11S TYPING SERVICES TMt WORD SPECIALISTS Word Proc—»«ng * f>««Op PutttftNng Grad School A^yovocJ l *m* ptaukj orW'^g, grap*<% Otvutnmom. IhNM. '•wn* trar+pmanom 4 mor»' CINDY 444 44M TYPING UNUMITED Barbara Land “* MM 143 S«rv«ng UO n«M vnca 1981 344-4510 quality womi r«fn d/ouncJ I '«*> campt* pcx Printed tent to computer hies BBEJEEBOB 7J7 4i89-)lior'■ iun*H A6o carnotm and tattoo* Boy «n*J So*< Cantor36* W 5»h Kayak for tala ' btrgiasi* good cond {>«*#« vk.n too? baot. 4500 Ctrti Maul 144 5613 Or 346 JfWtJ iik# r*#«*' AMI A ‘ A HUrM 4595 669 9453 I < ; / ,v / /. f m / ,v s *> NCORI-: CASH FOR 501 LEVIS I Ml UittamcMc V4 * CASH FOW UVt 501 JtANS Wm< S./e* ?? 40 up to $iC <**cr (OoporxJ 'VJ on St/OCOncMiOn) Also buying tsvi. In and Wianglar. and moforcycl# petal* Good quabry u*sd pan*, dan*m and coat a also tot sals Of*! N MS. FW. SAT 113 773 Monro# 343-4600 us CARS TRUCKS GOVtHNMCNT Sll/10 Vafw *.• _ 23 VW Bug. Na«» ang.na Wi»i tamad BotJy dam Nuw tvanav mu"VK. &a» ;<»'!•! $'200 342 2290 Ti MavartcA. muaa gtaao. rvn» 0°°° »soc_«n soec (1 Volvo No CK' Hat) »nr< AM 1 M ate mach. Ddy gd 46) OSes. Maaihai *3000 otw )SS BICYCLES GIANT Mm M«. tSI meh frama, graal oontMMn. 2 yn old STM ate. BBaty 144*4302 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS FrM Soft l« Bom T*a«*«» on Mac pottcal mxmvry t lang tain Jap E rg Span Kounqo Cat »g> 6454 ^ l era-cost non) proomac n pout) coo (Mor. Panatonc nnw S496 vk|’.’4 Mf tuae__ __ RENT MY MAC . wwrtamni toppy MftYnonm ana '00X erwW toward* MW porenaaa pnea 4«M 9B?6 1 ro SOUND SYSTEMS CASH'" Wa puy ca»t and »arv«ca VtlS VCFT» and unroot TNynpacm naettomea ny?Oa» >4>8?r> KARAOKE TAPES A RENTAIS Tapa Syttan IWMJay laaatdtac Syatam irvday Sound InvaaMnanla ■ M7-7HO STEREO Ou* intaati* oac# "want; raonrvor. two #po*a#r». arcnaam condition 1500 ooo >44 0H?t JOnnrtor 165 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS T«u Corr,»r,i*.-rt l oc AtKvn* 754 I 1*h 575 WtH*m#fi* (CRrrvpuSJ (dOWTOOWT) MS 1551 141-4717 BUYING HOURS ti.7 5.M7 5 2. &« Smith Family Books! or a luveat In your futura with ODE Ad vert lain* it Hi Xl trjkJ. MUk TV* « t) OCpOtMC WAT ? * v •• ns *drt prc*JWft <3# *» «r*l */< r r ^*r«-** Rrtiut* • tr*»if • JrtUaJ • fraact * UFsuwr * (aU* RUt1 * Jamaica * I wAdftidi aiW Nrv ItaLand See us ai the Qtrwr fair TODAY M the Memorial I num Tar mart info Call Can# of Travel at UKNIItH A tr***» 4i*tti*A ml Um Consol on tnumitioojl l4vciUMii lifMnft too RIDES 4 RIDERS N—d rkM 10 KMhtm kfctfto for T MirvMhg.vrvg Cm p»y pas A'xlK* «!«*• 14*9!K>4 205 OPPORTUNITIES Attn a« ASUO Program* 9? «3 Birdgat Parkatt arn now rtvasiatwi m ASUO I ■« Sort# 4 I MU l a&i day to po thorn up r, Nov 6 Ovroctronyt Cat* Marna. 346 3,*?4____ Coltaga Scholarahtpa S’a'-1* nr*! loans ,1.0 -iUmi to Irttahman thnxgh gradual# Undents' FWunwal rnnt*aga 5--w» Oat mis t 800 644 4061 205 OPPORTUNITIES m OPPORTUNITIES GRANTS SC WOt AR SHIPS IVvm' /«d corr {yjSMt I nmi *nto w*«o Monwy f or Cottog* ?