us Angeles, lire si* piece garage/grunge/punk hand Trash Can School plus Cupo Music Starts at 10pm Open 4pm-2 30am Mon-Sat