Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 06, 1992, Page 10A, Image 9

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AV * N q
« US* '
Mon. Nov. 9th at 8pm
Hult Center
Tickets AaaiaMa at tha Hult Cantar Boi Offica
The following Incident* were reported to the
Office of Public Safety and tho Eugene police de
partment from Oct. 2B to Nov 3.
• Two people were arrested for Mealing a Uni
versity parking permit on Oct 2B A stolen park
ing permit was found on the suspec ts' van When
police contacted one of tho suspects, she said she
found the permit According to police, night per
mits have treen reported stolen this year and three
have been recovered.
• A 22-year-old man was arrested for telephone
harassment on Oct 30 The man was recently re
leased from jail and one of tho conditions of hi*
release was ho was not supposed to have any con
tact with a woman who livers on the 1 f>00 block of
Alder Street The woman received a message
from the man on her answering machine and
called the police
• A Lane Community College student was ar
rested twice for separata noise violations on Nov.
1 Police arrived at the student’s house on tho
1300 block of t erry Street after responding to a
noise complaint According to the police reports,
♦ ^
wdM. Large Band
the student has a history of noise violations The
police arrested the man and confiscated his stereo
equipment. Later that morning, the same studont
was arrested for a second noise violation. Accord
ing to police reports, the student returned homo
alter his release from )ail and he and two other
men began making noise on tho student's porch.
• Instruments valued at $950 worn reported sto
lon from tho University’s School of Music on
Nov 1 Police are uncertain how the burglars got
into tho building, which was locked.
• A burglary was reported at tho McKenzie
Study Center on the 1B00 block of University
Street on Nov 3. A man reportedly came inside
tho center and took a basket that contained the
user's weekly dues. Tho man escaped with an un
known amount of money.
• Police issuer! 16 tickets %>r minors in posses
sion of alcohol from Oct. 2H to Nov. 3. The cita
tions were issued to minors caught at campus
area parties and minors observed walking with
open containers in the campus area.
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* On Mps to
Of Portland
chiifgc a commission like gul
lf-ri«"; do.
Uni gelling artisis. performers
and establishment owners to
gether has not been as easy
Musicians have approached
the French Horn Cafe about
playing .it the cafe, located in
the large L t* L Market building
at t5‘)l Willamette Si . but the
space isn't lug enough said cafe
manager Marge Hoff Another
problem is that while the c.afe
might consider staying open
late, the market's other busi
nesses would not. A second
drawback is that every noise in
the building clashes into a ca
If a cafe does have the right
atmosphere, making entertain
ment profitable is a set ond ob
stacle, espiK tally when the es
tablishment does not serve al
Dean said bis original goal
was for the entertainment to
break even. The benefit is that
more people now go to the cafe
for lunch, the cafe's profit cen
"Before the music, the cafe
wasn't breaking oven," Dean
said "Now overall profits are
2850 Willamette
two fiujtjr 4 li .oiiol
1 „i
StTlI i.J t *. II » 1
& Bii CHLZ
' fli 111 C ilio! 1T0 i
1 • M j /. . ‘i. -• V*
1/2 OFF
Cover Charge Coupon
(Jiggles Junior)
Totally Nude Dancers
2175 West 11th
Next door to Jiggles
Open at 5:00 p.m. daily
1 per person. 18 years and older to get in. Expires 12-31-92
Hut Delbert's is more than its
entertainment. It is also a fami
ly operation. -Delbert's wife
Misa manages the Smith Fami
ly bookstores Their son Joe
manages the family's three
buildings Daughters Fvon and
Warv work part-time at the
bookstores while going to
school. Dean's wife, Michelle,
manages the bookkeeping.
Delbert bought a defunct
bookstore for $1,100 and start
ed the original Smith Family
Books while studying history at
the University When he gradu
ated in 1 BOO, he sold the book
store and got a jot) as u brick
Several years later, the
Smiths bought the building at
708 F 13th Ave. in 1976 and
started the Smith Family Book
store on campus.
“My philosophy is that I start
out somewhere and keep doing
whatever works." Delbert said.
"I've never been afraid to take a
gamble. If it doesn't work. I'll
junk it and start again.
"Now my great thing in life is
making soup."
1 720 E. 13th
across from Sacred Heart
The Best Espresso Drinks
This Side of the Big Boot'
r— pOppi*/—s
The Land East'
Gr«ck b Indian food
Winter Hours
Mon.-Thurs. 1130-930
Fri. & Sit 1130-4000
Sun. 5004000
992 Willamette
Eugene Or 97401
L 343-9661