«V Wr^iamwtto tin, lug«n« OR 074OS Of carf> 3424103 Join my tend* Acoustic ioua4 CcW J—Oft, 144 H4I NON 7RAOT7IONA1 STUOCNTS A-# you • tow income or find gonorohon (you/ gmonit o or undarmprwaontod group at tno Oworwty7 l» to you may bo ong4*o »or *r.ra lupport (TtJonng. counawAmg adv*g advocacy dOftiMo ^ wr?mg. main trtr* tnmfcmg) tfvougb that ducal oral Oppartun*«»n Program | 0*» «*» hm wn* m«M Slop m fit PI C tor «n*0rmtfg a r,.r,r*g Commurwty Integration Spac taint* to '«***»' po*«ton OOf oftem p«ud ira**ng, pot#rv.* * pO%# P*#lttma l?05 ws*lity. tt70 monthly fvtMm«MtO wMAty |i640mo*tMy Int i *«*••< cn*^», m*r>y i*mp 4 pwrn poo no *«P tym. W<3 »r**r r<*$i bourn Work m toc*i d'twt apply h*w*to‘*art*»r* CdB#*g«* Mjti&K*, mx* p*/1 !*m*» tc'yoai »«*.!■ «v«t wn# ctormg vwtiCor nom* nc7*0**rn/up* *nd g meetrng or Nov i Wb 7prr For more Mo contact th* Survival Canlo# at 14A-43S6 205 OPPORTUNITIES UNIVERSITY BOARD POSITION OPENING! On the UO Bookstore Board of Directors • Must be currently enrolled as a Junior • Must maintain a minimum 12 unit courseload • Position term-thru June 1993 Apply Upstairs at the Bookstore before 5pm Wednesday, Nov 11th For more information, call 346-4331 GIUEMEFIUE! 4 Run your "FOR SALE ad (items under $500) for 5 days . If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we'll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! Private Party Ads Only - No Refunds/Credits r * s \\ 210 HELP WANTED Earn cm* Murting tnvtofnt at homa A* "ueanaa pranaad SASf to PO Bo. DM) Sp"Vw« MO esaoi An you iiMMI i* Eteteiw Oe»l1 Tna Studan Sanaa naa uan ava* M a na toacaang (Mpn.ma)on AAA Journal am UndadwaaMuaM Social ScancaaSdancaa Graduates, aw Tna mii »>» *i pane potion* fV» U« a«(MC«iona a Suaa 4. EMU !*al a a Wad. Mm <«. SPM Oum’or»i 0M0 AM Of ATTENTION bt uQmr* IM*actV hm an opan teas on n board o» CVectare Th»» non pn>»« Sudani busmeae employ* ow SO *iudenti and 3 pro*eeaf* computer ma*man anoa *M*s m hardware and software $600-tv Call Jan^je 3*6 MM_ Work Study Student 8 is hrvws. |6 7 rv ImvaAng a*notion program nowds «&*<*: ant Rued wooden cates pack oAhpitiorm soma ofhca worn Must know power too**' Pralar Student m an romiea WM3 ua^ *«h t i?JC 225 APTS DUPLEXES 3 bdrm apt. ffiBVmo Water. sewage garbage >ncl 1 bm from campus' Also t room to rani m fabulous house 4?40 met utri ft»3?ll0 Redwood Park Apts. QuUL Country Living With City Convenience Untumlahed 1 Idww 4345, (starling Nov t) Low Ullimee On Buahna i quipped We«gN Room, Spa Wood Park 4 Playground l aundry Facttmaa Also FumHhed tulle* Studio t 4 2 BR fttoo to MTS Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to l inane For Bod, Bath 4 Kttchon On Site Management Team 4103 W. 18th 484 577S 22S APTS DUPLEXES SOUTHGATE 1180 *4 fl 2 btfnn tawnhoua# w»h IimX ban*yard • Pool and Sfena • On as* laundry Facet!