Soap star to suds with students Antonio Sabato Jr., who plays Jagger Cates on General Hospital, will greet Oregon football fans Saturday at a tailgate party hosted by ABC in the parking lot of Autzen Stadium. All students are invited to the party. Before the game, students can enter a sweep stakes drawing for a SI.000 and a behind-the-scenes tour for two at the ABC Daytime studios In New York. Sabato will announce the winners at halftime. Sahato's appearance is part of ABC's seven-campus pro motional tour, "In the Flesh." which is designed to attract college students to its soap operas. "College students lovo to watch soaps in thoir sparo time, so we wanted to bring our soaps and stars to ma)or campuses this fall." said Regi on DiMurino, director of mar keting services for Daytime Programs, in a press release "Our ‘In the Flesh’ tour Is a unique way to reach hundreds of thousands of college stu dents with a fun, memorable evont. judging by the response we’ve already hud from the schools Involved, this is an event that people will be tatt ing about long after they've forgotten the score of the big game." Other universities partici pating in the tour include Washington Stale. Purdue, Kent Slate and the University of Kansas. ABCs promotional actors include Walt Willey (Jackson Montgomery. All My Children), James DePaiva (Max Holden. One Life to Antonio Saba to Jr. Live) and James Klbord (Trev or Dillon. Ml My Children) ET ALS \ftxnNC3 student I'mitntly NcUUtwi C «>«■*< il will hftVi 4 Mom* oming iVp Rally today at WDpm in the EMI (.ounyard For more information call. 1\07 Irumdt of the I »hrar> will tpontor 4 (•< tufe by Mary Mcttrtde. titled. 'The Challenge of St t«m •-Kk u«n" Sunday at 2 Pm (n the 1« tur* hail of the KlifiM rublt« ibrary For more information, cal’ 4H4 i?«w Canter for I if* will prmwnt a play tided "A Sen** of Wofid*f Sunday at 7 i«> pm in (ATT Auditorium. Anal* tl*U for more in for matt an. call 14(1 4.177 Mudrnl* for (Iioh ewlM have rlinii («oM training today ham 10 am to 1* tun in th* f WI Walnut Room For mom information, c all »4« ONU Saltlepiadv will have a free Wood » Itfil*. today from H» a m to 4 pm in th* FMVJ lobby For more information »*i! t4i »v*»4 l‘*uHy Club will moot for an AftiiH Hrarption Svw.aan Fern* Water* olnra amt Colored Pencil'* today from 4 p m to 7pm at th* Collier Mmjw lor mot* information, call 14« sjfWi Muerutn of Natural lllatory will have Don IVu mo mi. Unlveratly anthropology profoaaor. «;irak at tu noon l« turn today from 12 IS pm to \ IS pm at th« MuMum of Natural Mlitoiy Far more information, call t4o k»24 ( ampui Planning < nmimtlmwlli have an organ national maetlnr today from u it) a m to 11 a rn in KMl - (edar K<> >mi A and H KU.ICION ( atholu Nrwnun C.enter will have ma**?* Saturday at * p m and on Sunday at t» a m. M a m . ? JO tim and 10 p m F«f mam information. < all Ml ’021 ( ( hrtMi*n l«lb«*Kipwlll m«?l for piraa and Mlowthip Saturday at ft pm at fra*k Town Ptii4 Franklin Blvd Km mom inlMttuiUnft, rail W t JM® MISOLLANFt H S Temple Beth luwl OOhf will have Hie Set on a Annual Haktvw Marathon Sunday at tempi* Hath Itrael Kahhi Myron K inborn will Unxit on "Maitanni the U*»i« * For mom information.» ail 4AS 7l\6 (•amrt a SwMt will moot today for an • dvarued vquad loader demonstration Sunday at 12 *> pm in 10** Kenton For more information. * »Ji WWI 5*M4 Nramm tenter will have art AIDS Benefit Sunday from 2 pm to 4 pm Kor more information, t all >4 t 7021 llillelwitl have a S h ah ha t Dinner (pot luck) today at 7 p m at Lynn’*. 1 in hintftm Ave For mom information > all t4 t M2ii Of 4*4 \tl>4 [tonfhno for utbrnitling h't A/m to tbo Kmutald front KV# ( Suita M), t« noon the da» N*/i)fp pub I it rlion 1'ho newt editor due* nor bar a time m* Arne Kl Alt run tbo dav of the ewnr union the tfvofli (ale* pi mo fwfuto UlM*n Sotiio* of event* tairA a dotnuort or sdmfttion ih*rgo ♦*»// not bo a*« rptod (junput event* and thoto u A**du/ed nourmt lbo pvblHMIon date* wt/f /** given priority Iho Fmerald mvrve* r/m right to edit /•»/ grammar and *t>/e K.t A/t run on a i/*m* aval/ah/e 6*111 Mandarin • Cantonesa • Szechuan uan THftftfcagMflg or Cfvnslm#* p«*v 7.95 1775 W 6th • Eugene 484-6496 No MSG 100% Veg Oil KARAOKE 2,300 songs to choose from. American, Chinese, Japanese, Korean. All ages admitted. Thursday-Saturday 8pm-Midnight Dim Sum Sat. 11:30 am-2:30 pm VXnfilt tmwmt turmy Dwtry* mastiff imni»«*»»owipmi H f' S Tin IMm4 %mwt* If****5 tmrnitmtux tC*Hn« twxMlwtno 2«M# Omp t'M fena hua •«* IIIIR I.M11 ffi ff ■ l*l 9f tkomm* Im *tc« •«* SffT immici*>»« fm FREE Delivery on $15 or more everyday from 5-9:30pm r v Mid-Fall Term Student Special No Initiation Fee • State of the arl Cybex, Weight Room Equipment and Free Weights. • Over 40 Aerobic classes a week, including Bench and Circuit Classes • Close to Bike and Running Trails • Personal Training. • Aerobic Equipment includes, Stairmasters. Bikes, Treadmills and Rowers • Quality Discount Suppliments • Childcare available •Southside Fitness On the corner of Willamette and 27th Ave. • 687-2200 Cooking with a Social Conscience Nurturing your health while supporting the earth1 1% Soles tor Ecology 4 Hunger Protects 'The more you eat the more we give' • Jan's Salsa w/ Organic tomatoes • Marinara Sauce w/ Organic tomatoes • 3 Bean, Black Bean & Chili Bean Dip w/ Organically grown beans Emerald Valley Kitchen products are available at your favorite quality food stores Available in the EMU September 21st! EARN EXTRA CASH! The U of O Student Health Center is currently seeking CERTIFIED CPR INSTRUCTORS to teach CPR workshops. • Applicants should be U of O students • Time commitment: 4-hour workshops Contact Joanne Frank: 346-2728 at the Student Health Center. Call by Fit, Dec. 4, to make an appointment. Hiring for Winter term! WOMEN,WEIGHT and FOOD ISSUES A non-credit group discussion workshop which will cover various topics about women and their bodies, fitness, nutrition, weight management, and topics chosen according to the group’s interests. Every Tuesday now through Tuesday, Nov. 24 Meetings held from 3:30 to 4:30pm downstairs in the Student Health Center Medical Library. Space is limited, so please call to preregister at 346-4456. S|X>IK.*C