Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 09, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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Alumni compete for
Homecoming spirit
By t on Ann Befhneskt
r roof .1 td C<x'ifi buJo#
A «rowti of enthusiastic: runnels gathered Saturday morning In
show off their homer outing spirit fry participating in .1 five Inform
ter run/wali
The r.u 1 kicked off in front of Johnson fl.rl! with .1 group of to
runners sporting their Ourv the fte.irs Homecoming lU" i shirts
I he tniijority of tin- runners w in .ilumm visiimg tin- r umpus for
Home* oining Illthoilgh slurfents and residents c ornpeteii ,|S well
f rom Johnson If.ill. the runners m.ule .1 complete loop .iround
1 iinijitis. plus .1 one uni) Ihree ipi.irlers l.ip iround Hayward f ield
I fie c nurse w is designed to give runners w ho h.idn t seen the mm
pus during the lust few ve.irs the c fi.int e to see some of llie progress
lh.it Inis l<een made'
Kim I femes, director of ( onstitueni v Kehitions for the Alumni
\sso< iatlon. organized the run as .1 wav of welt ommg alumni bill i
for I ionics tuning
\\. wire r<afh happy with tin uliuin . Ilniin aid VV>
liionghl it would he luo il even 1 r> alumni showed up Ins ause it
WOllid give them fl.reason to 1 urn tiac s to tii' I Tuversilv and re la
miliart/e thcmiselves w ith the rumpus
David Harding won lirsl place honors with 1 tmu nl It. IS Har
ding graduatisi in Pllll and is 1 unec.tlv w or kit ; 1 , si Sl.indard
Insiir.inc e c uunpany in I’nrtland
\V li lie .1 tic 1 id mg tile i Diversity . Hurtling c i an pc t d in c loss 1 1 un
Irv and lra< K and held
t apluring second piaie at |t>-15 was folio Sc hull/ a thiiversilv
senior majoring in physic s
Schultz** former trainer John Nagel, fjnislted in third place' A
resent graduate in general sr lene c Nagel Works lor Hun fro Inc in
lingerie Togelfter, Nagel and Ills dog c ompletcsl the r.u e at 1 7 1 t
In maintaining the spirit ol Homecoming Nagel added that he
hel lev s'd the Dm is w oil Id win .'II ' no douh! aim : 1:
With 1 on I idem I ill the Dm is d Holms ■ umng sji.nl !. i! mg lie
streets, the rar e tame to an end as the last nl Ihe runners crossed
Ihe linisli line
Did anything about the
election surprise you?
dial mea- 1
sures 5 >
nr>d 6 didn't 1
Thorn was I
a big 3
movement (
to pass
them Dt-stdes Trojan is
going to close anyway
freshman, humanities t
Measure 7
me the
rno'.l II
was well
written and
I thoughl
would pass because il
would have helped some of
the problems caused by
Measure 5
Ireshman, undeclared
"Measure 9 j
was so
close and ■
here it
everyone was voting no
Other places passed it. and
it's frightening that the OCA
won t give up"
sophorrrore, business
I was rbal
ly surprised
by the
amount of
Ross Perot
got in the
end I was
also sur
prised by Measure 9 It's
really discouraging to see
that amount of hate in
Oregon "
senior, architecture
Measure 9
was so nar
It scares
me that
(the OCA
is) going to
j reword it and that could
sway enough voters the
other way so it can pass "
senior, english
How close
Measure 9
was and
Measure 7
isn't as lib
eral as people think Social
issues don't really come to
the surface here."
sophomore, english
Bookstore hopes Sensor-Matic will end book thievery
By Jell Hamilton
I mn> lid ('.> • >
Sluilfiils will tin longer It.iw 1' ’ i k
ihrir I Ml k|l,ll ks ill llli PlllVrl'iU ill i
jtisl liilotr I.ill 1«■ mi, I hr lunik-.;, >
•itlded .1 Si*nmii M.ilti Inventory i ntiltni
Syslrm llils system. similar Id ones lit
itiiiny ri lui stores m.ik' it difhinli lor
lIn;ft In oi l uf
U |>iiri It.iM'd I lie Srns.ii-M,i(n m .in
.llti'lll|lt Id kee|l t l is I s down," s.llll lunik
slon- ni in r.iI m.m.iH'-r (tin Williams W<
,in- one of ,i levs university liiMiksion-- in
I he intinlry lh.il oiler .i 'l percent ills
i mini in students. .ind in order in kee|>
offering that ifisi mini, we need to h,ivi; i
hotter i on I ml on our inventory
William1- said he i In i ks tin system. i
ery ii.iv ami hasn'l hat) .1 J>ni!ili>m w till d.
although .1(1 oriasional video or library
hook is ill so| il oil
Win n iIii system goes "1 .11>
proai h I hr person in .1 friendly manner
Williams said We lion I assume ilia!
they Han stolen something
Mall llel V die a student is Ho H id the
eypi'in; I of Hal 1 r: >4 llie S' 1 is- e Mai!
oil while walking through it 11 use I very
enthusiasm ulmu! the m is system
I (ell re,illy embarrassed Del Valle
said I 1 ei 1 hods is as looking at e. ■ bio
1 was a inminul I Had ii. lake my ! • s
mil ol my Hay: and walk I brolly’ll again
Lila Johnson is another student with
reservations about the new system
I111 so paranoid w In n I walk thnuigh
‘When the system goes
off, we approach the
person in a friendly
manner. We don’t
assume that they have
stolen something.’
Jim Williams.
Uf\ivorsi!\ I look stow general
n," Johnson said I'm afraid Us gotn^ 1(1
/a|) itir ”
Hut mans sllnti’nis praised ihr system
I like llns new system .1 lo! soplm
more Dit k Liu: said. 'When I hiiii in
i lu'i k rn\ t),u kpat k List vi’.ir, there was
always .1 chant e tli.it someone could l.ike
it In act idenl or on purpose '
Williams said the system wasn't ex
'We expect lh.it the money silted this
term Irom hooks that won't he stolen !e
cause of the Sensor Malic will pay lor
the entire system." W illiams said. d
I he liookstom won't know how stit ^
i esslul the new system is until June III
when they will do a complete inventory
'The t lists ol going to school havi
continued to go up,’ Williams said
'['ins new system is working and should
help keep the prl( i s of hooks (low n
It's Coming!
Wed & Thurs
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Information Meeting
Wednesday, November 11, 1992
EMU, Cedar Rooms C & I)
ti*r m formal I'1 n ahuul ether opportunities for Htudy ahroad
ateund the world. please .ntact the Office of International
Kducati< n and Exchange 330 Oregon Hall' Mtt-3207)
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