** • Naar Campo* • On Bo* an* WS PaWarapnMM411 fuwOliid I bdrm «H K) aarnpu*. munrtnf dwh—»n*i dnpoui M)«N Sparkling 2nd Door ’ w«n apt m qu> a> xmaga tarm houa*. dac* Wrg* y*ra on tnka rout* lo UO. law* «*a country no par* tJgO'mo 3*5 5715 Smdln- 7 norm Bvaptatna Nov 1 iSm * »*ly*rd «M •t ACKSTONi MANOR 1750 AO* a Across »*om U o' O t ffymry A Tann«* furr2tx*m, $405 AVAHAfilF MOW' Gowod parking saondry Mow y apl <3. 1 5 p m Campus Apartmants FufMlwd 14? Badrooms F«M mat |37St4S0 A«5 2823 (jHawitAlpa «r*« mA< In ilu Qriyan ^Emerald SPniNcrifLO 15? South 53rd OomM smafl building 7 Bdnfl* $390 118 C Straat 1 oadroom laundry 5300 No pat* Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES M5 W idth 888-1130 Forest villagt? APABlHtNIS L QUIET, QUIET, QUIET Enjoy s^e baauly o- woods and w ‘d: fc* In super floor plan 2 BEDROOMS V ? BATH • Bus io Campus • Swtmnung Poof • W«*gfU?50-,mo Can 445 6099_ ITTAnonlh, urttias tndudad V? 0*00 from campus 466 85/4 iaava maa saga 24i ROOMS Furn rm in prtvaJa hom# U* *nd S?63-*no A» aman;i«s. ca»Wa TV m room F rwnay a’maspno't* 485 6/47 Spacious townHouaa io snara m Sp«ta OuaM. ulrt pd $245 pros $'5C dap Can Jaw. 744 1390 2S0 DORM CONTRACTS I II ghra you $50 ’0 '.aka fry dorm o»*rad1 Caii 34? 338/ $200 Total' Wo w award $100 aac* IO two of our contracts t you !«*• Ov*r w*run two waahs* Can anyitma 346 9688 or 348 9649 290 CAMPUS EVENTS m ROOMMATES WANTED Outat. roaponaibta "txjmm** t?«C piu% 1/4 dt-m-m largo 3 Bod'OOt* apt. many MHI1 CtM 484 9618. r* mag Roonmili to th*tt 3 tovmftouaa 3 mitaa to campiia. non vtxm> BiatMUd, too 344 OWC__ RoonntM won tod to «i*« 3 BatJtoom nouaa m Gataoay atoa. "*m 1X0 . f toe (Mo Cob J*6 2*W> jesCLUB SPORTS ATTFNTION CYCtWTS! Wmtat mooting tot pro aoaaon planning Wo ant! moot m f MU Cotvtt Rm C t D at 7pm promt* ly Help Establish FOQTBAG CLUB SPORT Otgontiattonol mooting. 7pm Nov 9 Cottar Rm F Bogtnnor* tncouttgod! Details 4*4-6993 SNOWBOARD CLUB Moating Mandatory" Nov 9 6pm EMU Codar F. 0 a? Laa 6*7-967* 290 CAMPUS EVENTS FRESHMAN SEMINARS PRE-REGISTRATION FOR WINTER TERM Monday, Nov.9 through Friday, Nov. 13 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 364 Oregon Hall 346-1136 295 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT at lbO HLU ••A COCMKVKD MAMIRPIICir 7:30 pm \ MASH * * * * A w BnM CouHv/nuAM fmtt! 9:45 pm fturSilkrs cr. '^pwi> 5w/t pi ‘The ‘Magic Christian S2 studenls w ID. S3 GP double le.iture: S1 more 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Thursday, November 12, 1992 10:00 a.m.-l:15 p.m. Cassanova Center Theatre Room Seating in the Theatre Room ui limited to 100 people, feign language interpretation will he provided No fowl or drink, plt&aac. Spemaored by the UniMrsity oj (^re yon 6$*er °f t^e Pean of Students and OfftU ofHuman Resources, and the Nat until \tsmtalum if Student Personnel Administrators