Brand, ASUO call for calm over mustache issue If you thought the now-famous Clinton/Corn quick-re sponse team operating out of the "War Room" In Lit tle Rock. Ark. was fast, you haven't iioen paying at tention to University politics The ASUO and University President Myles Brand called a press conference Thursday to nip In the hud a controversy concerning the facial hair of the University administration's top banana. The confab of politicos and hluhor-ups was respond ing lo a lottnr printed in Thursday's Emerald railing for an end to the "madness" surrounding the Brand mustache question in the letter, failed ASUO presi dential candidate Chris Phans called on current student leaders Bobby Let? and Karmen I'oro to take a stand on the tough issue of presi dential facial hair The ASUO did. saying the stu dent government supports every one's right to choice, including of Brand's facial hair. But Loo refused to slam the door completely shut on the issue by adding. "Whether or not his choice wise is another question.” Whew, these kids are quick. The "Myles Brand mustache question," .is I’haris so eloquently coined it, got its beginnings in an Emerald “Streetwise” printed on Page 6 of the Nov 2 Issue The person-on-the-s tree l piece posed the question. "Do you like President Myles Brand better with or without his mustache?” It was an irreverent and silly question designed to add a light moment to the stressful and tension-filled day before the climax of this stressful and tension tilled election year. It was a joke. University President Myles Brend (left) end ASUO President Bobby Lee met with reporters Thursdey to explain the mustache-removal phenomenon. But reflecting the oft-times iai k of humor pervasive on this campus, several respondents used the opportu nity to be downright hostile toward Brand and ins fa cial-hutr decisions Lee took offense "There have iieen too many flouting rumors and out right speculations on the topic, and it would appear our University is bitterly torn on this hotbed of controver sy." Lee said as he stood on the steps of Johnson Hall "To all those students planning to rum Homecoming this weekend by rioting and attempting a hostile take over of Johnson Hull: Please, let's see tins through to gether.’’ I believe Lee was being sarcustii . hut having listened to ins speeches on other Issues, it's hard to sav (or sure For his part. Drum! appeared to ini distancing himself from the controversy by Invoking the supernatural "Last year my wife and 1 were hiking in Sonora, Ari zona." Brand said "It turns out to lie the center for New Age ( New Age. folks, last repeated for emphasis ). We were walking in the woods minding our own business and we came across a vortex 1 knew it was a vortex be cause of all the carvings on the tree, and there was a cir cln of ro_ks "A vortex is ti place in tin1 universe whew •ill the energy is fo cused I walked Into the middle of the vortex kidding around and making jokes." he said '' T w o d ays I a I e r I shaved my mustache " Insert theme from Twlliflht /.one here The vortex Uh, huh Sure This might ex plain why the athlete ‘Some people don't have a (facial-hair) choice. Like me. So others are fortunate to have a choice.' Bobby Lee, ASUO president urjj.irimrm * i u nap ^ pirns” slogan for lhi> lwisW«-rb«ilI team was mil killed while Mill in tlir hriiinsiormlng stage Hut Lee pressed on liirlorn sui:h questions could In' asked "l.i-t's one tiling i lear. I,re said "Some people don't have a (facial-hair) t hole e lake me So others are fortunate to have a choice " Mrand and were also going to go on and offer so lutions to the issues ol |olrs \s spotted owls, welfare re form, health rare legislation and the environment, hut I wanted to get hei k to the oltu r and listen to niv Duls\ Chainsaw tape, so I left I’.il Miilinh is t'tlllor ut f/ii'l merald ID TTERS Enemy mine Public Enemy is arguably one of the best rap groups over. l>o ing both original anti innova tive They draw thousands to concerts across the country. They also have a member who is virulently anti-Semitic. And they're coming to the EMU Ball mom stxin I hope we don't forget their antl-|owlsh sentiment when they come. Prof. Criff of Public Enemy has said, "the majority of wicked ness that goes on across the globe" is the fault of jews, and Jews "have a grip on America." He said "the Jews come against me they can send their faggot little hit men I mean that don't move me." He also has in a May 22, 1‘JH‘I Washington Timas inter view, created a linguistics and philosophy argument, for he stated, "is it a coincidence that the Jews run tlw jewelry busi ness. ami it's named Jew elry? No coincidence " They might make great mu sic, they might stand up to the "white power structures of the United Stales of AmerlKKKA!" But they do so at the expense of Jews, and in my book, that "ain’t cool." Though they tried several years ago to distance them selves from this hate speech, Griff and Public Enemy carry the same message I hope you will take a moment to think about it Jonah Bookstain Jewish Studant Union Clearing up i <>iii writing to c dear up mis conceptions from last year's budget process with regards to funding for the EMU. There has been some discussion about the EMU administration electing to cut student jobs in order to save their own This isn't so The EMU Board of Directors requested last March from the IFC a budget quote that would allow us to prepare a budget that met their income projec tion They refused to give us a firm number until two weeks before our budget wuis due for review in May At that time, they gave us a quote which, due to mandated state salary increases, required us to either consider closing the building or laying oil people in order to meet this budget quote We i hose to consider hiving off student employees and have since been blamed Our recommendation for our budget did not include any stu dent layoffs We recommended cuts to programs where we fell they would not overly impair student access or adversely af fect large portions of the stu dent (tody. We felt we hail pre pared a gocal budget proposal. This proposal was ignored by the IIC and replaced with terms we could not meet with out hurting people. It was never our intention to hurt people 1 Jon Organ Political aclanca It's not over Todd Motion's (()l)i:, Nov f>), twrli. f that "it's ovor" iiflor tho election results uro in couldn't lie further from iho irulh It's lust licginning Clinton's tigondii is for chan go That moans work and action iho (K!A Inis a now agenda li Is not stopping to rost Wo can't sit buck and srnilo thinking tho issues uro "hopefully resolved." Tho elections are ovor. I ugroe, but lot's prove our point and lot our post-election ac tion* rufloct our powerful vote Morgan Fisher Anthropology Glasses/Contacts/Exams Complete lab on premises for fast service rainbow optics 343-5555 1740 West 18th lust wt-.t nt Chambers m 343-3333 766 E. 13th Ave. One bk* W trom L ot O USSm Hours M-F ‘iam-ftpm. Sat Kam-5pmSBB It's Coming!