Public Enemy raps music, beliefs during show By Jake Berg tr-era ni\ one in the group who doesn't i .ire .itMlllt It “1‘ollties never done nothin tor I’lnvor I'liiv." lie s.iui Public linemv. though, done plenty (or tin rap world I'K w hose show w is .is pin s ir .il .is its .11 mnvmi'd nickname implies is regarded .is one ol the reasons that rap has devel oped into ni.ivbe the most doni mating triusii al fori e today Rap. whli h was virtually un heard of (list wars ago. now sells millions of alliums, hut Chuck said he doesn't Isdteve that rap had i hanged that much since the group's first release. Vn' Hum Huih I hi' Shun in I'W7 run III hits < min' In r.i|i s trrmv hi' Mini ( Inn k s.ilil In' w ,is to srr sumr i h.mgt's, though "Hup gollitn .1 Im mom liivi’fM' (!hut:k x.iiil >1111 mt ,i lot mow common mun musn fivr nr MX yi-.irs ,igt> I l.iv v.iid In' rr.ili/is lliut iininy of tin r.ip groups ll.lVI' Mill.Ill'll III III. p Isl Il'IS Vi-Iirs look In I'l .is i 111.mi in Ournci- in tin' voting p urr It's Mimtthing I highly ri'spri I .nut apprri mli* In s inl I know i Ini n1 people Innk n|i In Its Ini gu ut.ini Chuck i' •> hit more humble than his energetic partner He said he gives more credit to Kim DMt , wite brought r.i|> to the public's .ittenttoli with their i 1111 i i ! \ e [ osm t th "s Walk I I s V\ i\ I’li garnered similar notice Inst year when thev teamed with \nthrav lor i version of the r.ip group's bring the Noise A lour with the speed re k. r s brought I’l. to ‘s.i :■ :n in Oc tuber of t‘t'11 the hist time .1 I’l. tour came through (fregon After i date in Portland last rimrsdav night w Inc h I’l. Iirsi plavc d in An ;ust of tr I a m . of teal ling r.u ism t.rid rac ism. saiel I lav with i gray top hat on Ins head ami in uversui'd watch around his us k l.i't -• put an end loll PILOT Continued from Page 1 The International ( College draws upon the expertise of all la< ullv and students Bowman said Sheridan said one of the most ( ritual aspects of the program is the equal »um Oof l S and foreign students die UniversiH will he the .second senool in the nation to have an Interna College The University nt ( aldot lli.i ill S.m Diego was the first hast spring. Brand approved .id .illm a lion of S-10,000 from the Strategic I * Inn Implementation lurid ,is "seed motley to develop the pilot program Hie fund ing lor the pilot program comes from re altor ateri funds and not from ar .identic funds. Brand said The International (College planning group js looking into federal grants and privulr donations lt> fund tin- prrm .nmt program Thr rrsidrntial group. onr ul ihrrr suh« ormtultrrs. has not V’t l louod .1 building lo Imiiv thr pilot program, hut it Will likl U : ■ .rtvrfl itl r\ i hall for thr f 1 rt \nit I hr sutx ommillrc lias ulfruih starlrd thr discussions lor a nrw building to prrinutirnllv housr thr program KrijUrsts lor proposals Iroiii I .'mu rslts lilt ullv mrinbrrs 111 ilrvr|n|l .mil It thr \ si i|iii'tn I- ilr.ilirtg with m rrl.itiuns Ii.ivr ({onr mil vs 1111 ,1 !)(•< I ilr.ulllnr I rum ihr |ir<»jniH.iK, .1 nl si\ iiislriu Ims vs ill lie srln Ini In lurinul.ilr .inti lr.11 li Ihr Ihrrr < niits.s Afitlllf iltiuns will hr srul nut sunn In rntrfinr Ifrshmrii. Shrrldill! s.ihl Thr 1 timiltlllrr is nul Itifrsrrili|; on i‘rn ‘ t.-MU ^lobbyo“»"i'lUMd0 ?S«*oc*,lS«i’»““nl'dd remeiubet ctorU's an ftr i YOUR PATRONAGE SUSTAINS US. USE OUR SERVICES. TELL US HOW TO PROVIDE SERVICES THAT MEET YOUR NEEDS. YOUR FEEDBACK IS VALUABLE.