Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 09, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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Continued from Page 1
of Fame
' When ho usod to shako
hands with you, ho had hands
liko boar daws. Smolish said
"Ho could grip a fool ball like .1
normal person would y»r 11> an
orange or a baseball."
In 1949, about 4,BOO people
attended the University, said
62-year-old Norma !.o< kyenr
Female students, however,
worn often treated like second
class citizens, she said
"They had 10 40 closing
hours (of the dorms) for wom
en. and on the weekends they
extended it grat iously to mid
night." Lockyear said "The
house mothers would stand on
the porch and flu k the light
The boyfriend of 1 woman
who lived in the dorms once
got so fed-up he unscrewed the
porch light. Lockve.tr said Co
ed dorms were out of the ques
tion back then, site said
T h e w h o I e w 11 r 1 d it a s
< hanged since she graduated in
1954, Lockyear said University
officials then wouldn't allow
bars and restaurants to serve
beer within a half-mile of Iho
In contrast, Craig Duller, u
-12-vear-old 1972 graduate, said
he was surprised at how few
things had changed at the Uni
"The students here remind
me of tin- ones then as lar as
Norma Lockyear and Sam Al" Smolish recall athletics and dorm hie
at the University Alumni Association recept'on Friday
iht'V dress." Butler said T.v
milling in a take bac k in the
'70s "
University slmlenls mm may
dress like students in It'1'
1 <l7()s, but the |>o 1111< ill dlninte
was charged up iben. said (..iry
Dial kim.ro, a 1'I7J graduale
bugene Mayor Tom Met all
called m the National (iiiard
because ol student protesters
during the Vietnam War, he
You would go to class and
someone was getting tear
gassed. said the 4i year-old
Dim kmore It s uma/ing look
mg back that I even graduated
I d be going by Johnson Hall
anil before I ii know i!. the \'a
Hnmil (luarrl was ( timing a! mr
You re jumping on your bike
and gelling tin’ hell out of
iulle Low is I’iiul. 11 said her
host rni'inorios of the l imofsii\
lire of till’ Istelsmr (ate and
miirgaritas at (the restaurant)
Li I'orito "
I ho student hang outs arc
still ihn same, and so are the
students, said Lew is Paul, a
1 'III I graduate
I'he rolloge sludonls I saw
todav looked the s line slu
said I hat s just how tin v
Continued from Page 1
said harassment of guvs iiml lesbians xtsted long
before Measure bill the measure itself "brought
tilings to a bead
There has been a fairly subtle ( hang'- in the
nature of hate crimes m luigeiie ttirr said We
had a fairlv small increase in sexual orientation
hate i rimes this \ear. while the overall total of re
ported hate crimes has decreased from last vear
Hirr said he expel ts to see ,1 sharp rise in re
ported sexual orientation hate crimes lor October
of this year
We had a lot of reports during < >< toller Ilirr
said I think the numbers will be larger lor ()i to
iler and November
Thu University is 1 uni ernml .ilnuit the salety of
gav .imi lesbian students on rumpus s.ml |.u lue
Ilu l/er u( tile Dean nl Si mien Is oflii e
■ I he I,(;UA has the full suppurl 111 (he Oflire ol
the Doan ul Siudonis .mil ilu- Offhe ul Ptiblu
Safety, Il.il/cr said Hi art working :!>■
safety nf H‘‘Vs. lesbians and titsesu i'- on i .mipus
tint! for the .ippruhension ol those who an- en
gaged in harassing people on i .impie.
