FOOTBALL Football boosts local economy By Erick Studenicka Emerald Sports Reporter While agriculture .ind the timber industry remain main stays of the region's economy, Oregon football also provides a substantial economic boost to Lane County in addition to revenue for the athletic department generated by ticket sales, Lane County businesses benefit from home games through other forms of tourist expenditures. Benefits experienced by local industry range from decreases in hotel vacancy rates to increases in retail sales. Rick Schaufier, the director of marketing at the Valley River Inn. said his hotel has experi enced some of its best business on the weekends of Oregon's home football games Oregon tootoau nas a tremendous impact on our busi ness." Schaufler sail) "On the weekend of the Washington football game, we were at 100 percent capacity. On a normal weekend, we’re probably at 70 percent Plus, we did a tremen dous business in other areas, including our Sunday brunch and our lounge." "I would say that the week end of the Washington game was the best two-day period in this hotel's history," Schaufler said "When you take into account that every hotel room from here to Koseburg was hooked, the impact of the one game on the region easily reached into the millions of dol lars." John Erickson, the general manager of the Red Lion Inn, said that his hotel benefits directly from home football games. “We're contracted with the athletic department to lodge the Oregon players the night before home games," Erickson said. "So just by having the players here, our vacancy rates are affected." Both managers said that it Direct Revenue from Oregon Home Football Games 1990 Tick el Sal**: San Diago Stale Idaho BYU Utah ASU Stanford IX'J-A Total Horn# Tw k*l Rrmiue TV Rights Cofsceaatons Food Parking Football Program* Novelty Sales / $313. 235 $273. 813 5521, 63.1 $277. toe $137. ttt $ I Ml 956 $504. 227 $2. 596 524 $49 655 $207, 326 $H1 034 $2 3. 509 5)1 107 Direst Rmnu* from f ootball (lame* $3 OJU 157 was ililticiitt to put .1 precise number on the amount of mohtfy directly generated from football fans. "We (han't ask guefts Their exact reasons for staying in Eugene," Erickson said "We also end up making money from football fans not staying in the hotel For example, there is a football bus stop in front of the hotel and we get a lot of people coming m the coffee shop while they are waiting for the bus " The athletic department's marketing office conducted a non-scientific survey m toot) to determine an estimate of one home game's impact on the ESne County economy The survey, which took place at Autzen Stadium before the UCLA game that fall, asked Htit) participants to estimate how much money each person expected to spend on Oregon foetliall. including tickets. Ii«lg trig. food, concessions and other costs v * • K>'sults of the surv> \ showed that non-Lane County residents spent more than SHU per person m order to attend the games Overall, the marketing depart rnent estimated that the single UCLA game provided a S.t 1 million boost to the region's economy. Obviously, home football games also provide an economic boost to the athletic department Of the department's total S.t 4 million in ticket sales in HI90 91, S2 hi! million (77 percent) resulted from football ticket sales Turn to REVENUE. Page 6B Presenting: only \*m° 730 E. Broadway I I'M 1111SI (V L Eugene, OR 97401 PIZZA delivery 484-2919 Limited Delivery AreixMintfnum Order Required Visa 4 Maste' jard Accepted Large Restaurant Menu ^ # £ / * * * * * ★ Delivery ► ★ Catering . ★ Tailgate Parties ■ -7^ ^ U PUT THE POWER OF OREGON DAILY EMERALD ADVERTISING TO WORK FOR YOU CALL 346-3712 7 DAYS A WEEK 7am-10pm INCLUDING HOLIDAYS No Emergency Fee During Our Extended Hours L Wayn* Kofara II.VM. • 9-mm * *« • pH fN nivwm • 9w4l T\»>i m JMr^u- --— Mirkacl D Moll('llMlftMM,il«r O.V>f. » Vvtmm A liXarrvJ 1 Ver» H P Kdfrn UVJM. • >)WMin> MsiImim* ('•ry C Heyward U.VH. • r«tM • Utanwi Mitolw Mliintn l,. Htwlp • Vmnimo ! ■*».<•! S£v * 725 E. 25th at Hilyard ' —485-0161 * a • w»* AMAZON PARK! M ANIMAL clinic* .