President Bush vetoes $27 billion urban aid, tax bill NATIONAL WASHINGTON (AIM — l’rf!sid«nt Hush on Wednesday mado gelluvos in him onough to invest in a few bumper stickers." Perot held up one of the stickers, which read "Perot in '96," during his election night party at a North Dallas hotel. But Perot, who made no pub •Ross Pent has got a gnat following. Somebody believes In him enough to Invest In a few bumper stickers — Orson Swindle, United We Stand. America lie appearance Wednesday, was typically ambiguous about his political future: "If by 1996, every place I go, the only thing 1 can find is American-made cars to put on that bumper sticker, well they've cleaned out the barn, right?" Swindle said ho expected Perot, to finance United We Stand until it became self-sup porting Most incumbents get another term WASHINGTON (AIM - The tidal wave of untl incumbnncy never materialized but many of the two dozen House members and three senators swept out of office were dogged by puraona! scan dais or stigmatized by voter anger over ofTicial benefits. "I could not sustain tho tremendous amount of publicity that went against me,'' said Rep Albert Bustamante, D-Tex , after his eight-year tenure in Congress was ended on Tuesday Never mind the garbled syntax The message was still dear Bustamante was defeated by Republican Henry Bonillu. a 38-year-old television producer who hammered away at the San Antonio incumbent s alleged ethical shortcomings and his 30 bad checks at the Houso (rank. A federal grand jury, yot to hand up an indict ment. has boon investigating Bustamante for throe years. "What (votnrs) saw on tho other side was a guy talking about positive issues,” Bonilla said. Kcdistrictlng played a key role In removing oth ers from office, including former professional bas ketball player. Rep. Tom McMillen, D-Md. Others who lost in races that pitied them against fellow incumbents in redrawn districts were Reps. Ron Marlenoo, R-Monl.; David Nagle, D-towa; Jerry Huckaby, D-La.; and Clyde Hollo way. R-La., But about 93 percent of the 349 incumbents spoking re-election won — nearly equaling the 95 percent or better success rate incumbents general ly enjoy. Prominent casualties in House races included Rep Thomas Downey, D-N.Y.. a member of the post-Watorgate class of 1974 but writer of 151 overdrafts at the House bank; Rep. Nicholas Mav roulos. DM ass., indicted on racketeering and oth er charges In August; and Rep. Mary Rose Oakar. D-Ohio. tainted by 213 had checks and moved into an unfamiliar suburban district outside her Cleveland base. There will be at least 110 new faces in the 435 member body come January. But Democrats re tained their hold, apparently losing only nine seats from their current 268. In Arizona, Republican Rep. Jay Rhodes was hurt by the House banking scandal but also seemed to suffer from his hardline stand against abortion. Rhodes lost to Democrat Sam Coppersmith in a heavily Republican district. Coppersmith distrib uted a flier in the campaign's final days that showed a woman crying beneath the caption, "Congressman Rhodes wants to make abortion il legal — even if a woman is a victim of incest or rape. Congressman Jay Rhodes wants to make her a criminal." Losses for Senate incumbents were few and far between, and there was no evidence of a pattern. FREE SMALL l SANDWICH n SaAIMOWICHES With the purchase of another sandwich. After 4 00 p.m. (Offer good for small sandwich only) FREE DELIVERY (Evenings & Weekends) 344-1949 Across from u of 0 Bookstore Offer etpires IT 20 92 q&s- $3.69 Lunch special SANDWICHES Any small sandwich and soup of the day FREE DELIVERY (Evenings S. Weekends) 344-1949 Across from u of 0 Bookstore Offer eipires 11 50 92 J CUSTOM POINTED T-SHIRTS Lowest Ratesi