OPS Director ( .m s Dravton siiiil sil. ru. en
courages hale i rimes .mil he urged students and
st.ilf lo report .ill i uses ol harassment to tii’S or
the Dean of Students office
II sve (hin t have an iilea ol what • happi mug.
we r an t slop the problem anil get the open. In*
i omtmintty vve are try ing to re.u h Drayton said
Hmrwi in ImndlHin * ' K‘
U r.. la « ft.: ■ ■' ' <}
Anu/t'fJ V*-t s.n* k -it' J.• .•
st Child lam a.'nl moalv are jtrovi*1od !■
. ) p'u-«*■*•• ft-# • ' ?•* '**>
Mu<ln>l* Itlf Ohmi <• •' ■ ‘ • * T ’
n. If • • ih. : • • • • • T li »«* ‘ i-i
••• f 14u **+*'*
|rw t«h Sludfnl 1 nu*n * •- • ’■ ' ' •»
«, Slid v igi s ' ti?|rii-mb
fhr Si win «> I i< Inrfi Kuiimn •>
»«**;! ‘. Might 4? '» P If) If; 44* I’l t t > 'ItV U**
Of* n S* Ott ( 4 f <i * t nJer * 1^4/TM- 4«4
\tnnrtlv I nlrr »«•! »«W <*l * »•
^.f.rf.-»! tnuNfcvt marting tonight 4* 7 ,n »n
1 Ml ti ll
( r r > h m <i n Sv<ntR4f * «
j r.-f.y '■■« t.4»* !».«* * •' m M> • {• m
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f injmi' t 'niUfiiH t hun h
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•Jl« Utt 1* Hi* W‘ if’U *' t>: n
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K«-\: («jijoft sft N<* ■ •'!•*>' •' 4 ?' '* lJ
KM: * -if M li.m : •* riH-rr '•
ill *4*» 4 * •*>
Students to observe
Kristalnacht tonight
By Peter Schwartz
Emerald Contributor
Tonight is the 54th anni
versary of KrisUinacht, the
night of broken glass ." when
Germans took to the strivt* in
a nationwide demonstration
against Jews
On Nov *1, Id.ift. members
of Hitler's elite police forte,
the Geslapn, took axes, ham
mers and incendiary homhs
in hand and set out to pro
mote anti-lew islt riots in
hundreds of German towns
said Martha Meyer, i German
lew who lived in I ranklurt at
the lime
't he S5 drove through the
streets with bullhorns de
claring people could do •on
thing they wanted to Jews
and Jewish properly Meyer
(‘.I.nmiiij; lor hves ‘>1 Kuii‘
itretis <il |i-iv. .mil .I. Mriiv mi;
lhous.tfuls nl sy n.1440)411 es
Jewish homes .uni business
rs. KristiilniH hi lurfsh.nl
owed I hr exti'rinin.iUnn nl
millions of l:uro)ii‘iin Jews in
III. ' Holm -ms! Ml l it Sillii
The ‘ |Migr«nn or m.iss.1
irf w.is inserts I In thf
.iss.issin.iimn ol .1 (.i-nit.hi nl
flt i.il in I’.iris hv .i 17 vtiur
olit lew ish Inn . Ilftsi hf I
(Irvns/ji.iit s.inl Imp-nr rest
. Inn I I f ■ I V if.
.Miff Intiif; in t.iTiii.im lur
27 iftirv (Iniis/ji,m s l.iilift
IV. is nllf nl 1. OHU |flvs nl
1‘ollslt origin .lf)inrlcil Irmn
Cerm.iny in I'olumt .is p.iri nl
Hiller's (il.ttis in riil (.enn.mv
ol Jew s M.jHfl.1 s.inl
,Mli>r retelling news nl his
1.11 h r r s (I f |i n r l .i l i u n
(Irvns/p.in wi n! into ihr Her
man t.mb.issi iind shm In
drill h iirnsl mm K.ith. .in
limh.issv s’,,ill mtmber
(IfV».v.|mn's motives hit
the murder ire unknown, (ml
I hr runsfijiiiTi! .s u . rr In
iiM.ilIng fur (h riii.in lews.
Miiniti.i s;otj
Unijfr ihi- pretext nl putdti
utilr.i(4i' for lhr .iss,tsstniitnin,
the \.i/i I'.iriv |irtm fiulnd in
me Hr nnti'Jrwish vinffiifti
across (.fim.im
\.i/i piihi i n si- i in.non
Jewish hu m .mil In..k ihein In
t nm fill rul Ion i .imps I hi!
ni^hl, tieginnu.j* nvn. i1 in
six veers nl N.i/i vinlcnie
.1)41111wt |fw - .irn! inln iriUi '
7 was not allowed
to know I was a
Jew. I only knew I
had to run and
hide when
someone came to
the door.'
Toni Rtnde.
-,\rxi ,'v j frrioters
lii hi* iIih uiiit-niiirv film.
lUm'l Sl'fjt .it Until, , Miiilt'l.i
riHiills tin- np.iihv of ihi* fin*
mi'ti ,i* firi's r.tgcil in hnuM v
ittui Nvtuigngui^.
i m- nre iiim . r.iii imi. tin'
t:«»jj|»*tr nozzles in their
It.intis, the liteiilen sit s tti id|\
I.V iruJ u.trmcil themselves
ti|t .tl tin- hl.i/itij* II.mifs
while ihe sp-tiks were il.nit
trig in the .nr .mil were exlin
gtoshoil m (he water sprayed
ill m tj;hhunn|4 (nnn-jewish)
hltuses M.tliel.l Stilt!
U hen Hiller overrun I'll
hill.! m 1 «l.in he .issii m. 11
jiuwer user Klirnpe’s lurj{r si
Jewish populate. Stiinlev
Igel. now living* in Tlnnihi.
w .1 s in I* (> I a it il ii ii r i n
krisl.iln.H ht
"I remember heiinnj; ulioul
live viulertce of Krishilnm.hl
in (iermuriv. lyel s.inl flu
rioting, ihe fires, the ill purtu
turns Mi Innii!', Iiiil liveil
there lor filler.illims Jews
h.ni hill rights I w.is ,m ulh
rer in the I'ulish \rnn It ihi)
lint seem possible (nr some
11 inr; Sih< hrisiitln.il.Ill In
happen in Pul.uni
Alter Hitler g.imeil r nnlrril
u! I’olmiil m Sepiernher in to
4;el s family was lorr eil into
Warsaw's j*ltelln file l^els’
ihni^hier. Tom Ktmle. who
w.is 1H months okl .it the
time, w.is hiiJrlen from ihe
Vizis m the home ol .i lew n
nt.IVnr m ( list in I’ul.mil
w.is iiiil .i | lo W eii to
in ii'. iiillllln,.. Kimii' '..ini
( liil.P' ii tel! ilie truth su 1
w.is in-: .ouiiveii to know I
W IS ., ... >.V • . • V kill H I h.ni
In run .mil huh when some
one r .line to ihe itonr
The Jew ish Student Hilton
will heli! a i .ii ii 11, lijtlii i Ij4i I
il H Ion .111 .i, tin I.\j t!
( mu!van! t.. ueirmrah!
Krisi.iin.il hi
50C Hot Dogs'
watch the Came
on the Big screen!
13th & Alder 343-0681
recfiimnn SEminmu
Preregistration for Winter Term
Monday, November 9 to F riday, November 13
8:00 am to 5:00 pm • 364 Oregon Hall
PH 14lt
AC I(, 149
MUS I9*»
INTI 144
f’S l1)1)
AN IH 199
( SPY 144
INC 194
O/one Hole: Sunburned Penguins'1
Stale r.u Keturm: What's f air and Who Keally Pays
From Kag to Kim k Soon es and Styles of the
American Popular Song
Int’odut turn to Australian t iterature and ( ulture
The Hill ot Kights
Pear emakmg Primates
l nderstanding Altai hment. Separation and < lose
Persi mat Kelatlonships
Merlin I rum Celtic Myth to ()ur Times
*(>4 Oregon Hall • Office of the Dean of Students • 446-1146
N . ■ ...